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First time outdoor grow '09. Suburbs in IL


next post you may want your title to be more generic and say "Midwestern grow". The world seems really big, but you should still try and be careful on posting locations and such. Just my two cents though.
TheSoulStealer, hello :)
correct me if I am mistaken, but I do not think one can add greencure to buds to cure them and avoid mold/fungus... the greencure is to be used while the plant is still alive; up until how many days before harvest does the bottle of greencure says it can be used anyway?

Taken from silverbacks "discussion on mold" thread:-

Hamstring - "Thanks for the info. That brings up a question in my mind anyways. Could you use this green cure to help facilitate mold-less drying in the outdoors. There have been many discussions on this forum about trying to dry outdoors and the mold issues that come with it.
Some of the obvious questions that arise are taste issues you discussed. You said it takes around 3-4 days to get rid of the salty taste. Even so it’s worth mentioning because drying outside has generated many a discussion here."

Silverback- "hamstring, Im pretty sure it would prevent mould in that instance and Ill tell you why. I use it more as a deterent than a cure. Its effects last for a couple of weeks depending on rain and dew. I spray my plants a couple of weeks before they are to finish and when the buds start to thicken and they just dont get mould. This year I intend to grow cali indica from sensi. It couldn't be grown in my climate without moulding, but Ill be able to grow it without problem using this product. I cant see any reason why that protection wouldnt last a few more days or so on the plant during the curing process, especially since it would no longer be subjected so directly to the elements while curing.. Spray the plants a week before chop and it should work fine."

Regards using a tent I think a wooden structure, like a beehive, would blend in more and serve better against moisture, you could even have a top and bottom compartment you could fill with something to absorb excess moisture ie salt, silica, rice?
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Well-known member
I have dried bud outdoors every year in the Midwest. I do it all the time but its a pain and sucks if you have large qty.

If you pick an early strain like Greens and BreederBrads gear you can finish by Sept 1st and the weather is still good and sun is strong.

Just hang it out or put it on a tarp. Hanging is better camo but a trap will dry faster because you can locate it in the sun. Small amounts (1 lb) should be fine. Can I guarantee no mold, cant do it but watch the weather. In fact don’t use the tarp because it takes much more diligence and less wiggle room for mistakes. Hanging bud dries even if a little rain gets on it (depending on temp).


leave the fan leaves on and hang the entire plant upside down. the fan leaves act as shingles and protect the bud from rain. If you get a strain that finishes by then end of September it ought to give you a couple weeks to hang/dry before the really bad weather hits.

I meant to add that if there is any mold on the plant whatsoever don't dry it outdoors. make hash out of it instead. Any mold on the plant when hung will result in a catastrophe.
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Well-known member
Doesn't drying in the sun reduce potency?

Hey bro here's what I've learned about growing weed in general. You make the best out of what you are given. You’re growing outdoors because you cant or don’t want to grow inside, my situation also. The statement in its self calls out that we most likely don’t want to dry at our living quarters either (it does for me).

So we dry outdoors and outdoors drying can be tough because we are fighting Mother Nature trying to eek out enough good weather so we don’t loose the whole crop to mold.

Mold is an outdoor growers constant companion. Molds like your little brother, you want him to stop following you around but he wont so you deal with it. So if the weather permits I use the sun to my advantage. If I hang it where it gets very little sun then I have to hope that I get 7-10 days of nice weather and in the fall its a crap shoot. In the sun I can do this in 3 days.

I like drying in some sun because any potency I loose is a fair trade off for actually harvesting the bud vs. possibly loosing it to mold.


Drying outdoors cheaply can be done by bending a sapling and tying it down. Hang your stems from the sapling and cover with some oilcloth, pup tent style. Make sure the oilcloth is secured as well. Tie the corners down with weight like rocks or bricks. You can use a heavy duty plastic tablecloth as well. You can buy those things at thrift stores cheap too. That way your buds are out of the direct sun.

Where do you plan to keep your stash? And do your smoking? How do you plan to keep the stink off you and your clothes? Who does your laundry? Who goes thru those pants pockets? Stealth is not just for growing. It's a way of life for many. BTW....do your parents monitor your internet use? Lots of programs for them to do just that.

The most important advice any of us could give you is to TELL NO ONE....ANYTHING....EVER. Hard to do when you are young and blazing with your buds. Don't learn the hard way.

The reason a dog has so many friends is that he wags his tail instead of his tongue.


Well-known member
Ok, I am a little post happy today because I figured out how to post pics again for both the ICMag Gallery & the Forum Albums.

Drying on a green tarp looks blue but is green, In the sun took 3 days to dry and I was happy with the potency. This was in ealry Sept. Strain=GG Mix

Here some weed drying on an old fence I found (any port in a storm) better air flow less sun left for 5 days still not dry had to find a shelter to finish it was around Oct 10th. Strain=(BBXNL)



Well-known member
Awesome pics! Inspiring :)

I was about to give up, but I will try what you did. No problems with mold/insects/animals?

I wouldn’t say "No problems" but as mentioned you need to keep an eye on it because mold knows where you live believe me he knows.


New member
I think for drying I will buy a green plastic tube and poke some holes in it. I'll hang the buds upside down in the closed tubs and leave them outside in the shade. Hopefully that will work.


ICMag Donor
That will not work , you need to have airflow. I would not advise drying out in the sun because of potency loss, dew and rain getting the buds soaking wet, and the chance for animal damage. I had great success this year drying under a tarp in the woods.... I would highly recommend it... On average it took 2 weeks to dry, but it is very much worth the wait, allowing the plants to dry slowly lets them cure with more moisture and gives better flavor/potency. Don't necessarily think that since you're outdoors you have to take what you can get.... :D

Check out my threads.... :smoke:


Pipeline Gardens 08




ICMag Donor
Come on over to the Hill Temple Collective forum... Follow the link in my signature. :wave:

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