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First Outdoor Garden of the Unknown - 08

Yo Thanks for stoppin in fellas

Damn Buddle... I HOPE it's weed!! Or maybe it isn't?? Whatever it is, I'm smoking it and eating it and making hash out of it!

Marto, yes needless to say I am very stoked, very very stoked. They started preflowering mid-late july and started throwing out a bunch of pistils about August 1st. Wasn't really sure what to call day 1 though, and if you can tell I am bad with keeping records anyways... This will change though.

How long before I chop? I don't know, I think for the one that is close I will give about 3 more weeks. And the others probably another 5 but it's hard for me to judge I'm just going to start flushing when it looks like most or all of the pistils are brown then I'll chop it according to the trichs. Probably try for the majority cloudy with some amber and some clear. Except for the two plants that are the same strain, I'm going to let them go very long, mostly amber trichs. If the flush is only 1 week or 3 or even 4 whatever happens happens! I'd much rather chop them late then early.

No Idea about the curled leaves.. don't really care as you said the buds are looking nice! My favorite one is also turning real yellow, maybe I cut out the nitrogen to early. I'm thinking that it can get another 5 weeks but I may be way off it could be sooner because the last few days it has just been swelling up really fast. Though the buds aren't really firm at all so it seems like it has a ways to go.

Ok time to go get super high and hopefully fall asleep afterwords.. Happy growing everybody and good luck!! Harvest is coming!!!!! oh gosh I am getting way too excited...
Alrighty took some more pictures today... appears that my last pics were taken about a week ago so here is 1 weeks progress!!

I think I was wrong about my favorite, now I think it is nearing peak maturity.. Could be wrong, maybe I can get some opinions about how much longer it can take. I think I will start flushing it, I know it definitely looks like it's been flushing for a couple weeks already but that is because I think I cut out it's nitrogen supply a little early.

Here are some pics of the one in question. I took a small nug today and checked it out in the scope and it looks NICE!! All the trichs are fully developed and I think about 50% cloudy maybe a little less. So what do you guys think? Ready to chop in a week or two??

Ok and here is a couple pictures of the one I thought was going to be ready before everything else.. Now I'm thinking that it needs a few more feedings as it has mostly white hairs, was bummed before because it looked like it was maturing but it was so skinny! Now I know it's about to get real fat... I hope...

Now for the two others.. These are starting to get bulked up really fat and the nugs are leaning all over the place. Lookin Good!! These could possibly end up being my favorite we'll see how they look in a couple of weeks.

Ok so I chopped down two on 9/27

This one I think should have gotten another week or two maybe but for a number of issues I needed to chop down a couple..

And here is the other one I think this one got cut at the perfect time with mostly cloudy trichs a few clear and a few amber... Think it will weigh a whole lot when it's dry, really bulked up this last week.

This one along with the last one that's not shown will go for probably 2 or 3 more weeks, if I chopped my first two a little early then I want these last two to be at their prime or a little past. I brought this one up on accident because it changed so much in the last week I thought it was my other one.. oops! Was about to start choppin then I was like hmmm... is this the right plant??

Right now I am extremely stoned off of the bubble I made from these two plants... ooh god sooooo stoned but I think I need to make some further tests and assessments so I'll be back in a few hours...

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