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First time grow 400w scrog


I think for my first order i will go with nirvana seeds the prices seem right. I checked on the little ones this morning ang wow talk about a explosion in growth. I am on my phone now will get pictures up tonight.


Horse-toothed Jackass
You're good (and lucky) if you managed to drill and run hoses without any leaks. My issue was that when I drilled the holes in my buckets, the holes would slightly crack around the edges, so I'd have to use silicone sealant to make them water tight. I think maybe it was the drill bit i used, or the way i drilled, but it was frustrating either way...
As far as seeds go, Mandala and Nirvana are good choices because of price. I really dont think its necessary to drop over a $100 on a pack of seeds; you can if you want, but ive been lurking this forum enough to know that just because you paid $150 for a pack doesnt mean you'll automatically be happy with the strain...
A four or six pack from Nirvana would give you enough genetics to last for years, maybe forever if you make seeds from them.
Also, seedbay has specials on the weekend, starting every friday, so its always good to wait till then to see whats on special. I recall they have Nirvana 4 and 6 pack specials for a package discount...


two day after adding 1/4 strength nutes!

two day after adding 1/4 strength nutes!

Here they are after adding the 1/4 strength nutes on monday evening. I can't be lieve the growth from the nutes. I think I will wait till Friday to increase them to 1/2 strength. The one with the burn is where I spilled adding the nutes back into the res!



Firsttimer, Yea I am amazed at the development of them aftter adding the nutes. Thanks for stopping by you are always welcome.

Phillthy, Thanks for the kind words. I wasn't sure how my system compare to others. Still fine tuning the room. It is a process. Hope you stop back I know the veg stage is alittle boring but it is fun for me.


Horse-toothed Jackass
Looks like they're perking up. I'd hold off on bumping up to 1/2 strength nutes for a while, at least until they develop 3-4 sets of fan leaves (which could take 1-2 weeks).
Rule #1 in growing: if things are going good, don't change it.
I know you're thinking, wow, I gave them some nutes, they're taking off, if I give them MORE nutes, then they'll grow even faster!
Which CAN be true, but can also lead to overnuting, which is worse than undernuting.
Trust me, Ive made these mistakes before...


That is to funny. That is excatly what i was i was thinking. I can take advice when i get it so i will hold off alittle bit. Thanks for the input. Also i might order my new seeds this week end.


Well I just wasn't happy with my temps in my room they would be about 84F during the day when outside temp was around 80f. I know that it gets even warmer here so I added this little gem I picked up at a yard sale for $8.
The intake air is 70F and now my room runs 4.5 degrees above the intake air temp. That should allow me to grow all summer long. I just made a duct the same size as the output and exited out the top of my room. This thing really moves the air. As a added bonus it is has a hepa and charcol filter. I believe that this should take care of my odor problems when they arise.
The plants are doing well. I am glad that I didn't add any more nutes. One of the plants is kind of all clawed up looking. I raised the light alittle more to see if this will help. When can I started to lower the light. I want to get them exposed to as many lumens as possible.
I have three plants that look really nice, perfect symetry and even growth. One real slow grower. The other two are kinda of mutants, not bad but not as nice as the other three.


Horse-toothed Jackass
Nice pickup at that yard sale, sounds like a sweet deal.
So the intake air is air-conditioned, so it should always be 70 degrees, even in July and August? If so, I'd say your temps are perfect, better than mine...
I'd have to see a pic of your plants in order to tell if you should lower the lights or raise them. How's your ph? That could explain the clawing. How are the roots looking? Once they're sticking out of the netcups you should lower the water below the cups; that'll make the roots reach for the water and also add an airgap, helping the roots take in more oxygen...


Yes the temp in the room adjoining them is 68F. Right now it is 84f outside and humid. My temps at my plants are 78f with 51RH. I do think my remote thermometer reads a few degrees high though. My PH is 5.7-5.8 holding steady res temp is 69f. I do need to lower the water all plants have roots coming out of the 5" net cups. LOL I just looked and it is cooler in my grow room then in my house.


Horse-toothed Jackass
Sounds like your environment is ideal. My res temps are about 72, lights on temps probably 80-85, a little hot, RH around 50%.
As they get bigger, they'll grow faster. It's like, if they grow 3% everyday, well when they're small you might not notice that 3% daily growth as much, but when theyre bigger that 3% daily growth will mean they're growing an inch or two a day. At least, that's how I read it...


Well my first shot at seedbay paid off. I won SF SuperBudz NYCD x C99WW. I am not to familiar with all the different genetics but I know the name somas and c99. I am hoping that this will be a great run. Any of you all know anything about them?


Asil i'm liking your set up mate very nice and looks like your on to a winner!!

I like that air purifier you acquired too, i want to sort my temps out for the summer hopefully as cheaply as possible.

I joined seedbay yesterday mainly out of interest, sounds like you got something good NYCD is very nice to smoke i had some the other day but swapped them but i will start some one day.

How are you finding the lucas formula? I'm using genesis formula for now but hope to use lucas at some point.

I'm gonna watch how you get on though but by the looks you got it locked!!


Standaman, Hey thanks for dropping by and for the comments. Yea I am looking forward to the ncyd. Also just pick up SD x Chem D both are from Rez plant so that ought to rock. Thanks F.U.C.K.E.M. For the seed donation!!!
As far as the lucas formula, I think it rocks. I have only given my little ones 1/4 dose of the 0-5-10 formula and they amaze me. I think they are ready for 1/2 or maybe full dose. I will let you all deciede in a few hours when I put some pics up. I have to go finish my honey do list she is gripping in the background. LOL I would rather sit on here or watch my plants grow.


End of week two

End of week two

Well here's the pic's

Res temp = 64-69F
Air temp= 72-80F
Nutes= 1/4 0-5-10 Lucas
Lighting= 400w MH 24" from tops

So what you think. I am amazed at the growth. You think they are ready for 1/2 strength or full veg strength?


I have to go finish my honey do list she is gripping in the background. LOL I would rather sit on here or watch my plants grow.

:laughing: :yeahthats I know exactly what you mean my friend. The plants look great. But I would say go slow and work your way up to full strength. Don't won't to stress them out to early by burning them. Just my :2cents: PEACE


Yeah they look great Asil they look very neat and happy i must say. Leaves are uniformed too. Mine are happy but man are they some strange leaves lol.

Yes good call i went low with my nutes 20ml of each 3part per 100L and will up it at my next change. So i say yeah raise it to half see how they take it and go more after.


Active member
very nice grow ya got going there..i was hoping to do a grow similar to what you have there..
looks like you have everything under control..
as posted above dont be in a hurry to go full strength on nutes(although I think they look ready):joint:

dont forget that plants will usually triple in size in flowering :woohoo:

