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first time bein high on weed negatively impacted my life: ever been punked in public?


yeah its not good to let douchebags like that rent space in your head for free! just chuckle to yourself that the fat biootch has to wake up everyday and look at her fat ass in the mirror....see karma is a bioootch!


Mom jeans?

Mom jeans?

Release your inner camel


Crusader Rabbit

Active member
You're still thinking about her. She hasn't thought about you since she walked out of that store. What's wrong with this picture?


Recovering UO addict.
You should have said, "yeh you know yer right, *hang head in shame* in fact I'm going to buy you your alcohol today as thanks for helping save the environment...let me just run out to my truck first and shut it off." then leave. :D there's nothing like building em up and breaking em down.. ;)


weed fiend
... Thinking something is wrong with my truck, I respond that it's mine. She says, with her husband by her side " whats the matter with you? Don't leave your car running like that...

That's an old one. Had she known you, your truck would have been rolling down the hill or into the gas station yada yada.


Lammen Gorthaur
This is just the wind howling. There are politically-correct busybodies all over the place looking to make their out-of-control lives feel more in control by pointing out those things that they would like to contrast as a way of proving to themselves that they still matter. And that is what this is all about. The woman wanted to know that she still matters and the ultimate insult is to insinuate that she doesn't matter by simply ignoring her.

If that doesn't work whip out a .357 magnum and start shooting up the store.


It just sounds like you aren't very quick and now you're butt hurt a little. Next time just look her in the eye, rub your belly, and ask her if she'd like another donut!


I'm on the edge. Of what I'm not sure.
To quote Adam Carolla ".....I always have a 'fuck off weirdo' chambered for people like that....."


Next time stare at her quizzically for a moment, then take an exaggerated sniff with your nose and ask he if she shat herself.


There are FOUR lights!
I was at the bank one day in the summer with our little 2 month old baby
in the car. It was like 95 out so I left the car running and the aircon on, while my
wife was in the bank. I got out to stretch by legs and was leaning against the back
door when Mr. and Mrs. Smugandrightous pulled up. They proceeded to tell me to
my face how wasteful I was being letting my car idle while at the bank.
I let them go on for almost 2 full minutes (all the while my grin was getting bigger and bigger)
Finally, I moved away from the window, so they could see the baby, and said "What, should I let the baby die from the heat, to save an OZ of gasoline?"
That shut them the fuck up.




is why did it bother you so much to have it pointed to you that you might have made a mistake ?

i just laugh, usually people get angrier(and funnier) when i can only muster a sarcastic laugh to something they thought was serious.

that can end pretty bad

if you laugh in the face of a mad man you can risk seriously get hurt/killed

as for the truck, they say that starting it up again will waste more gas then letting it run for a little while
I don't know too much about the mechanics of a car but...


Active member
You have what I call the caveman mentality. This mentality is not necessary and often self-defeating. To win you must outwit your opponent.


Learn these two sentences:

"Not as long as this wind keeps up."

"Some say cucumbers taste better pickled."

They are very powerful sentences and have never failed me.

Example 1:

A neighbor drove by and saw me doing some yard work. We had canceled cable the day before. Apparently the cable guy cut the cable off for the 4 houses the junction box serves. The neighbor drove up and rolled down his window. I tried to greet him nicely, but he ignored my salutations and launched right into his agenda.

"Did you cut my cable?"

I was surprised he was too busy/rude to exchange greetings with me.
While it was rude to cut me off and not do the standard "hello" stuff, it wasn't really that far off a stretch as I was holding a shovel.

What bothered me was he tried to grab the power position. Almost any answer I give him will make me look guilty or evasive.

Without thinking I immediately replied,
"Some say cucumbers taste better pickled."

He said, "What?"
I said, "Huh?"

He was confused and pissed off. He mumbled something under his breath and drove off. That was 8 years ago. I have not talked to that asshole once since then.


(make sure to reply with "Huh?" after they say "what?", it really works)

Example 2:

My beautiful wife, besides being female, has a few faults.

One of them is that she likes to yell at me from across the house instead of walking into the room I am in and speaking to me.

I used to get up and go and seek her out. It was almost never for important things.

My brother reminded me of what my great uncle used to do in the same situation. His wife would yell at him from across the house. No matter what she said he would reply,

"Not as long as this wind keeps up."

This had a great effect. She would then seek him out to see what he was saying. She would often forget about what she was trying to yell at him about. It is a very effective technique. If she yells, "What?" make sure to yell back, "Huh?" or even "Beg your pardon?"

What these powerful sentences do is deflect perceived blame from you.

It is the same as on the playground. If a kid called you a "booger eater" you don't deny it, that just makes you look like a booger eater. You shift the attention away from yourself. "You eat dog poo and are terrible at baseball." My techniques are the same, but for adults.

So, the next time some asshole or your sig other gets into your business use one of the above sentences and profit.

Since I'm feeling generous today, at no extra cost I am going to include a bonus sentence.

When your sig other is not too pleased with you say, "You've never looked better."

No guarantee with that one, it is hit or miss. It is much more situational - you will have to learn how to use it.


Game Bred
Got some funny looks the other day.....

Loading firewood at the store my jeep is idling in the fire zone next to the wood and im loading about 10 bundles.
twat yells "the sign says no parking for a reason"
to wich i respond "im not parked im standing you stupid kunt" in a booming voice.
The houswife coming out of the store with a gaggle of ankle biters was offended....
Ohh well

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