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First time scrog help!

Just wondering when I should start my lst? I prob gonna grow them about 18" just in veg, is that when I should install the scrog and start bending them? Or should I start when there younger.

I did not top them. I have two plants 3 weeks old, about 6" tall from seedling.


I would go with topping, FIM or main lining if you are going for scrog.

Best way to get an even canopy


check out my thread. powerkush scrog. it shows how i top each plant 3 times to get 4 mains. its in this forum. you wont regret finding it. you need to use the screen during veg. its a must.
Thanks for advice everyone. I just topped the plants. So will let them grow a bit :) ibfeelblike my plants arnt as tall as most people.my bigger one is 6" where just topped, other one is 5" about. They are 3 weeks old from planting at seedling.

So once the new tops pop out, I can place the scrog in right? About 8-10" above base of plant?


Active member
You'll need to keep on top of it as you let it grow out. Last scrog I did I was lazy and its a mess! I should know better as I started out doing scrogs :)
You'll need to keep on top of it as you let it grow out. Last scrog I did I was lazy and its a mess! I should know better as I started out doing scrogs :)

Ya im self employed so im able to keep any eye on it. Im just nervous to screw it up. As i purchased a lot of stuff to get this grow going and dont really wanna mess this up lol.

Ive read a lot about it and no one is really cut and clear do this this this. I know every grow is different. But its kind of what im looking for lol.


Active member
How much plant mass did you take off? Sometimes after taking a lot off the plant, the root mass gets slightly overwatered and the leaves droop a bit. Normally catches right back up in a day or two.
How much plant mass did you take off? Sometimes after taking a lot off the plant, the root mass gets slightly overwatered and the leaves droop a bit. Normally catches right back up in a day or two.

They had just started to sprout. The tops weren't even developed, so there wasn't much takin off. There in there light off schedule right now so we will see!


Active member
During lights off my leaves droop as well. Once the lights turn back on they perk right back up.
Okay so I have to move my plant into a new room. Gonna scrog it obviously. But little confused on size. The room is 28"w X 38"L. Does that mean I should do a 28x28 scrog and center it? It's just one plant in a small rubbermaid


you should make the scrog the size you want your canopy. If you are getting into training, I'd read up about the plantgrowth hormones auxin and cytokynin and how they interact. strart the screen early. You can top as soon as the start has the same number of nodes as you'd like main branches. auxin is produced in the growing tips, in higher amounts in the top tip. It flows down the plant with gravity, supressing the growth of the nodes beneith it. Cytokynin is produced in the roots, and travels up the plant encouraging growth at the nodes and tips. Whether you lst, fim, or top, you are doing the samething, temporarily reducing the flow of auxin down the plant, allowing the cytokynin to take dominance temporarily - causing the other branches to shoot up. Different strains respond differently, some rapidly select another single dominant tip to keep growing over everything else(like my dutch treat at the moment) where others respond well with even branching. Some plants only send up 2 branches when topped, others will send the 6 nodes beneith the top up evenly. How your plant responds will infuence how intense you have to keep on training, and which meathod will work best for you.


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how big is your light? correct me if I'm wrong but if you have a 600 or 1000w you can do a 4x4 but if you're running a smaller wattage, the footprint of your light will be less which would limit you to a smaller scrog frame.
how big is your light? correct me if I'm wrong but if you have a 600 or 1000w you can do a 4x4 but if you're running a smaller wattage, the footprint of your light will be less which would limit you to a smaller scrog frame.

Gonna be running 400w led. The mars II FROM TOPLED.

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does it tell you what size canopy it covers? also, Nes's advice above explains how this works to train your plant to spread out on the screen and how you can manipulate the plant to growing in ways to fill out the canopy better.
the growweedeasy link to scrogging provided way back is a great tutorial and what I originally was going to post to show you that this is a screen to train and not a trellis to support large bushy plants, but someone beat me to it. this is the best way to effectively use your light source, probably more so for LED lights.

if the thing doesn't say, turn on your led's and see what glows purple and measure that. then take a couple inches off the edges and that is probably your canopy size which dictates your size of screen. hope that helps!
does it tell you what size canopy it covers? also, Nes's advice above explains how this works to train your plant to spread out on the screen and how you can manipulate the plant to growing in ways to fill out the canopy better.
the growweedeasy link to scrogging provided way back is a great tutorial and what I originally was going to post to show you that this is a screen to train and not a trellis to support large bushy plants, but someone beat me to it. this is the best way to effectively use your light source, probably more so for LED lights.

if the thing doesn't say, turn on your led's and see what glows purple and measure that. then take a couple inches off the edges and that is probably your canopy size which dictates your size of screen. hope that helps!

Def helps! Thank you both. The light covers 3x3 area. So I'll be perfectly fine with 28x28 scrog I'd say:) just have to keep my distance right!

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I would build a 36x36 and then train the plant to the outter edges but it still gives you some room for wild branches that just seem to want to grow (which is where Nes' advice comes in) till you get it figured out. getting mine filled up all the way without crowding certain areas is always the tricky part for me. but I really don't have that much experience scrogging and have been told it just takes time to learn and practice. what made it easy for me to situate everything and then make changes later was to not intertwine the branch with the screen but to use the screen to hold it down so I could pull the branch down and then place it where I wanted so it would grow back up again.

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