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First time grow 400w scrog


Horse-toothed Jackass
Theyve made a lot of progess in 5 days. I'd keep the nutes at 1/4 strength for a while, until they've tripled in size. A plant growing well in hydro can grow an inch (or more) a day. My two cents.


Thanks all for stopping by. I am not in a hurry, going to take things slow. On Monday night I upped the nutes to 1/2 strength 0-8-16. I was told that 0-5-10 was for low lighting veg? I haven't had any problems since doing that so all is good think I am going to let them go for about two weeks and then drain and refill with full strength. I have my new containers painted and tonight I will be drilling the holes and hooking them up for the test run to check for leaks. I am using 6-4gal containers and a 6.5 gal res. With a return drain hooked up between them all. I was planing on recirculating them also but still up in the air on that. Will post pic's when I have it up and running.
Man talk about fast. I sent my order into seedbay Saturday at about 5pm from post office and when I looked this morning they where shipped today. I can't wait. This is my NYCDxC99WW. I still have my SDxCHEMDOG coming. I wonder what freebies I will get. I am so excited.


Hey man good on ya for keeping it real! Do yourself a big favor and get a bigger rez and put it outside the grow area and it will go along way to keep your nutes at a good temp instead of in the algae/ root rot. With DWC you need to use nutes way less strong than with other systems because the stupid high amount of dissolved oxygen in the solution makes the nutrients way easier for plants to absorb. In my experience if you are overferting them they will look ok for a couple days and by the time they show the damage it's pretty bad. You are better with this system to use way lower nutrient strength than you think. As an example I am in full flower right now with 3-4 weeks to go and I am only pushing 950 PPM max. For clones and newly vegging plants I run 450 PPM max. Just remember sometimes less is more and with DWC all times less is more.


Well another week has gone by. And what a crazy week it has been. First off a couple of days ago my PH, that was steady at 5.8-6.0, dropped to 4.6. Also on some of the older growth I had some well like some rust spots on my leaves. Just on two plants and the where the second leaves that were grown. I went to the hydro store with some sample of some bugs I found crawling in the floor. They looked like thrips.I had some slight evidence of thrips damage. So I got some azamax, http://www.generalhydroponics.com/genhydro_US/azamax.html, sprayed my leaves,stems, and hydroton. Also I made my RDWC, which is 6-4 gal buckets and a 6.5 gal res. All connected with 3/4 drain lines and a 90 gal/hr pump feeding the buckets with a 1/2" main and 1/4" feed Lines. All buckets icluding res have 10" air stones in them. I had it up and running since last night. I refilled with fresh RO water and a 50% strength Lucas formula 0-8-16. I have my PH at 6.0 in all buckets and things are going good. I have to make some minor adjustments, but all should be well. I forgot to turn on exhuast fan last night and temps where at 85 this a.m. My res temps where up to 79. So I cranked the AC down to 66 and popped some bottles of water into the freezer. I will be adding them as soon as they are frozen.
I love this new system. I just have to get the timing down for how long it takes to recirculate the nutes and res. I can adjust everything from the res bucket with out having to lift the net pot out of the contain like in my old system. The old system is going to be used in my new veg room. That way I can veg my new plant while the ones in the RDWC finish flowering. I will have pictures up later today. Happy Memorial Day all!


Here are the End of week three Pic's!

Here are the End of week three Pic's!

Well, went out and check res, 73.7f and P.h.6.0, Also check two buckets and Ph 6.0 temp 73.3. So they temps are coming down. I have to raise the res up about 2" so I can have room for ice bottles. So I will probally lose 1.5 gallons of nutes. But anyway here are the pic's.

I also got my screen done and 8 site ez-cloner. It will be more then plenty.

Air temp 79.7
RH 55%
Res temp 73.7
Ph 6.0
1/2 strength 0-8-16 Lucas
Fresh R.O Water 20 gallons
Hell yeah, looks really tight for a first time grow. You are on your game there, good luck. My first grow was with a street lamp before the internet. We've come a long way, baby.

Those buckets and lids look like some Tidy Cat kitty litter I used to get and used the buckets to grow in later, lol. Are the bottoms completely flat or do they have indentations or ridges along the bottom, if I may ask? Also curious what kinda genes you got going. NOW I wish I had kept every frickin' bagseed I came across back in the day in middle America, but you can order online and get em in the mail these day, so its all good. Sorry to be curious, carry on and enjoy what you are doing.


Firsttimer, Hey man thanks for stopping by and taking a look. I really like the new system. I think that have the fun for me with growing are making all the diy projects. Thinkgs are going pretty good. I got my nycdxc99 beans yesterday!!! I am not going to pop them till I am in about day 30 of flower with these. I think I am going to flip these at 30 day of veg from sprout just to get through the flower. That means one week from to day I would hit the timer. Still no sign of my sdxchem d beans being shipped. The payment has been out for 8 days now. I knew I should have just taken it to the post office myself and not mailed it at the store. Any way I have a slight leaf curling down prob. I am letting them drink up some of the nute solution then I am going to dilute it with some straight RO water. I don't really have any tip burn but a few of the older leaves looked like this.
I am not sure what caused it? Maybe overfert. Well I just am going to back off for a bit.

BobbleheadJed, thanks for the kind words. They are kitty litter buckets I painted with rustoleum white primer then rustoleum metallic paint. They have the indentations on the bottom. I like the set up and everything seem to be running good. As far as genes, they are the bagseed variety, LOL. I don't even know if the weed they came out of was any good. After I had damping off in my first germenation attempt, I was out of seeds. Well my buddy had a bad of seed and I grabbed a hand full. I have to say that they are going pretty well and uniformed.

Let me see if my thinking is off. My thoughts on this bagseed run are, First to get a decent run under my belt as far as adjusting ph and adding nutes. Fine tuning my grow room so I don't have to worry about it when I am at work or away from the house. Also with the bagseed, you know how a plant puts all of its energy into making seeds after it is pollenated, well what if you took that same plant and had no pollenation would the weed be better. My thinking is yes but I shall see. I have to say that all six of these plants are all/or mostly indica. And internodes are very tightly packed together, less that one inch apart.


Thanks Fluke.

I was just looking at my plants and man three of them are just solid compact 10" orbs. Actually all mine a pretty compact.I mean the internode spacing is short and the is new growth every where.

Corrected me if I am wrong, I have always thought that when your plant reaches 1/3 the hieght you want it to be you should flip to flower. Or will they only strech 1/3 more? I am confused and don't want to run out of room.

Also, when do you start the counting veg time? The first day from sprout or when then plant really starts growing. What is the average time from sprout to flower?


End of week four

End of week four

The time is drawing near. Everything is going well. Got some photo's to show you all. Thinking of switching over to Flower on sunday. Was hoping to see sex first but I don't want them to get to big.


Root porn!!!


They got sprayed last night with some more azamax. I think I am going to rotate my light for flowering. I also added in the screen the should be hitting it any day. It is 12" above the medium. I was wondering if I should raise up my light. The growth I have is really dense and compact. I am not sure yet.
Air temp 72.1
RH 64%
Res temp 69
Ph 5.3
Nutes: 0-8-16 Lucas with R.O Water 20 gallons


Yah some nutes lock out that low.. i tried to keep mine around 5.8..

Man i gotta say i just finished reading this thread... those first pics I thought your lil girls were gonners man.. but you managed to turn it around.. good job, I nuked my first batch :/
Cant wait to see the finished product :D


isnt 5.3 a little low for hydro ph...
This is what I thought also. I was running into all kinds of problems and was starting to see deficentices. Then it was suggested by Hydro-soil and 10k to lower my ph. I was at the point I would try anything, so I did now my plants are growing like mad and looking really healthy. I just ph them down to 5.2-5.3 and then let it drift up. Then in days 20-30 of flower you just raise your ph to 6.0-6.2 and the calmag deficenticy everyone sees will not be there.
Nice grow so far Asil. I have a kind of similar setup myself running some BB. I just picked up a pack of the NYCDxC99WW as well, so I'll be pulling up a chair. Did you flip to 12/12?
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FurrowedBrow, Thanks, Have a seat, I hope it turns out good.

Eternaldust7, Thanks for stopping by. I haven't flipped yet. I need to turn my light 90 degrees and run the air cooling intake to the a/c room. I just haven't got to it yet. I got a new cabinet for in the house and have been messing with that. Plus I figure the more I delay maybe some preflowers will show. Funny thing now is if I knew then what I know now I would already have them sexed and feel better.
Well I just can't wait I am dropping a couple of seeds to day. Going to mess around a bit. Going to drop one of each nycd x c99 and sd x chemd. Play the odds, Maybe I will get lucky and get two females, lord knows I have had enough bad luck in my life over the years it has to be time for some good luck. I am hoping to germ them, take clones and makes a couple of mum's. We shall see. Will have new pics tommorrow or tuesday. Nothing really exciting just bigger they are starting to come thru the screen.
Well I just can't wait I am dropping a couple of seeds to day. Going to mess around a bit. Going to drop one of each nycd x c99 and sd x chemd. Play the odds, Maybe I will get lucky and get two females, lord knows I have had enough bad luck in my life over the years it has to be time for some good luck. I am hoping to germ them, take clones and makes a couple of mum's. We shall see. Will have new pics tommorrow or tuesday. Nothing really exciting just bigger they are starting to come thru the screen.

I can't wait to see them come up. I'll send some of my luck your way, I'm doing my first grow right now (doing a grow journal at grasscity) and of the non-femmed seeds I dropped, I had 5/5 females. So best wishes for seeing both of those beans as bud porn in 2 - 3 months ;-)