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First Time - Hempy Buckets - LumiGrow Pro 650


New member
As the title says I'm a first time grower. This is a 3x3 Tent with LumiGrow Pro 650, growing in 3gal Hempy Buckets coco/perlite. The strains I'm growing are Barney's Farm Critical Kush, Sweet Seeds Ice Cool, Green Poison, and Sweet Tai. My nutrients for the vegetative stage are going to be Bontanicare Cal-Mag Plus, Dyna-Gro Pro-TeKt, House Garden Roots Excelurator, and Advanced Nutrients Sensi Grow.

The Sweet Seeds were freebies that I'm using mainly to practice with before I switch over to growing high CBD strains to help elevate my medical conditions.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

I want to say thank you to LED_oneshot, who has been very helpful. As well to Nate.
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Active member
...welcome to the site and to the hobby man.

...and with hempy's you really don't need 3 gallon pots, i grow in 6liter pots myself, 8 plants in a 4 x 4 tent around a single 600.

...here's a link to the 'official' hempy thread and while it talks about using a perlite/vermiculite mix as the grow medium there is still much information to be gleaned, ...i personally use straight coco with either hydroton or grorocks in the bottom although lava rock or even 3/4 inch gravel will work just fine.

The Official Hempy Bucket Thread

...anyway, here's a couple pics to tide you over until you have some of your own, lol.

...the pots, that's hydroton in the bottom.



...and here's a couple shots before i switched to the 6liter pots, this one shows a couple of White Rhino's that were grown in 2liter coke bottle hempy's under a 400CMH.


...these were in 3liter hempy's.


anyway, again i say welcome, bozo


Hope this goes well. Love my 3x3 with LEDs and thinking about hempys for the winter cycle. Can't wait to watch.


...and with hempy's you really don't need 3 gallon pots, i grow in 6liter pots myself, 8 plants in a 4 x 4 tent around a single 600.

Bozo, you re saying that pot size doesn't affect plant size/yield with hempys? I would appreciate some reference (beyond the general HB thread link), as I would've planned for five gallons also.


Active member
Bozo, you re saying that pot size doesn't affect plant size/yield with hempys? I would appreciate some reference (beyond the general HB thread link), as I would've planned for five gallons also.
...unfortunately i can't remember all the places i've read that 2 to maybe 3 gallon pots is all you need for a hempy, i've actually grown some 5 footers in 3 liter soda bottle hempy's so believe me, 2 gallon pots will be plenty big enough.

...here's a picture of my Christmas tree from a couple years ago and if you look down you'll see that it's in a 3liter soda bottle, you can't see that it's a hempy but it is i assure you, lol.


...you don't need big pots with this passive hydroponic method to get great results.

...keep in mind that this is your first time so you shouldn't be looking to maximize yields you should instead be looking at this as a learning experience so no matter how the grow actually turns out, as long as you learn something, it's a success.

...if you set high expectations and something goes wrong along the way that can feel pretty bad so it's better to understand that this grow is practice for the next grow, shit, even if it's your 30th grow although by then it won't be practice, it'll be falling off a log, trust me, lol.

...btw, when you go through a thread like that 'Official' thread some of the most informative lessons are one step removed and by that i mean that you have to study the thread so you become familiar with the posters in that thread and when you see opinions that appeal to you or that just make sense to you then you have to visit their threads and study how they do things, ...that main thread is the outline, as it were, it's in the other threads where the details are fleshed out and really that's only part of it because mostly it's gonna come down to you and trial and error.

...so try not to stress over the end result and try to revel in the experience, growing can actually become it's own reward if you open yourself up to it in that way.

peace, bozo


Great advice, Bozo. I'm more about wanting to efficiently fill the tent than achieve a specific yield. Planning to sort through a pack of Mosca IBG this winter and don't want to waste my time. Thinking about it, il probably stick with 75% soil and test a few hempys...although they are tempting in their ease of maintenance. So many surprises in the soil. I really appreciate your advice.

I'm sure to learn a lot from iQlusion here, so I'll step aside.


New member
End of week 1 pictures.

All of them look really healthy. The only thing is on the Ice Cool, one of the seedling leaves is yellow on the end.

I've been watering them everyday at the recommendations on the nutrient bottles. I keep the PH around 6.5, the temperatures have been around max 85F and min 70F, humidty is between 43%- 58%.


New member
End of Week Two

Plants are turning a little yellow, but besides that they look really well. I'm pretty sure its a nutrient lock out because I've been doing my PH at 6.5. I'm going to try lowering that to 5.7 from now on and see if that helps any. It could be over watering as well, so I'm going to water every other day until they get much bigger.

Anyone else's thoughts?


Definitely looks like lock out to me. Drop PH gradually, lowering it bit by bit to prevent major shock to the plants this early on.

Daily PH changes to allow the plants to adjust - 6.3, 6.1, 5.8 something like that :) good luck brother and keep up the good work.


Active member
...high man, yeah, i'd work on lowering the ph a bit but that 'yellowing' you see looks to me like they're just hungry, ...otherwise they look healthy to me.

...btw, you don't have to get anal about your ph numbers, as long as you keep it around 6 you'll be fine, a little fluctuation won't hurt at all. ...i personally only check my ph sporadically now and all i use is a drip tester so 'piss yellow' is certain to have at least SOME fluctuation, no big whoop, it is a weed after all.

peace, bozo


New member
I checked over what I was doing and realized that I forgot to convert the Sensi Grow for gallons. My plants were getting 1/4 the strength that they should of have. I'm sure that was contributing to the problem. Still going to lower the PH as well.


SUP BRO. I was just checkin bozo's profile and saw ur thread, thought id pop in because I recently started a journal as well and we are doing almost the same grow.

Im about two transplant 4 seedlings in rockwool into my coco hempys.

FYI the yellowing on the leaves ur seeing, Im noticing the exact same thing with my grow about the same time frame as yours.

I think mine are a lil older than yours and the yellowing has worsened and the leaves started burning up. I also thought ph was the issue but bozo and others told me mine probably just need to start being fed as well, which i will start today.


New member
Checked on them today and they are starting to green up. Starting to get smelly too. I'm really surprised how dense these plants are.


yours look alot better than mine, i just now started feedin em 10% nute solution. Show more pics!
Its good to see a female on the forum we dont get enough ladies


New member
More pictures

The plants are looking better after changing the PH and giving them the correct amount of nutrients.

This is some spots one developed on a couple of leaves. It doesn't seem to be getting worse.

How are they looking to everyone else?


Yours look so much better than mine. Think were using same wattage light

What are you feeding them, how early did you start, and what strength?
Ive just now fed mine once at about 10% strength with GH flora nova

I think you keep your PH higher than mine, maybe i should try raising mine a little bit.