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first time clone grower has questions...


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
Today I'll be receiving between 6 and 12 clones. I want to grow them out as quickly as possible but also want a "reasonable" yield.

My room is set up for either a 6, 12 or 24 plant scrog (pot size depenant) with the largest pots being 10 litre, the smallest being 2.5 litre)

What I want to know is, if I put them straight to 12/12 after rooting (or will they arrive rooted?) how much will they grow? example - if they're 3 inches when I put them to 12/12 what height will they reach? (I know thats geneticly hardcoded too, but..lets assume this is a 50/50 sat/ind of a medium size) - will it be worth trying to utilise the screen even if its not 50% full? I've heard a plant will stretch during flower, is this "vegative" growth in terms of nodes or just getting tall (with bigger gaps between nodes)?

Should I veg them instead? if so how long for...

thanks for any advice


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
heya mate....clones do not stretch as much plants from seed....its best to veg the plants to the correct size and then start to flower'm....with a large veg the will stretch on you as a pllant grown from seed....but with a small veg they will behave better and they won't stretch s much.....if you put it in at 3 inches with no veg...you gonne end up with a 5-6 inch plant ime.....and it also depend if you use sativas or indica's


most double in size n 12/12. I currently have one C99 that I put in when she was about 4" tall. She is now about 5-6" tall after a couple of months. It's all one solid bud, but one tiny bud.
Let them veg until there about half the height you want/need before going 12/12, you'll be much happier.


your clones should arrive rooted if buying them from someone who is in the business of selling clones.

You will probably want to veg them at least a week before flowering. That helps the plant get more roots and get more established.

As far as stretch goes, every strain is different. I have some that started at 4-5" and finished around 30". Typically I shoot for 20"-24".

I have seen clones go to 12/12 that did not have enough roots and they struggled and never stretched. I suspect thats what happened to growdaddy's C99. I have C99 and it has stretched from 4-5" to 18-20" probably.

Just remember, the more veg time, the bigger they will get, and the more room you will need. You need to make sure you have the setup to accomodate them.


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
thanks for the input all - I think I'm looking at vegging them to about 6-8 inches then :)



Active member
like they said you should veg em a little. i got some clones rooting in my flower box and they are rooted and flowering i need to finish my mom box and throw em back on veg.


Just Call me Urkle!!
heya mate....clones do not stretch as much plants from seed....its best to veg the plants to the correct size and then start to flower'm....with a large veg the will stretch on you as a pllant grown from seed....but with a small veg they will behave better and they won't stretch s much.....if you put it in at 3 inches with no veg...you gonne end up with a 5-6 inch plant ime.....and it also depend if you use sativas or indica's

Thats not always true, my strains that I run are all good yielders and I flower them at 2.5" and 5" and they finish at 15"-18" weighing between 7-15g each! Also I flower them in 20oz bottles cut to 16oz so try to find info on your strains. The best way to figure out the "Sweet Spot"(the starting height that triggers the plant to stretch into a single cola plant) is to flower them all at different heights, IMO I would make one a mom then flower the rest at 3",4",5",8" ect usually 8-9" is a mostly indica strain ..hope that helps a bit, stop by my threads if you have time...:joint:


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
well they arrived and were a little taller than I expected. they're 4-5 inches already - a couple are slightly older but sick so I got them free - it'll be good practice for me :)

seems I'll have a bit more growth to play with... I'm hoping for good things from the one back left, she has really tight nodes :D

EDIT - they're Power Plant or PP

(the rest are cheeseberry haze seedlings and a 2 week old white widow seedling)


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Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
as they're about twice the size I was thinking, I'll still be able to veg for 2 weeks or so and keep to my original plans to harvest them in about 8-10 weeks :)


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
no doubt :D

on the one hand I'm a little pushed for time with them, but on the other I really DONT wanna rush them :)


Get them nice and healthy before you put them in 12/12. The bigger and healthier they are when you put them into flower the bigger your yield will be. In a week or two they should look pretty good and be ready to put into flower.


5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
As the others and you have said, veg em a week or two longer to get the growth rate up.... size is not important [sorry girls..] it is health and vigour, you can get a sickly clone grown up to a foot or two tall that is pretty useless, or a beauty of 3" that is full of lush vigour and needs flowering in a day or two. Needless to say, you will likely get more yield off a 3" healthy clone than a 12" or 24" torpid rubbish.

Torpid is a great word, not mentioned [or, IMO, understood] enough on IC ... plants have a vigour, a 'speed of growth' ... if all is well, you should get 10/10, but if you neglect them, have pH issues, Spider Mites, cold, excess humidity, poor rootzone during rooting/transplanting... and you set them back in to pale shadows of their potential, especially in terms of yield.

Your new clones look nice, but you are better off doing your own, you can [with a little practice] make them better, healthier and bug/pest free, if you do them yourself.

PPP is a great variety IMO, strong, easy, forgiving, great smoke and 7/10 or 8/10 for yield.

Taking lots of photos with notes and labels is real anorak stuff that pays off when looking back, learning from your crops, getting better, if you only have memories to refer to, it is harder to be precise and so you 'learn slower' than if you can look back at all your grows, seeing how a group of labeled clones turns out.


Just Call me Urkle!!
As the others and you have said, veg em a week or two longer to get the growth rate up.... size is not important [sorry girls..] it is health and vigour, you can get a sickly clone grown up to a foot or two tall that is pretty useless, or a beauty of 3" that is full of lush vigour and needs flowering in a day or two. Needless to say, you will likely get more yield off a 3" healthy clone than a 12" or 24" torpid rubbish.

Torpid is a great word, not mentioned [or, IMO, understood] enough on IC ... plants have a vigour, a 'speed of growth' ... if all is well, you should get 10/10, but if you neglect them, have pH issues, Spider Mites, cold, excess humidity, poor rootzone during rooting/transplanting... and you set them back in to pale shadows of their potential, especially in terms of yield.

Your new clones look nice, but you are better off doing your own, you can [with a little practice] make them better, healthier and bug/pest free, if you do them yourself.

PPP is a great variety IMO, strong, easy, forgiving, great smoke and 7/10 or 8/10 for yield.

Taking lots of photos with notes and labels is real anorak stuff that pays off when looking back, learning from your crops, getting better, if you only have memories to refer to, it is harder to be precise and so you 'learn slower' than if you can look back at all your grows, seeing how a group of labeled clones turns out.

Thats the smartest thing I've read in this thread so far... Like I said I would make a mom out of one and just flower the rest and by the time they finish you will have enough clones to start a perpetual cycle...just something to think about since I'm part of your daily reading :joint:


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
thanks guys. I will indeed be selecting at least one to mother for more clones and hope to learn the art well. I intend to mother at least one of everything I grow with the "dream" being 8 bonsai mothers of various strains all supplying clones. So far there are 3 strains in the box, although I only know the sex of the clones for certain.

the PP I have my eye on right now has really tight node spacing, I just hope she has the other traits I'm looking for too :)

on a side note - one of the "ill"clones is looking really poorly today - fingers crossed


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
size is not important [sorry girls..] it is health and vigour...

of my cheeseberry seedlings one in particular is growing like a demon. "She" was the first to pop her seed case, had the biggest tail before planting and ever since has to continued to grow at almost twice the rate of the others. "She" is just 5 days from germ and already is as thick and tall as my 2 week old WW seedling... I keep calling "her" a "her"... to be honest, if its a feller I'm keeping it anyway, maybe I can cross the growth tendencies out of him/her to something slower growing (like the WW...lol)


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