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silver hawaiian

Active member

If you're interested, hunker down. I promise, there's at least a good laugh (for you) in it:

Order crap last Sunday. Air-cooled reflector with 6" vents. 6" carbon scrubber (rated at 470 CFM - can someone interpret this for me?). And a 265 CFM fan (maybe that wouldn't have jived with the filter. Fuckifiknow), with [what I thought was] a 6" hookup.

Crap trickles in last week. 265 CFM fan is actually 4". I'm now realizing "Wait, this filter is 'rated' at 470 CFM. If I'm at 265 now, and have to reduce, and will have some elbows in the setup, .. Maybe 4" / 265 CFM isn't gonna cut it."

So I ordered at 6", 400 CFM fan. BINGO! Back in biz, baby.

TENT arrives today. What was advertised as a 6" vent is actually a 5" vent. (WTF?)

WHERE ARE WE NOW? (We = I .. The royal we!)

OPTION 1: In order for me to use the 6" 400CFM fan, it would have to be INSIDE the tent. (Unless I go from a 6" to a 4" (just to get it out of the tent), BACK to a 6", to hook to the fan, and then 6" out the chimney.

OPTION 2: If I correct the situation with a 4" fan, I'm a little concerned about the "470 CFM" rating of the filter. It'd have to be a pretty frickin' powerful fan, for a four-incher. (and just go 6" from filter to reflector, then reduce down to 4" after the reflector, out the tent, etc.

OPTION 3: Blow it all off and start over. NOT appealing to me. Would likely require a new reflector (with 4" vents), new fan (4"), and new filter (4").

OPTION 4: Camp outside your house every couple weeks, offer to help with whatever donkeywork needs to be done, and just call it quits. ;)

SOME GENERAL THOUGHTS: If I stick with a 400 CFM fan, I'm not terribly concerned about losing HP via resistance, in the sense of the ROOM itself. My real concern with the resistance would be, .. Is there enough suction to move air through the filter? ..I suppose I need to better understand the 470 CFM rating on the filter. Because my gut tells me that 400 CFM, even with some kinks and reduction, oughtta be enough to adequately ventilate a frickin' 7.25 sq ft tent.

I'm hoping this Purple Diesel left-hander does the trick. Actually, I'm sure it will help, in one of two ways: 1. An "AH-HA!" moment with the solution. 2. I just forget about it. Deal with it tomorrow.

I suppose this is what I should expect when I was obscenely drunk making these orders last Sunday night..

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silver hawaiian

Active member
Close quarters.

(Thanks BB for the knowhow)

Won't be the last


Need to see if I can get that flange whittled down to 4" and get the exhaust running back north, .. In re: close quarters, I mean.


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Active member
First off the CFM rating on the carbon filter is the Maximum speed you can move the air. Anything slower will actually just clean the air better :)

Secondly how worried about stealth are you? That 6'' 400cfm fan is going to be pretty loud. If you are ok with the noise, just use the 6 inch fan, and run 5'' ducting. You can then get the 5'' to 6'' expanders to attack the ducting to each piece of equipment. You will also want a fan controller because 400 cfm's will be massive overkill on that tent, and it will also help quiet the fan down a bit :)

Otherwise if you did not send back the 4'' fan, you could just use that, and then run 4'' ducting and then use 4'' to 6'' expanders to connect to the equipment. You would still possibly need a fan controller for this. Like I previously mentioned I have roughly 100 cfm's of airflow in my tent of the same size and I have no heat problems.

I was worried about clearance myself, the reflector I got, the Super Sun (not super sun II) has the 4'' duct attachments on the front/rear which helps with space issues in the tent.

silver hawaiian

Active member

You da man. ..(For indulging my agony, at the least)

Stealth is definitely a consideration. I'm legal beagle, but I'm not always entirely antisocial, so I'd like to have folks in the house not wondering what that WHIRRING is (or even that din)?

At this point, to be honest, it's almost an issue of tail-between-the-legs/tired-of-this-shit making me want to NOT bother with going back for the 4" 265CFM'er. (You know, .. It's one thing to think that, but to actually read myself type it, that is pretty fucking lazy)

Let me do this out aloud:

Benefit of 4" fan: Less reduce-y (from 6 to 4 back to 6), perhaps quiter.

Benefit of 6" fan: No question about horsepower (or upgrade later), definite stoner factor of not exchanging it (again).

--> Edit: upgrade later = more cubic footage potential

*PS "exchanging" is via shipping, not a brick-and-mortar. Not sure if that excuses any of it.

..I'm thinking (and therapy-ing) that the move is to just put my tail [back] between my legs and just ship the friggin' fan back, and say "Hey man, that one I just sent back to you, can you send it BACK to me? Again?"


silver hawaiian

Active member
Oh. And. The 4" was a blower, the 6" an inline. I understand they both move air, but is there much difference in application or performance?


Active member
If you think there is ever a chance for upgrade, just stick with the 6inch and definitely get a speed controller. Also see if you can manage to find some 5'' ducting, and then you can do the 5'' --> 6'' adapter instead of 4'' --> 6''

If by chance you still have sound issues with the 6inch, you can build one of these: http://www.gardenscure.com/420/do-yourself-projects/138045-diy-inline-fan-muffler.html

I built one and it reduced my exhaust sound by at least 50%. I chose to use some sound deadening material, as well as the blanket on the inside though.


I have been bio for about 15 years, since I was involved in the medical side of things.. Great choice, the ONLY choice as far as I am concerned. :)

I use Neem oil indeed. Just light misting once every 5 days or so will keep most bugs at bay. I have never had an attack (touches head) of mites in all that time since using it.

I am fortunate this moment to be able to leave grow tent open. great privacy etc so no need for all the extraction fans n shit :)


Active member
Uh yeah, like they said...
Hey SIlver, gotta love this site for input. You can never have enough friendly experts mulling around.
My thread is lonely, my carpet must stink or somethin.....

mad librettist

Active member
I use Neem oil indeed. Just light misting once every 5 days or so will keep most bugs at bay. I have never had an attack (touches head) of mites in all that time since using it

Heya Paz,

Just curious - if you are into bio, have you considered cutting back on the neem oil? I know there are all kinds of reason why using neem oil is a much better way to control pests compared to synthetic chemicals, but it's still not entirely harmless. If you need to apply it every five, I would take that as a a sign that something is seriously out of balance.

Implementing integrated pest management (IPM) is a great way to stay disciplined about all the lethal methods used to secure our gardens.

wait, are you misting with neem oil, or just misting with water? I f you meant misting with water helps with pests, that is crazy. But I agree! :) I use frequent misting of my foliage with water if i have plants in veg during times when mites are more likely (dry and hot in the garden). This technique requires good airflow and good enough judgement not to overdo it and get rot or mildew.

Next time I get mites, I am trying lavender since that is getting talked about so much. But I am not sure which is less lethal - lavender or plain soap. Maybe the soap, so according to IPM I will first try with plain soap (works really well on mites believe it or not), then lavender. Or maybe lavender soap :smokeit:

sorry stoned rambling :smokeit:


Active member
I have been bio for about 15 years, since I was involved in the medical side of things.. Great choice, the ONLY choice as far as I am concerned. :)

I use Neem oil indeed. Just light misting once every 5 days or so will keep most bugs at bay. I have never had an attack (touches head) of mites in all that time since using it.

I am fortunate this moment to be able to leave grow tent open. great privacy etc so no need for all the extraction fans n shit :)

Neem or azatrol?
Aza is the active ingredient in neem, hyperbolic extract

I use it regularly to, especially here in the CA valley.Summer every 3-5 days, winter every other week as a preventative.

Brix mix keeps the plants super healthy and that helps bug resistance. Been using mosquito dunks as part of my regular watering, controls fungus gnats with BT, different species than caterpillar killer

I had in infestation and the rosemary? lavender? didnt do squat for it this summer. had to resort to encapsulated pyrethrum. One dose and gone!!
I'm not against it at all, they (who ever is the purveyor of that type here) have several formulas including a fungus gnat control. Id like to get the concentrate and incorporate into the rotation and give it a real try.

I use about 5ml azatrol in 600ml h20 and a drop of surfactant, what ever is around. A regular schedule in the summer is the only way here.
I dont see how that is out of balance. JMO


Active member
picture tip newbie.
dwnld VSO image resizer, its a free lil program
Highlight original pics
right click, select size, (Icommonly use 600x800) and make a copy or overwrite
Makes your pics only a few kbs
SUPER fast uploads to your album.... oooh but youre a mac'er
Not sure if that particular program is available for u
There are mac progs for that im sure

For close ups, set your camera to super high resolution, get a clear shot on the macro setting from about two feet at least, then crop it in closer on the pu'ter. Way easier than squeezin in there

silver hawaiian

Active member
Old camera. Need to upgrade. Girlfriend takes most photos (good for me). Has no shame about handing the camera to strangers and putting them up to it..

I didn't fully digest what you were yakkin' at me about the pictures, but I was glad to see you kind of ease up, when you realized I'm a Mac nerd. (that meant it was OK for me to stop reading and trying to comprehend)



Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
I've decided I think I ought to be proactive about bugs -- just need to decide which product to give a whirl..

hang a hot shot no pest strip in there while vegging ... you can go into flowering with them but i wouldn't go past 14/15 days with them . i also have Bayer tree & shrub handy for aphids , neem oil & floromite .

silver hawaiian

Active member
Ventilation situation ironed out. Fan to arrive Friday. 175 CFM inline. Figured I'd done enough getting carried away, had to bring myself back to practicality.

Just need to do some chimney smashin' and we'll be able to put this frickin' ventilation deal to bed.

It's a bit cramped, but all good.


silver hawaiian

Active member

There are just two clones in there - the rest are veggie seedlings for the spring (5 varieties of hot chiles, some grape & roma tomatoes, some boston & seedless cukes, green peppers, herbs, ..)

One of the clones is a White Widow x Blueberry, and the other (the one with a bit of a gangsta lean) is Warrior.

**I stand corrected - the three rockwool cubes in the front are Star Trek seedlings. The Warrior clone is on the left(ish) and the WWxBB is toward the right(ish).

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