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First post, first grow :)


New member
hello! i started my grow with a 1kw HPS hung from a PVC frame in my office...no true ventilation to speak of, my house AC was running 45 minutes an hour with all the vents but the office closed to keep the room at 85ish. obviously, no good...my plants alternatively grew and died, with the older growth dying to accomodate whatever new growth slowly came out. so, i make the ultimate trade with my beloved wife - the office in exchange for my total domination of the master bedroom walk-in closet :) so, she got to build to build a cat jungle-gym on the walls of the office, and i got to spend a little more money for ventilation (since i was already 400 in to my 1kw HPS/ballast rig).

i'll skip the early day picss, since those mistakes will never be repeated :) here is my currrent grow, one day before i start flowering. it's interesting to note that in my current grow room, the two master kush seedlings have grown more in their 12 days of life than all the other plants did in their first month. just to put a finer point on things :fsu:

my kush seedlings:

i have in my room a 6" vortex fan drawing air from under the door (fan is up near the light, and also pulls a little heat from the hood), and exhausting in to my attic. no carbon scrubbing yet, not sure what i'm going to need or if i'm going to buy one or build one. but right now, the temp is an even 77 during "daytime", not sure about night but it can't get that cold...

i am feeding them FF GrowBig, and will be buying the FF flowering equivalent this weekend for after their next flush (also due this weekend, i think). this last week, i started adjusting the pH of the distilled water/nute mix down to 6.5 - 6.7ish, and they responded fairly immediately :) they're now looking healthier then they ever have.

the two young 'uns are around 12 days old, have a few more sprouting...the rest are well over 2 months old, and i think are as good as they're going to get without more transplanting and more waiting...so i'm fairly committed to flowering them this weekend (but advice is welcomed and humbly accepted, this *is* my first grow :)).

i've enjoyed lurking the last few months and seeing everyone's beautiful plants - if i can learn to grow half as good as what i've seen here, i will be very happy (and will then improve as necessary :)).

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New member
clowntown said:
Frist prost!! :lurk:

Whose Master Kush? Sensi White Label, Dutch Passion, other?

ah, that's something i forgot to mention...these are Master Kush as according to "www.amsterdammarijuanaseeds.com" - not sure who they are, etc. the big plants are just random bagseed...curious to see how they turn out :)


New member
two days in to flowering, not a whole helluva lotta change other than maybe an inch or so in height and a few more pistily bits waving around like they just don't care :)

now this is a strange one...is this something i can fix, is fixable, needs fixing, etc?



First thing that comes to mind:

heh. as for how to fix it.....dont ask me haha. sorry!


New member
jaypee89 said:
First thing that comes to mind:

heh. as for how to fix it.....dont ask me haha. sorry!

rawr :) the discoloration is through and through, and occurring on some of the new leaves growing on the same branch...seems to be growing just fine in every other respect, so i guess i'll not worry much about it.


New member
so....i suck at updating my grow diary, but my plants are turning out quite well :D around 5 weeks in to flowering, i'm left with two flowering master kushes, and four or five of what i'm calling "nothing special" (bagseed of unknown genetics). "nothing special" is actually looking a helluva lot nicer than what i got the seeds from (bricked buds from mexico), and was decent to learn, but i don't see any good reason to reveg any for clones, or start any more from seed...the same or less effort will make a lot more master kushes :)

on with the pics...first, master kush #1, who sits directly underneath 1kw of light:

here's the largest bud from the right-hand side container of "nothing special":

and one of the larger buds from the left-hand side container of "nothing special":

just a few more weeks...


Looking good really long hairs on that last PIc of "nothing special". Master Kush looks good too i would like hear what you think of the smoke on that one!
Good luck with the grow!


New member
BagseedSamurai said:
oh and to answer your question, its an albino gene. It happens. They dont look sick so..thats how id explai it.

interesting! i'll go with that, because yeah...otherwise, those leaves and branches, and now buds, are just fine :)


New member
neilspotshop said:
Looking good really long hairs on that last PIc of "nothing special". Master Kush looks good too i would like hear what you think of the smoke on that one!
Good luck with the grow!

thanks! "nothing special" is nowhere near as pretty to look at as my master kushes, but i'm pleasantly surprised at how nicely they're frosting up. then again, they're clearly living better in my closet than where they came from originally :)


New member
cut down some of my so-called "master kush" (unless master kush is supposed to have a fruity/citrusy smell) at the 100% milky stage. some of the hairs are going red/amber, but i'm not able to see any amber trichomes. i took only the top buds/colas, and left all the lower buds to sit and soak up another few days of light. so far, i've yielded fourteen or fifteen nice, dense buds and there is plenty left on the plant. i've decided that i *am* going to try and re-veg this plant...i really enjoy the smell and flavor, and don't really care much that it's probably not really "master kush". i'm not growing for commerce, so the "name" is pretty immaterial to me...it is what it is, as far as i'm concerned. hell, the plants i grew from my cheap brickweed seed turned out nice - nowhere near as nice as the "MK", but still...better than what i bought originally. i'm thrilled that i'm going to have ready access to quality bud for the first time in my life - the fact that i made it myself is the icing on the cake.

i've got the rest strung up and hanging to dry, more pics to follow :) i'm so jazzed that this has worked out so well, i have never successfully grown ANYTHING before in my life (not for longer than two or three weeks, anyways)! i hope my carrots, tomatoes, and cantaloupe turn out half as well! :woohoo: :joint:


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
thats a sweet victory ...congratz on the chop :yes: ...i'm a little late though...nway i kno the feeling ...great felling is't it...:woohoo:

did't start that long ago ether...and every chop i have that feeling...so up onto the next :D


New member
Core said:
thats a sweet victory ...congratz on the chop :yes: ...i'm a little late though...nway i kno the feeling ...great felling is't it...:woohoo:

did't start that long ago ether...and every chop i have that feeling...so up onto the next :D

thanks! i'm still smiling like an idiot :) before this harvest has gotten 24 hours in to drying, i've got the next 10 maybes germinating :) hopefully one or both of my "mk" plants take to revegging, but i'll get my clones one way or the other :) here's the rest of what i took from that plant...not sure how i'm going to hang these smaller buds to dry, but i'll figure something out. the top four buds were the remaining "top" buds/colas, everything else is everything that was worth taking, minus the bottom-most buds/branches that i left to reveg. the other "mk" is maybe a few days away from chop-time, and is going to yield at least as much as this plant did :)

i'm still amazed at just how hard this WASN'T! i mean, i had my troubles early on, but once i got my permanent grow space established and their environment stabilized, it was on like donkey kong. now if i could only apply this to the grass in my front yard ;)