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First time in cab, and only second time to grow!


Promised photos

Promised photos

I didn't realize there was a difference between the gallery and our albums. Any way, these pictures are a couple of days old now but as promised are finally here.



I come from the land where the oceans freeze
looking good. take a look at my current grow. my querkles had mutated growth when they were very young but at 5 weeks from seed, they look great. they will grow out of it


*Day 25
Temps and humidity normal. All plants were dry when tested so I gave them more water than normal. They are using more water now. I transplanted the biggest three and the roots were numerous and plenty! I think I should give the others some time before I put them in the larger dry-nute-added medium. Growth rates on the larger three seem to have exploded in the last three days, more than 1/2 an inch a day. Maybe more. I added three more 5000k 27 watt lights and spread all the lights over half the cab as the plants and pots are starting to need a little more space. i must finish the doors in the next few days to ensure these things are getting the best environment possible. I need to contruct my scrog screen next This is so exciting!

Photos of how I conducted my transplant.


Day 26 - 27
No notes

Day 28
It's been an interesting few days. I realized by observing my plants in their night phase that at least one of my plant's cycles was being thrown off my a blue LED light that is ornamental on the PC fans that exhaust the box. The other plants seemed to droop as if sleeping at night but the one directly under the reflection of the blue LED was still stretching up. For now I have placed the fans on a timer to shut along with the lights but I will have to permanently disable or block that light somehow as the fans will need to be on all of the time during the flowering phase as my fans are all on the same circuit and must be timed the same.

A friend who also grows allowed me to borrow his pH tester for awhile and so I got to experiment with that. It is a Champ by Hanna, for whatever that is worth. I used it to the best of my understanding of how I should use it to measure the pH of my grow medium but I don't know what to make of the results.

I took a small pinch of medium from the remaining plants which have not been repotted and placed it in a strainer and slowly poured the same bottled water I use to water my plants over the bit of medium in the strainer. I allowed the 1 cup measuring cup to slowly fill until the medium made contact with the water through the strainer and allowed it all to settle for a minute hoping that this would allow the water to more closely match the pH of the medium itself, as is my understanding of the goal of the exercise. I then placed the uncapped end of the tester into the water and saw that the water was between the minimum and maximum lines, very lightly shook the tester, and then left it alone for 30 seconds before taking my reading. I got a reading of 7.2.

Then I took one of the cups that had a dead seedling in it and slowly poured water through to get runoff until I had enough runoff in my 1 cup measuring cup that I could repeat the test as described previously. This time I got a pH of 6.8.

Then I tested the pH of the water straight from the bottle and it read as 6.7 and my my tap water read as 8.1! Is that even possible? I asked my friend to recheck the calibration of his tester because I didn't think that 8.1 sounded right. After that I grabbed a handful of the nute-enriched medium from the bucket and put in the strainer, slowly pouring water over it in the same manner as before. This water gave me a reading of 8.2! Is this possible?

I also transplanted the two next strongest plants into larger pots. The runt still doesn't look strong enough yet to me.

*Day 29
Things seem to be going well overall! Here are the latest pics.



*Day 45
These are taking longer than I imagined. I may have stunted growth a little by accidentally letting the temps get out of hand well over 80 degrees for several days, possibly a week or more due to misplacement of my thermometer. I've since fixed the problem. I haven't been recording everything as scientifically as I started out and paying attention as well as I was at first and that may have had an effect. Anyway, I have all of my lights in now which is about 450w of CFLs and am having some ventilation/heat issues with the cabinet which I will probably discuss more later as I tackle the problem in my cab thread. I believe I may have overwatered a couple of my plants as well also. One of them seemed to be showing some pretty severe curling of leaf tips and even some isolated wilting/scrunching up but I think it's getting better. That same plant also seems to have some yellowing of the leaf tips. Hopefully I haven't hurt it too much. My biggest plant is on its 9th set of leaves but is only 5.5" tall! Most of them seem to have grown out of the mutated wierdness but there is one which seems to have gotten crazier though it is growing very quickly and has more mature side branching than any of the others! There's also one with a four-fingered leaf! Some of them are starting to show preflowers but they are too small for me to able to discern them yet, except for one which I have a fuzzy close up of below. I believe it to be a male.

I'm going to try to keep the environment for the plants steady and if I can manage to give them a week or two without stress I might then bump the light schedule up to 20/4 from 15/9 but I think I've accidentally stressed them enough without adding anything additional. I'm also now thinking that the pot size is probably too small but that I will only repot the females which I should be able to see more clearly in a few days.

All comments and questions are welcome!



I come from the land where the oceans freeze
i am new to this but had some deformity on my querkle from seed. they started to straighten out around 3-4weeks.

i am thinking you need to get a good wet/dry cycle going. measure you water/feed and be aware of how long it takes for the pots to dry out. wanna catch em right before they begin wilting of thirst

regulate temps....try your best to keep the day time temps around 72-75. i find this to be ideal. since your still veggin get humidity around 50%

what type of light are you using? if CFLs get them within inches of plants...if using hid put your hand under the light and move it away so that it doesnt burn

good luck. im watching. nice transplant btw


Hard Times

Hard Times

*Day 52
The plants have stopped growing as if they've hit an invisible ceiling. At first I thought it might be my lights so I moved the plants down a few more inches and removed 6 out of my 18 25w CFLs. With my cab doors open and a fan on them combined with other measures, I've kept the humidity average in the 40s with highs occasionally in the low 50s and lows in the high 30s. Temps have been consistent from 69-75. I've added cedar mulch to hopefully help me stabilize my water situation, have begun watering with a little Liquid Karma in my water at 2 tsp per gallon, am using a fine mist spray bottle to more evenly dampen the medium and mulch, and am paying more attention to watering. For the last few days I've been measuring two of my plants meticulously and have witnessed NO growth. I believe the runt may still be growing but the others seem to have stopped though I do see more preflowers now. It looks like I have three males and three I-don't-know-yets. Two of the plants have a lot of curling leaf tips and discoloration on the lower leaves. I've been cutting leaves off after 50% of the surface becomes discolored. The two plants with the most curling are two of the I-don't-know-yets so I'm really hoping I don't loose either of them. I think I can make this work with only two healthy females but I was hoping for at least three. Fortunately my healthiest looking plant is one of the I-don't-know-yets and I'm hoping it's female. It seems so strong and doesn't seem to care what I do to it, aside from the fact that it is no longer growing.

I believe these plants are root bound and I think I will repot them into 3-gallon smart pots in the next few days after discarding the males. Below are photos of each plant with close ups of bad leaves and what I believe are male preflowers. Any suggestions are welcome!

My three males



Male Preflowers?

Male Preflowers?

These shots were taken through a 40x jeweler's loupe

Male preflowers (CORRECT ME IF I'M WRONG!)


Potential Queen Mother?

Potential Queen Mother?

I hope this is female, it's definetly the best looking one and doesn't seem to care what I do to it either. A potential clone mother perhaps...



*Day 63

I pulled the three males several days ago and their root system didn't look like it was that terribly root bound to me. Of course, I am not expert and I can only take from the photos I've seen of other people's supposedly root bound plants. Anyway, here is an example of what those roots looked like.

Five days ago I transplanted the three females to 3-gallon Smart Pots and I am happy to say that growth has resumed! Upwards growth seems slow but the side branching, though still slower than I would like, is obvious and looks like it is speeding up. The two sickly looking ones are still having some trouble but the healthy girl looks even better. This grow has been kind of difficult with a lot of set backs, and I even had a friend who is also a grower suggest to me several days ago that I should just give up and try again as it's been two months already and my plants are still so small. I will grow these to harvest, whatever survives that is. And if possible I will grow clones from them if they seem healthy enough and worthy of cloning in the next few weeks. I do have enough seeds to do a mixed run if this one goes completely under. I have two BMR, three Critical +, and one feminized autoflower a friend gave me that I don't remember what it was called.

The Girls

Healthy Girl

I'm having issues with my cabinet. I absolutely will have to remove several of the lights to be able to close the cabinet and actually have decent temperatures inside. I will probably discuss that more at length in my cab thread later. I've considered just getting something that I could use to ventilate and scrub the air from that entire room instead of just the cabinet. I now have a place that I can use to start a small grow room and my wife is cool with it so I may do that in the near future.


*Day 67

Just wanted to stop by for a second and say that one of my sickly looking plants is growing a great deal and starting to look much healthier while the other one seems to still be sickly though it does have some new growth as well. The healthy girl shows noticeable growth every day and seems to be increasing and in rate of growth every day. I'm hoping it will be a great healthy plant despite all my misgivings. I will put up new pictures in a couple of days when the side branching is more matured. Until then I'm fortunate enough to have friends that hook me up with weed and I recently made a batch of some magic cookies that matched with my friend's homegrown Kush Rider in my vape is currently knocking me on my ass. Will have detailed update with photos in a couple more days.