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First timer help....


Hi i have been cruising this site for a while and i have a few pictures of my buddies plants. I was hoping someone could tell me what is wrong with the plants...
It is almost 1 month veg under 6 26watt (actual watts) later going under 6 42watt (actual watts)

The temps are around 75 F and about 30-40 humidity.
The leaves one the cardboard have been trimmed off the bottom of the plants...
the soil is regular Schultz soil with the water crystals, perlite and currently there there are no nutes going in.... except my friend mixed half a banana 1 egg yolk and a pinch of coffee grounds in a small amount when he watered once but the problem was there before he added the mix... I am not sure on the PH of the water ( i know its important) im using Nestle Pure life bottled water.
BTW its a micro grow rubbermaid 20 gallon style
Also the strain is NL-99 (northern lights x C99) from joeys weed, has anyone had the same type pheno as mine and how was the high (couch lock or body stone or head high... mixed...???)
Thanks for your future help guys:dance013:


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Looks like a N def with other minor deficiencies. Could it be rootbound? if not check the ph of his runoff, should be close to 7. I'd recommend not pulling those leaves off till they are completely yellowed and basically fall right off when you tug on them. The reason leaves turn yellow is because the plant can't get the necessary nutrients from the soil (for whatever reason) so the plant begins to cannibalize itself, eating the stored nitrogen in it's leaves, thus turning them yellow. By removing the leaves before the plant has a chance to "eat" all the nitrogen in them, the problem will just spread to other leaves. So basically, tearing leaves off with that much green left in them is just escalating the problem and making it spread. Might want to give a light dose of nutes or transplant.

Looking at it again it could be from overwatering, the way your friends plant looks all droopy and has multiple deficiencies. Make sure to let her dry out all the way before watering. Lift up that pot each time you/ he waters and get used to the weight difference of it being dry vs. wet. After a few waterings you will be able to easily tell if it needs water by just tilting the pot to the side.

Good luck.

Posting his plant problems in the infirmary will get better advice though :)


Also is the size of the plant alright for about 3 and a half weeks/ 1month ......i thought it was N def. but wasnt 100% sure because it seemed like there was more wrong with it... thanks for the quick reply, any other replies would be great too :smokeit:


yeh that size of growth for a month looks pretty good to me.

and you're right there is a little more then just N going on, like minor K and Mg def....usually rootbound plants, bad ph, or overwatering can cause multiple symptoms like that.

(I'd wait to do anything till others chime in, I might not know wtf I'm talking about :biggrin: )

mad librettist

Active member
Can you transplant to something without water crystals?

Not sure about deficiencies. I use organic living soil(less) and pH, deficiencies, etc... Are not really an issue. Sometimes I might get stressed plants after transplant. They usually do fine with time and a slurry of wormcastings.

Your plants don't look that bad.


just watch 11th hour and i recommend it for all others to watch really informative and engaging...
Thanks for the replies , Peace and love all around:smokeit: