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First timer here got some good questions!! Thanks guys


I am useing Miracle Grow organic and perlite and spaghtum peat moss mix.
I bought my PH tester from Lowes it was like 6$ and it like this huge probe thing that just says to stick it in the soil and it will read it. I am not sure how accurate it is.
The ph meter is a Mosserlee thing.
It is reading the PH at around 6.7-6.8 almost 7.
I was wondering if this would cause my plants to experince any negative effects? and also should i just get a new ph meter?

It is a Hindu Kush and a Sour cream just under 2 4 foot flourecents in 5 gallon buckets.
Obvioulsy my first grow.
And also can someone please tell me how dangerous it is to post on here?
Thank you


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
test the ph of your water/nutrient mix, test the runoff

as far as security, just dont be dumb and put your fingerprints in the photos, or your face, and don't give any identification in your posts and you should be good. I'm not calling you out or anything, but if you have 2 plants under floros, i think you're ok...the dea isn't going to bust down your door lol

if you're still worried/paranoid, download a proxy!

good luck man


spend the money on a good quality pH meter. you'll probably spend 50-100 in your hydro store, but you can find them cheaper on ebay. you want the digital pen kind. the soil probe kind you currently own has time and time again proven to be crap. spend the money now before you run into problems and end up buying it later. just my personal advice.

also, drop the miracle grow and use a peat/perlite/worm castings/dolomite soilless mix (many, many recipes can be found all over this site, my favorite is LC's mix #1). you can probably find a premade mix of something very similar at your local garden store. i use sunshine mix #4 with a little extra perlite.

its not dangerous to post here. just never ever say anything or post any pictures with anything revealing about your identity or location. again, there are many threads here asking the same thing. look for the 'search' function. instead of searching by post content, search by titles only, and you'll get more relevant results.

good luck.


Thank you guys. Yea I figured that about the PH tester.
Yea if the DEa really decides they want my 2 plants that bad... then all they need to do is knock I will give them to them hahahaha


How did your AA meeting go? Sure seems that you have recovered enough to consider growing lol


well the Librium is working really good and i am nearing the end of my detox. So today is going good so far.
I have been growing. hahah before i went through that whole problem. My mothers are about a month old!

EDIT: I told you as soon as the detox was over with I am moving on with my life im not letting that be something I dwell on forever. AA meetings would just always remind me of how horrible it was and stuff. I am just moving on and making a promise to myself that I will not drink again. I know it is easier said that done but I can do it.


Active member
good call...

good call...

spend the money on a good quality pH meter. you'll probably spend 50-100 in your hydro store, but you can find them cheaper on ebay. you want the digital pen kind. the soil probe kind you currently own has time and time again proven to be crap. spend the money now before you run into problems and end up buying it later. just my personal advice.

also, drop the miracle grow and use a peat/perlite/worm castings/dolomite soilless mix (many, many recipes can be found all over this site, my favorite is LC's mix #1). you can probably find a premade mix of something very similar at your local garden store. i use sunshine mix #4 with a little extra perlite.

its not dangerous to post here. just never ever say anything or post any pictures with anything revealing about your identity or location. again, there are many threads here asking the same thing. look for the 'search' function. instead of searching by post content, search by titles only, and you'll get more relevant results.

good luck.

get your $$ back for the pH meter if you can...they are worthless.

don't overwater the plants.

read up, all the info is here!!

be smart...cover the grow from the senses...cover the smell, hide it from site...keep it as quiet as possible...

don't tell anybody.:noway:

welcome aboard.


Thanks sleepy. Yes I have done MASSIVE hours of just surfing this site and reading every grow I have come across.
I would like to post a picture of my setup but is it safe? I mean of course I will not be in the picture.


Wanna hear my funny growing story of how i started?
Well here it goes.
Ok so first things first me and my room mate have a 3 bedroom house and a spare bedroom. So we get the idea to start a grow in it and stuff so we got some seeds off line. 30$ haha
Hindu kush and some free bies sour cream. I germinated them over night in some tap water and then put them in jiffy seed starter things. I got from lowes. Then we wanted to go all HYDRO and stuff so I did a ton of research and was going to setup a bio bucket set up.
So we got online and ordered some rockwool and we tryed toset up a grow like MR Greens on youtube.
Uterfailure. Wasted so much money on that crap.
The funny thing is I cut like 6x8 cubes of rock wool and then cut a Jiffy seed starter size hole in the rock wool and put it right in it hahahaha
So the plants then sat in nothing but the rockwool for 2 weeks until the roots started coming out the bottom. Then I bought some of those hydroton clay pellets and put it in a small planting bucket thing and was watering it with tap water hahah
All of this just under 2 4 foot flours. it gets worse!
So now my only 2 plants left are suffering from all kinds of problems. Yellowing leafs, etc. So i put some miracle grow in a spray bottle and tried to water then on the leafs and Nut burned half the sour creams leafs right off.
So then we decided that hydro was not for us and moved to soil. Now we have a lot better looking setup but still not pro like you guys.


Active member
Thanks sleepy. Yes I have done MASSIVE hours of just surfing this site and reading every grow I have come across.
I would like to post a picture of my setup but is it safe? I mean of course I will not be in the picture.

yes, it is safe...just be smart about it...don't have your mail in plain view when you snap the pic...

its up to you, when you feel it is safe, post up.

it took me a while too...

now look at me!



Overkill is under-rated.
Yeah, your first run you weren't adding badly-needed nutes to the tap water, and then the miracle grow foliar spray was way too strong, I use 1/2 strength water from my reservoirs to foliar spray, it must be very weak!

Also, you won't get much bud flowering with fluorescents, it's just not very intense light. Can you pick up a 400W HPS?


I would for sure have to order it off the internet. The flouros are just for the VEG/mother room. Gonna try to do 2x 600 watt HPS for Flowering. I have moved to compltely soil now so I imagine i will try to learn as I go!
yea these guys that have already commented know there stuff and dont mind helping. soil is alot more forgiving than hydro. if ya have a local store they can hook ya up with a good selections of nutes and if ya have the money a good tester is a good investment ya can get some that hve ph and ppm all in one. if ta decide to go hydro later ya can always throw so soil in there as a back up. good luck and i dont blame ya for being worried about posting hell im still scared to put up pics etc... good luck


I live in the bible belt. If someone put a hydro store here the christians would like burn it down and then beat the owner with the bible and be like you DEVIL!


Overkill is under-rated.
LOL, good one JBK, the double 600's sound great, and I agree with stillsmokin83, soil is tons easier. I've done every system except NFT, and so far nothing has beat my yields in soil.


Welcome JB!!!

That first attempt sounds like it was a real adventure!!! But the important thing is you learned some of what not to do, right? So it was not a total waste...

You also seem to have found this place, and these guys will hook you up with the right scoop to get you straight. Money doesn't seem to be an issue with you, so I would advise you to read as much here as you can, follow some other grows and try to do what they do. I am on a pretty strict budget (my old lady is somewhat sketchy about this proposition, but all I had to do was explain how a three or four hundred dollar inital investment would prevent me from spending 200 or 300 a month in weed... she's a lot cooler with it now:abduct:) so I have to keep things on the cheap cheap. I figure I'll make it back eventually... Anyway, search closet grow, lighting and ventilation issues, etc on Google and you will find most of what you need. All I can say from a rookie in his first week of soil growing in a closet is that you seem to get out of this what you put in... meaning if you can afford to do it, then try your best to do it the best you can. If you can't afford it, then improvise... the shit always seems to work out the way it should.

I am slowly realizing that things like type and mix of soil, temperature, pH, watering frequency and resisting the temptation to over nute, and then eventually ventilation and odor control (especially this... I am getting pretty read up on this topic because I cannot afford to smell up my house. My old lady will have a straight fit of shit if she comes in and smells the dankness... the idea of getting busted pales to one of her tizzys! Hell send me to county for a minute, please!) are hella important... I learned all this here and on the web.

Good luck to you my man, we are gonna work this shit out together for sure.



For sure man for sure. Yea everyone on this site seems pretty awesome so far. It is sad to think some LEO's are creeping around though. I wonder if they really believe that weed is so bad they need to spend millions trying to prevent it.


Overkill is under-rated.
Yep, they can't get a warrant for anything on this site, since its hosted in the 'Dam. They want to mine this site for info though, so be careful about your details and pics. I'd hate to think of cops trolling this site for more info on grow rooms and how to catch them, BRRRR