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First time growing photoperiods, goin for CBD #1


New member
Hi all!

I am very excited to share my first attempt at growing photoperiod plants, and my first proper attempt at growing indoors. I had a good friend of mine who is quite experienced, point me in the direction of ACE to acquire some top notch genetics that satisfied what I was currently looking for in my cannabis.

I was able to get a few strains from ACE (Malawi, Congo, ErdPurt x PCK) but I decided to pop two CBD #1's as I have been really wanting to experience a high quality CBD flower, and it also looked very beautiful in the photos they provided on their site.

At the moment they are being started in a tiny 10" x 10" x 1 1/2' cabinet that I made specifically for starting seedlings. As they grow, and it is time to pot up, they will be moved into a 2' x 2' x 3' tent. I know that is not big at all, but I have limited space in my living arrangement, and this is purely for fun and personal use. I plan on keeping this organic, using Dr. Earth dry amendments, along with some others when needed, like gypsum and langbeinite. I also will be relying on earth worm castings and some molasses here and there to charge the rhizosphere and keep them happy.

I hope I do the genetics and the community justice, and I will appreciate all constructive feedback, as I am learning each and every day.

Freshly germinated.

My cabinet I made for seedlings, complete with exhaust fan at the top, intake at the bottom with a mesh filter, and a dimmable 65W full spectrum LED.

Keeping them humid before they crack the surface.

Day 2
Day 2
Day 3, they are looking good, stretching quite a bit, I have been turning up the light intensity slowly each day,


Well-known member
Howzit StoneMonkey, welcome to icmagforums. Cohort 8 rules!
Nice start on those CBD#1s
Keeping my eyes peeled!


ACE Seeds Breeder
Welcome StoneMonkey :)

Thanks for supporting our work for your first indoor grow, glad your friends recommended you ACE genetics ;)
CBD #1 is our best strain to experience indoors prime quality rich CBD flowers.
I will be around in case you have any doubt. Best wishes!


New member
Howzit StoneMonkey, welcome to icmagforums. Cohort 8 rules!
Nice start on those CBD#1s
Keeping my eyes peeled!

What up ColaCalyx! Strength, power, endurance!

Welcome StoneMonkey :)

Thanks for supporting our work for your first indoor grow, glad your friends recommended you ACE genetics ;)
CBD #1 is our best strain to experience indoors prime quality rich CBD flowers.
I will be around in case you have any doubt. Best wishes!

Thanks for stopping by dubi, I appreciate the kind words, and would love the feedback!


New member
Day 5

Day 5

Day 5 and things are looking good. The 65W is 15" away and dimmed to about 35%. Ive just been using a spray bottle to keep the soil moist and they've each gotten a single foliar spray of liquid kelp.




IMG 1295



Well-known member
Day 5 and things are looking good. The 65W is 15" away and dimmed to about 35%. Ive just been using a spray bottle to keep the soil moist and they've each gotten a single foliar spray of liquid kelp.

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I would get straight into learning how much to water a cannabis plant my friend.Spraying top of soil does nothing, and,water droplets under lights, might turn yellow spots on leaves
You need to learn to work with the medium you have, and,that might include falling a plant or two
Your soil looks dry


New member
I would get straight into learning how much to water a cannabis plant my friend.Spraying top of soil does nothing, and,water droplets under lights, might turn yellow spots on leaves
You need to learn to work with the medium you have, and,that might include falling a plant or two

Thanks for looking out RED 1, Ive been using the spray bottle to maintain moisture of the soil once a day, not spraying the plant. I just used a single squirt from a mister for the foliar spray as I was spraying other house plants, but i'll keep that that in mind moving forward when I foliar spray in the future, thank you once again.


Well-known member
Thanks for looking out RED 1, Ive been using the spray bottle to maintain moisture of the soil once a day, not spraying the plant. I just used a single squirt from a mister for the foliar spray as I was spraying other house plants, but i'll keep that that in mind moving forward when I foliar spray in the future, thank you once again.

Do not overload yourself with too many "unnecessary" tasks, my friend
You need time to absorb your every day actions,and,watering,keeping environment clean,right temps, humidity etc should be enough, for you to have a stress free grow
Keep an eye on their stretching


New member
Do not overload yourself with too many "unnecessary" tasks, my friend
You need time to absorb your every day actions,and,watering,keeping environment clean,right temps, humidity etc should be enough, for you to have a stress free grow
Keep an eye on their stretching

Agreed! Wise words. Positive energy towards the girls. I have been turning the light intensity up to help with the stretching. Thank you RED 1.


Well-known member
Agreed! Wise words. Positive energy towards the girls. I have been turning the light intensity up to help with the stretching. Thank you RED 1.

Distance the seedling is sitting from light source, will determine the stretch
Further away from the source,the taller it will get
You can slow down the stretch,by lowering the lights
Be careful not to give them too much height, otherwise you'll end up with 2 big plants, for the space provided


New member
Mid-Week Update

Mid-Week Update

Hey guys! Hope all is well for everyone. I just wanted to give a little mid-week update as a few things have changed for the better!
So on day 7, the girls were moved into the 2x2 tent under the 130w quantum board. Environment is stable at a 75f (23.88 c), with an average humidity of 62%. Leaf temps stay between 68-71f degrees (20 c - 21.66 c) Besides that, there is not much to say as they are slowly getting bigger and producing more leaves. The stretching stopped at about 1 3/4" for each plant, the "B" plant seems to be growing faster and is slightly taller despite sprouting a day later than the "A" plant.
The "A" plant is exhibiting some very cool colors on the underside of its leaves which is very exciting to me as I really wanted to come across a colorful pheno.

Day 7, their first day in the tent.

Day 7, just a close up of the girls on their first day in their new home.

CBD: A, day 11

CBD: B day 11

Day 11 side-by-side

CBD: A underside coloring.

I hope you all enjoyed the photos, peace!


New member
Hello all! I got a question for anyone who could help point me in the right direction. The growth over the last few days has been good. As of a day ago tho, I noticed that my leaves were starting to twist, the twisting is more noticeable on one over the other.

The 130W LED is dimmed to about 50%, and its placed 18inches away from the plants. Temperatures stay between 70-77 degrees, with the humidity staying at about 60-65%. I do have fans placed in the tent to circulate air, they are not pointed directly at the girls. I have been watering only when the pots feel light, and maintaining Ph between 6.5-6.8.

These first two photos are of the girls about a day ago,



These next two photos are from this evening, where you can see the twisting has gotten quite aggressive.




ACE Seeds Breeder
Welcome StoneMonkey :)

Thanks for supporting our work and new CBD #1 release. Both Cannatonic and ErdPurt (parental lines of CBD #1 IBL) have the potential to produce very colorful plants.
Plants look healthy with dark green leaves. The curling is probably a NPK excess, probably your soil mix was too strong for such seedling stage, try to transplant them to bigger pots so they can continue growing vigorously, all the growing variables sound correct and in the right range :yes: All the best


New member
Welcome StoneMonkey :)

Thanks for supporting our work and new CBD #1 release. Both Cannatonic and ErdPurt (parental lines of CBD #1 IBL) have the potential to produce very colorful plants.
Plants look healthy with dark green leaves. The curling is probably a NPK excess, probably your soil mix was too strong for such seedling stage, try to transplant them to bigger pots so they can continue growing vigorously, all the growing variables sound correct and in the right range :yes: All the best

Thanks dubi! Thats exactly what I ended up doing and they loved it.




They're looking a lot better and loving life now. They are growing very differently as you can see, one is growing bigger and a lighter shade of green while the other is staying squat and much darker.


ACE Seeds Breeder
Looking very cute, healthy and happy in their new shoes :) Looks like you are using a very nice soil mix :yes: