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first stealth cab grow/ purple #1 and "?-berry" kush


New member
hey everyone, how goes it? this is my very first grow so if you would like to share any helpful tips, tricks, and/or suggestions, please feel free post em (im sure ill need them). this grow is a shared grow between me and one other member here on icmag.. neondancepanda, where u at my brotha?

anyways, this is our cab, built from a found dresser that i picked up just down the street from the house.
the dimensions are 33"w, 16.6"d, and 43"h


we've got 6 26w cfl's that i wired together myself (3 daylight, 3 bright white bulbs)... not the prettiest job but it works, for now. any suggestions of a better/safer wiring system please infom :D.



for airflow we have a Broan economy ventilation fan on top of the dresser w/six intake passages along the lower back end of the cab.



here are our two baby girls :).. "Precious" - purple #1 and "Lola" - "mystery-Berry" Kush.





the story behind these girls are that i bought these from a friend, in a city that is a 3 hour drive from where i live. i received them with a couple nute burned fan leaves, but other than that they looked fairly healthy. i stored them in my buddies closet under a cfl until the next day, drove home with them in the back seat. when i finally got them home, we immediately placed them into a 6/10 potting soil, 3/10 vermiculite, and 1/10 blood meal soil mix into a make shift home made from an entertainment center w/ 26watt cfl bulbs over them till we finished the cab, two days later (weren't expecting to find clones, reason y the cab wasn't done). so these poor girls have been through a bit of stress as u can tell looking at the pics. their leaves are really starting to droop a bit and we're starting to get a lil worried since we placed them in the cab 4 days ago... we fed them Organica: plant booster pluss 8-2-4 in their water the first two days we had them, thats when we notice leaves starting to droop, so we flushed them and r waiting for the soil to dry before watering again. its been almost two days since last watering... hope this is ok :confused: the average temp has been 79-82F w/ lights on, 69-70F lights off. humidity has been between 52-60%

again this is our first grow so any help/suggestions will be very much appreciated :). we will continue to update this thread when ever we can. thanx everyone, and thank you icmag for setting up this wonderful community.


:jawdrop: holy crap man, get those barewires covered up asap! That's a safety and fire hazard! I dunno why you would use those alligator clips instead of just twisting the wires and using caps? get those little screw on caps...since you're running solid wire instead of strand you might need to get a bigger size..like outdoor type caps or something. but seriously...until you get them covered be real fucking careful, no offense but don't think your some kinda ninja and you won't accidentally touch them, it will happen if you leave them exposed like that.

I don't mean to sound rude at all...just concerned for your safety.

...and why make a second post instead of updating the other? this post is much better though...just let the other post die off or maybe a mod can just lock it for you so no one gets confused. :)
---- and here's my response from your other thread, let's just consolidate it to here ok ;)
--> best of luck to you...it sounds like you might be over watering, make sure to let the soil dry out before watering again...just lift the pot and go by the weight. Are those "fresh" clones? if so they don't need any nutrients for a while, just let them feed off of the soil and give plain water for a while till they adjust to their new home.
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New member
haha ya i know man, ive never used those caps before but my buddy bought some so those will be taken care of as soon as these girls go to sleep tonight.. and yes surprisingly i haven't zapped myself yet.... and with the first post... haha i didnt mean to post it, i was editing this one, and posted it on accident :). good looking out


no worries bro we all make mistakes. :)

good to hear you're on top of the safety issue. You do understand the importance of not disturbing the dark cycle though right? That's very important, especially at this point in their life cycle/condition.


New member
i thought working under a green lights during the dark cycle wouldn't effect the plants? if this isnt true than ill just wait till the morning then ;)


totally depends on the intensity of the green imo...also if it's a green incandescent isn't really "green" it just appears that way to human eyes do to a higher level of green...there can be other "hidden" colors that our eyes can't detect. A green LED should be ok though..as long as it isn't too bright. I'm sure alot off people would argue my opinions on green light too though, and I don't want to get into that. At any rate green is definately safer to use then any other color...but personally I wouldn't let much direct light on them..kind of have it off to the side and work in the "glow" of it.

For instance I saved a pure green picture on my Ipod and used to use it to look at my plants in the dark cycle until my friend told me that it's not emitting pure green light and it's actually a mixture of colors kinda like how I talked about the incandescent above.

so in short ... depends on the "green" you are using.

just my 2 cents


New member
word, thank you. ill just wait and try and work on it tomorrow during the day. with the way they're looking, i dont want to take any chances..
i wish i could show u an updated pic of the girls but for some reason my computer doesnt want read the sd card from the camera.. the pics above are about 5-6 days old. they're leaves are beginning to droop and the stems are turning a purpleish/brown a bit. is this normal or is there something wrong?


New member
these were taken two days ago..

"Precious" - purple #1



"Lola" mystery-berry kush


now the nute burn on the two leaves of the purple #1 plant was on there when we got them, along with the burns on the tips of the kush plant


looks like overwatering at first glance....but it could possibly be the way you're surronding the plants with light....when you totally surround them with light they tend to look a little droopy because they're absorbing light from all sides rather then from a single light source and it kinda screws up the "symmetrical " look of them.

the spots look like a cal def, or possibly mites...take a close look at the undersides of the leaves and look for the egg sacks.


New member
well i looked underneath the leaves, no egg sacks, thank God! the purple #1 plant looks great today, her soil is still moist for the most part might not water her till tomorrow.

purple #1:



The berry kush plant on the other hand is still lookin a little rough. her soil is still a little moist but much dryer than the purple #1 soil. think i might water her today, since its been 3 days since the flush/watering, but will wait till later tonight to see if anyone on here thinks its a bad idea..

"Mystery-Berry" Kush:





i dont know about how much peats in your medium but it looks awfully water logged, if thats the case u might want to while u have tiime up root your cuttings and add some coco the mix-


New member
thanx leviathan, we just transfered the berry kush plant into a bigger pot with added perilite to the soil mix which had a major drainage difference. :)


New member
today the soil was definitely dry enough to water the berrykush plant. she is looking worse and worse each day :( her leaves starting to get pretty yellow and curly.. i used a squirt bottle to saturate the first couple of layers of soil as well as her leaves a little bit. im wondering, since we transplanted her and let the soil dry out a bit for the past few days, if it would be a good idea to add a pinch of "organica plant booster plus" 8-2-4 into the soil/feeding water...
here are a few pics, if anyone can give me any info it would be much appreciated :), thanks for looking:



the Purple #1 plant looks great! cant say anything seems to be bothering her.



New member
welll... some good new and some bad news. bad news is i think we're giving up on the berry-kush plant.. just isnt going anywhere and doesnt seem to be worth the effort.
Good news is that the purple #1 plant is looking great. here are a few pics

"purple #1" Day 16



New member
looks good man i have had problems with clones before well really cause it was my first time to try clones but yea could you post some pics of your cab for me im tryin to get my dresser cab going and need some pics of it thnx


How often are you watering?

I only water when my pots feel lite. Try not to over water them because that is the number one noob mistake when growing.


New member
ya man. i dont have a camera right now but will do in few hours. if u look at the top of the page, that's pretty much it. i have added another small fan for air flow (which actually warms the cab about 6-7 degrees when its on) and another hole, on the floor this time, for again more airflow. the cab has been getting up to 80-83 degrees f the past few days when we turn on the heat in the house (the temp in the house has been around 72f). so prolly wont be turning on the fan during the day (when lights are on) anymore. hopefully i dont herm this poor girl because of temp flux...

anyways back to the cab.. ya i guess calling it a "stealth" cab is kind of the wrong description for it if thats what ur trying to look at. the front of the cab is just a plain piece of plywood for now, didnt add any "stealth" drawers like we wanted to. but i will add a few more pics of it when i get the camera back here :]


New member
ya mk3jetta, i think thats wat happened to our berry-kush clone (or nuted too soon). thats what we've been doin as far as watering goes. will lite misting of the soil, when the first layer or so is dry, hurt it at all?


New member
ok ts been awhle snce we've posted, my keyboard s crap rght now and my "i" doesnt work so ths wll be very short, just thought d update wth some pcs of the purple #1 plant along wth a new frend.

purple #1


dont know how well u can see but we decded to LST her snce shes really startng to stretch and es gett;ng too b;g for the cab.

here es our wh;te rh;no plant, got her a couple weeks ago.

white rhino:
