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First Time Grower Needs Help PLZZZZ!!Multi Strain Auto Flower Grow


Active member
this is a great post!!!!! Thanks + rep to ya!:tiphat:
Def. gonna try the hydo perox...only thing I'm @ wk 3....so should I start with the tablespoon per gal then??
Putting an inch of sand discourages fungus gnats because they will not lay eggs in dry soil. I do not recommend it for two reasons. First is because it is heavy and may compact the soil, second marijuana roots love oxygen, there is the most oxygen in the top few inches of soil putting a layer of sand on top will means that the most oxygen rich part of the soil will be too dry for the roots to grow in. Sand may also act as a plug making it harder for oxygen to get into the good dirt. Sand is a good way to keep fungus gnats from infesting ordinary house plants but you want your babies to grow as fast as possible.

Diotomaceous earth is worth getting, it never gos bad, it kills all soil pest and this hobby is addictive and you will be battling bugs as long as you grow.

I forgot to say the first time, when using hydrogen peroxide use 1 teaspoon per gallon the 1st week, 2 the 2nd week then a tablespoon per gallon from the third week on.

Don't feel bad for being a noob MisterGreen. Many of us have been doing this for years, most of us started out just like you.

uptosumpn: Be gentile with newborns, if your plants are 3+ weeks old go ahead and start H2O2 at 1 Tbl per gallon.


Active member
thanks!! well they are 5wks today, so been adding 1tbl per gal for 2wks now....let me ask you this....I bubble my water continusly, if I add the 1tbl of H202 to this, will it be overkill?? and another thing...I heard that you are not supposed to add H202 to nutes/supp that are organic and/or has beneficial bacteria/fungus in it...ie;Voodoo Juice, Phirana, Tarantula, BS Molasses, FF Big Bloom, Root Stimu....ect? is this true? tryin to figure it all out....BECAUSE I DEF. WANT MORE OXYGEN TO THE ROOTS FIRST AND FORMOST....
1 tbl per gallon will not kill benificial aerobic (oxygen using) bacteria, I don't know if will affect fungi.

Bubbling your water and adding peroxide will be overkill only to bad bacteria, your ladies will love you for it.

I'm Dykster

I would try and get those lights closer. DE will work great. Don't worry if it gets wet, it will dry out again and stiff be effective.

steve green

Hope all is well MisterGreen420..its been a while, let us know.

Oh and by the way i also had a Free Mataro Blue seed... Mine was supposed to be a FEM AUTO seed...but it did not auto flower. :(

Hope your having better luck with your grow.

Stay Safe



Hope all is well MisterGreen420..its been a while, let us know.

Oh and by the way i also had a Free Mataro Blue seed... Mine was supposed to be a FEM AUTO seed...but it did not auto flower. :(

Hope your having better luck with your grow.

Stay Safe


what do you mean your mataro blue did not autoflower ???

how long did you wait the only reason i ask is because im growing out la blanca and they are not your usual autoflowers in the sense that they show sex within 3 weeks, they grow bigger and produce more but the auto trait is definate there


The dunks are good, a layer of perlite ontop of the soil will also do the same thing. The dunks are a better method imo. The gnats feed on organic matter in the soil, the larve need moist soil to pupate. Eliminate that top layer of moist soil and you break the cycle, which is why the perlite works too.

I don't think your nutes are the issue at all.

I don't see much perlite or anything in the soil to airate the soil.
What soil mix are you using? I have had issues with MG soil, their batch consistency is brutal, i don't recomend it. Fox farms products/sunshine mix#4/promix hp are all good to go almost out of the bag...

They are still small, you could repot them still. Ither that or wait it out with some dwarfs. The MG soil is going to limit them the whole life span.

Just my 2 cents.

steve green

what do you mean your mataro blue did not autoflower ???

how long did you wait the only reason i ask is because im growing out la blanca and they are not your usual autoflowers in the sense that they show sex within 3 weeks, they grow bigger and produce more but the auto trait is definate there

Hi Skotty, Yep it was a free female Auto Seed..i started it under some cfl's 24hr light schedule.
I say around 5 weeks now..no signs of Sex.

Ive since started topping it..(i know autos are probably better untopped..but this doesn't appear to be an auto).. I must have just gotten a female seed instead of the auto. Who knows...

Its all good i guess..just holding on to it for now,,turning it into a Little bush.

i just hope when i start my rocket fuel autos..I get to actually see auto flowering in action.


MisterGreen420.- let us know your experience with your
"Auto" blue mataro...maybe it was just me.

Hope your still ok:wave:


Hi Skotty, Yep it was a free female Auto Seed..i started it under some cfl's 24hr light schedule.
I say around 5 weeks now..no signs of Sex.

Ive since started topping it..(i know autos are probably better untopped..but this doesn't appear to be an auto).. I must have just gotten a female seed instead of the auto. Who knows...

Its all good i guess..just holding on to it for now,,turning it into a Little bush.

i just hope when i start my rocket fuel autos..I get to actually see auto flowering in action.


MisterGreen420.- let us know your experience with your
"Auto" blue mataro...maybe it was just me.

Hope your still ok:wave:

im not thread jacking as the information is apropriate to the grower ;)

im currently around 40 days in with la blanca from seed, the breeders say that the new autos take a month to show sex last time i looked she had put out some hairs from some of her calyxs, this could be a sign that she is fully mature and is ready to flower or it could be a sign that she is now automaticaly going into flower however its like trying to find a needle in a haystack at the minute cause of her insane growth, ill have a closer look at her today and ill update my findings in my thread.

will be interesting to see what happens with the blue mataro as i also have this seed im hoping that they do auto


im Back!

im Back!

Sorry guys this grow was pulled do two moving and stunt issues due to off-gassing from a cheap grow tent with polly lined inside..Good news Im in a new house new set up and new beans..Im working on new journal tonite...5 Blue mystics and 1 Papaya in a re-circulating dwc..the Blue mystics where supposed to be Autos but never Auto'd.And so they where vegged for 5 weeks and now currently 2 weeks into Flowering!!! Come Check it out

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