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First time canada grow room "150 hps"


weed fiend
I'd clip the runts above ground in the 7 plant pot. Too much activity in a small space will be little activity.


weed fiend
He should wait to cull females only if it's a last resort. 6 plants is not necessarily too many if the plants are small enough. A 150 will only penetrate about 12 to 15". The light footprint is only about 2 feet long x a foot and a half. Anything outside these dimensions isn't in the sweet spot. Since the 50 is vertical, you can put plants around it 360 degrees! You may have to lower the 50 a little closer than the 150 to get penetration. A pc fan blowing on the bare bulb will keep it much cooler.


hey guys. jsut question to SITO007..how far away is your bulb? do you have fan near the bulb...blowing away hot air? those plants look quiet strechy to me. if you can, try the bulb down couple of inches.


The pics with the leafs spots. To me looks like maybe nute burns ? But that's normal for a 1st grow as you learn when to not over feed. But they look fine.

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