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First time grower


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Ive used peat moss 50% and perlite 50% for 15 gallon (3 gallon each)

Should I order worm casting or else to add to the mix?

I also have 4-4-4 all purpose gaia green.

Ive used paper towel method for seeds (rockstar strain) from buds that i bought; then they cracked open. Ive put those into a small pots with this mix and monitoring it with water sprayer to keep humidity steady 60%.

any advice?


Active member
Ive used peat moss 50% and perlite 50% for 15 gallon (3 gallon each)

Should I order worm casting or else to add to the mix?

I also have 4-4-4 all purpose gaia green.

Ive used paper towel method for seeds (rockstar strain) from buds that i bought; then they cracked open. Ive put those into a small pots with this mix and monitoring it with water sprayer to keep humidity steady 60%.

any advice?

Many people have different opinions on ideal soil mix. Depends on what your ultimate goal is. I decided to go with a 30 gallon no-till pot and that way I didn't have to add nutrients.

A good rule I've heard is 40/40/20 (peat/pumice or perlite/compost). For compost I'd recommend Malibu's Bu's Blend. You could sprinkle some worm castings on top (top dress).

I've heard you can add 4-4-4 simply, you could probably do that to your mix, I don't know much about that though. You could ask kronos over at ro11 it up f0rums, he would know.


Active member
Ive used peat moss 50% and perlite 50% for 15 gallon (3 gallon each)

Should I order worm casting or else to add to the mix?

I also have 4-4-4 all purpose gaia green.

Ive used paper towel method for seeds (rockstar strain) from buds that i bought; then they cracked open. Ive put those into a small pots with this mix and monitoring it with water sprayer to keep humidity steady 60%.

any advice?
with peat moss you're going to need some kind of ph buffer (crushed dolomitic limestone is easiest to find and usually cheapest) at 1-2TBS per gallon.

add your fertilizer at 1TBS/gallon.

ewc is a great addition, add it at 25% of the amount of perlite.

i would suggest adding some kelp meal at 1-2 TBS/gallon.

keep your plants in the little pots and mix all of this and dampen it and let it sit for a couple weeks.