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first time bein high on weed negatively impacted my life: ever been punked in public?


The only thing I could muster as an in-between was "I probably use less fuel this way." She didn't say anything and it ended.

She didn't say anything 'cuz she got shit on and/or doesn't understand fuel efficiency. It's hard to argue with the truth.

Given the situation, I think this was the most reasonable response.

I wouldn't say you got "punked in public" dude.

Plenty of people around here leave their car running when they go into the local mini mart in the morning to get their coffee. Completely normal thing to do.

Max Yields

Active member


You should've told her, at least my car is "running"..., your fat ass can barely walk..!!! LOL :biggrin:


3rd-Eye Jedi
You have what I call the caveman mentality. This mentality is not necessary and often self-defeating. To win you must outwit your opponent.

ding ding ding ding ding

so know I know somewhere in my distant passed a relative was raped by neanderthals

or raped some

i won't know if I should be repulsed or turned on until i find out


I'm on the edge. Of what I'm not sure.

Learn these two sentences:

"Not as long as this wind keeps up."

"Some say cucumbers taste better pickled."

They are very powerful sentences and have never failed me.

Example 1:

A neighbor drove by and saw me doing some yard work. We had canceled cable the day before. Apparently the cable guy cut the cable off for the 4 houses the junction box serves. The neighbor drove up and rolled down his window. I tried to greet him nicely, but he ignored my salutations and launched right into his agenda.

"Did you cut my cable?"

I was surprised he was too busy/rude to exchange greetings with me.
While it was rude to cut me off and not do the standard "hello" stuff, it wasn't really that far off a stretch as I was holding a shovel.

What bothered me was he tried to grab the power position. Almost any answer I give him will make me look guilty or evasive.

Without thinking I immediately replied,
"Some say cucumbers taste better pickled."

He said, "What?"
I said, "Huh?"

He was confused and pissed off. He mumbled something under his breath and drove off. That was 8 years ago. I have not talked to that asshole once since then.


(make sure to reply with "Huh?" after they say "what?", it really works)

Example 2:

My beautiful wife, besides being female, has a few faults.

One of them is that she likes to yell at me from across the house instead of walking into the room I am in and speaking to me.

I used to get up and go and seek her out. It was almost never for important things.

My brother reminded me of what my great uncle used to do in the same situation. His wife would yell at him from across the house. No matter what she said he would reply,

"Not as long as this wind keeps up."

This had a great effect. She would then seek him out to see what he was saying. She would often forget about what she was trying to yell at him about. It is a very effective technique. If she yells, "What?" make sure to yell back, "Huh?" or even "Beg your pardon?"

What these powerful sentences do is deflect perceived blame from you.

It is the same as on the playground. If a kid called you a "booger eater" you don't deny it, that just makes you look like a booger eater. You shift the attention away from yourself. "You eat dog poo and are terrible at baseball." My techniques are the same, but for adults.

So, the next time some asshole or your sig other gets into your business use one of the above sentences and profit.

Since I'm feeling generous today, at no extra cost I am going to include a bonus sentence.

When your sig other is not too pleased with you say, "You've never looked better."

No guarantee with that one, it is hit or miss. It is much more situational - you will have to learn how to use it.

This is genius. I rarely quote full posts, but THIS is worth reading twice!


Active member
Wasting gas?

She talked, she inhaled the gaseous mixture and expelled unusable co2 at you....OH WAIT.


Active member
Rule #1-If you're going to smoke yourself stupid, walk.

Rule #2-If you're going to argue that you can drive when you admittedly can't think quick enough to outwit a fat toad in a liquor store, refer to Rule #1.


Reminds me of nothing except if you walk around with your fly open be grateful someone tells you to zip up.

Humility is okay, just don't be a doormat, right?


After standing there, staring at her blankly with that empty look on your face, would have been the perfect opportunity to turn to her husband, shake your head and say "Dude, I am so sorry" and walk away..


Kiss My Ring
your response was perfectly level.
she made an ass of herself, why do you feel slighted?
because you didn't have a ready reply?
you were surprised and offended, you handled yourself with aplomb, congratulate yourself for not making an offensive remark in return.

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