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First Time Hydro - Hydrofarm Grow Flow


Active member
This is not true. You can do a "top off" style grow with no physical water change outs. Also think of it this way. Your plant is changing out the water for you as it drinks...
If you set up the system from the start to make it easy to drain then there is no issue.

once you add the total volume of your system in top off then it is recommended you drain and refill


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ICMag Donor
Some high quality info on hydro right there...clear, concise and to the point. Nice job.
Peace, negative.

Well, most of that I learned the hard way – mid-grow.

During my first udwc grow, I realized late in veg that the roots were so long, they were growing 2 feet into the 3” manifold tubing. So I got the bright idea to install a simple filter. A piece of J-cloth and an elastic band solved it nicely. Until it clogged a bit with debris and the force of the pump sucked it all into the pipe and it lodged in the reducing fitting before the pump. So, I had to drain the system and dismantle enough of it to get the damn J-cloth out. My next try was a piece of plastic screen with a stiffer elastic. That was teardown #2. I final settled on screen held fast with a hose clamp . . .