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First organic grow, 400W tent

silver hawaiian

Active member


Was thinking of jamming out the entire tent with one batch of 4 plants, DWC SCROG, ..

Now I'm reconsidering, for a few reasons, .. Not sure how easy maintaining the buckets will be once the screen goes up and gets some action, .. Also, from a compliance perspective, flipping an entire tent's worth of plants will of course put me over my limits as soon as I harvest..

Soo, thinking about a staggered situation (again).. Every two weeks, probably..

I came across these today at HD, thought they may work well in lieu of a full-tent-sized SCROG, .. Sort of a per-bucket basis..


Anyone had any experience?
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heady blunts

prescription blunts
yum big nugs :D

i'd definitely recommend modular scrogs over a tent sized one, ie a screen attached to each bucket.

however you'll lose a ton of surface area with those round ones. better to rig up something square so you use every inch of your space and get more nuggets to show for your hard work :D

silver hawaiian

Active member
yum big nugs :D

i'd definitely recommend modular scrogs over a tent sized one, ie a screen attached to each bucket.

however you'll lose a ton of surface area with those round ones. better to rig up something square so you use every inch of your space and get more nuggets to show for your hard work :D

Thought about this, .. I'm sort of using that last Headband as a reference here, .. I got 3 zips off of that, and at no time did it ever occupy more than a quarter of the tent, .. So, by that logic, I'm presuming that I COULD pull 12 zips, .. ?! (Seems like an ambitious claim from 400 W, but that Headband really produced..)

Anyway - that 3oz Headband was just supported with old-fashioned stakes & twist ties, .. So I'm not terribly concerned with an actual SCROG, per se, but more concerned with making sure the buds have some ready-made support, ..

Am I crazy in my thinking?!

That fucking room is getting bombed tonight. Was just spraying some clones yesterday, and as the mist hit one of 'em, I could see the faintest bit of webbing..

The man at the garden center says as long as I'm not harvesting for 2 weeks, I oughtta be fine to bomb IN the tent as well - thoughts/experience?

silver hawaiian

Active member
'keedoke. Cooler heads have prevailed.

Going to hold off on bombing the joint 'til that last Headband comes down, .. That way nothing will be in flower when I bomb, ..

Found some 4% (not .4%) pyrethrin bombs, .. Not cheap - $27, but I really expect that to do the job, ..

We had some discussion at the garden center about "Is it safe to bomb within 3 weeks of harvest" (or at all during flower), .. Concluded that, since it's far from an "outbreak" or serious problem, it's probably just best to wait 'til that one comes down, then bomb the shit out of the room (and the vegging plants).

One of the guys suggested a 3-bombs-in-9-days treatment, .. With the first and last bombs being the .4%, and the middle one being the big dawg 4%, .. Seems a bit like overkill (on the gas and my wallet), but better safe than sorry..

Any experience?


Wad Up?

Heady Blunts is right on about squares being a better use of space than the circles. However if you are not concerned with taking up every square inch and just looking for something to hold/spread the plant a little, then I think they would be very easy to attach to the dwc buckets and work out great...I would prefer to max it out though.

Have you considered moving to plants out for a day while you do the bomb?...you could soak them in neem and let them sit in the bathroom or something for a few hours while you bomb the room....I personally believe that NO ONE has the answer as to weather it affects the buds and/or your health. You have to do a controlled before and after test that involves a lab...You better believe at least some residue would be on the bud or else the bomb doesn't work for a whole room and then that in itself is another problem/reason not to use it...

Anyway, headband buds look great....I wish however you had a way for us to see that crystal production.

Also, what is the finished Ak product like as far as taste...and did it smell that way when it was growing?

What ferts are you growing to use in the dwc?
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silver hawaiian

Active member
Hey Epi! Was just thinking about you today actually - Got the Vision Cloud back in tha hay-ouse. We'll find out about that raciness come Christmas time!

Let's see if I can get this multiple-quote-thingy rockin':

Have you considered moving to plants out for a day while you do the bomb?...you could soak them in neem and let them sit in the bathroom or something for a few hours while you bomb the room....

I didn't think about that (more on that in a second). I figured I was just as well off to wait until this one last flowering gal is done - and it's another Headband (SOG styl-ee), flipped on 7/3 - so it's damn-near..

But back to that - Part of what I was interested in the bomb/fogger for was for all of that gas to get on/into the plant - on the leaves and any nooks/crannies where those fuckers may be hiding.

If I were to remove the flowering Headband and do a Neem dunk/soaking/whatever, my fear would be that the Neem was somehow not entirely effective, and I'd then be putting the still-spider-mite-affected Headband right back into the room that was just bombed, thus ensuring a waste of my $26. :) Thoughts?

Anyway, headband buds look great....I wish however you had a way for us to see that crystal production.

Thanks man - I'll see if I can get a better closeup, .. You'll see what I mean about the calyxes not being fully swollen..

Also, what is the finished Ak product like as far as taste...and did it smell that way when it was growing?

IMO, nothing I've grown this time around has looked as sexy as the Purple Diesel and the Green Candy. The AK is on the airy side (the Candy buds are solid rocks, in contrast), .. While it was growing, it wasn't terribly stinkeriffic. But, if you'd get up close and take a big whiff, it smelled sweetish [and a bit green, of course]. Nothing so far has stunk (IME) as much as that Blue Dragon, .. And through some supreme stoner ADD action, I've managed to kill my surviving Green Candy and Blue Dragon clones. Motherf*cker. :wallbash:

The AK buzz is actually quite pleasant - not as anxiety-prone as the Purple Diesel.. The taste is great too - very sweet, almost bubblegummy.

The AK is one I'm anxious to have another crack at. This last one had a touch of PM, which has really skeeved me out on smoking most of the plant, actually. I've taken just a few solid PM-free nugs. The rest (even the potentially-PM'd) is in the QWISO pile.

What ferts are you growing to use in the dwc?

I got two starter kits from Technaflora this summer at a show, .. So I'll be using the BC series..

Thanks so much for stopping by! :)

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silver hawaiian

Active member
Hawaiian v Crush

Hawaiian v Crush

Okay, this is making me sad panda. Crush's "How I trim" thread shot to 23 pages in about 48 hours, with little substance.

I've been fairly generous with as much porn as I can, and this thread is at page 18?!

Futhermuckers. :wallbash:

On with it.

HEADBAND close-ups, as requested:

(the relatively un-swollen calyxes I'm talking about)


And now, with the magic of FLASH


But really, it doesn't look THAT frosty to your naked eye - at least not under the light in my dining room..


silver hawaiian

Active member
Headband - what else?

Headband - what else?

Okay, okay, oKAY! I get it - it's just me and Epiphyte in here, and Lord knows he's bound to dip out soon too, .. :dunno:

Here's some root porn. I'm really beginning to love this Headband. It was resilient vs. the spider mites, and the powdery mildew that had been funking out the AK and Purple Mr. Nice..

I took these cuttings no more than 10 days back.



silver hawaiian

Active member
The BD ;)

Nice little AK cutting! I've done a few runs of rooted clone to flower,.... always wind up about a foot tall and .5 oz dry for an indica, about .3 sativa.

Good luck with her! :tiphat:

Was taking a trip down memory lane, and I came across this. I ended up getting 27-or-so g off of this broad! :party:

But, there was a significant portion (though not much, if that makes sense) that was spotted w/ PM. :shucks:


Living life large...
Okay, okay, oKAY! I get it - it's just me and Epiphyte in here, and Lord knows he's bound to dip out soon too, .. :dunno:

I took these cuttings no more than 10 days back.


Just when you think your all alone...damn lurkers,:watchplant:
I wished I could be on here all day long...F'n day job.
I gotta say "I like your style", those RR's are the bomb,
the new DWC sytem is gonna rock, that's for sure, happy roots !

silver hawaiian

Active member
I'm back!

I'm back!

..but please do allow me to rub it in, a smidgen:

Setting the stage:


What I woke up to every day (and drank beer and smoked tweed while staring at):


For fun:


It's great to have awesome friends in HIIIIIGH places! :dance013::dance013::dance013::dance013:

silver hawaiian

Active member
Just couldn't resist, .. The lone Headband hits day 56 tomorrow, I reckon. Back to regularly scheduled programming tomorrow.

In the meantime, .. It wasn't easy to leave this morning..



Hydro? I'm out. JK.

Seriously, the only part I like about hydro is the root shots...speaking if which? What's your cloning situation these days? Did those root blow up only after you put them in the system?

good luck to you...I'll be watching..

silver hawaiian

Active member

Let's just give'er a chance and see how it works out. ;)

Those roots actually came just while sitting in the tray under a dome, .. The RR's don't always want to stand up on their own, so I set the RR inside of a cell of a seed-starter tray, to hold it up, .. When I pulled it out of the cell-thingy, it was just oozing with rootage. :D


I come from the land where the oceans freeze
you've got my attention over here as well. beautiful scenery!!!

i wanna see some bud porn

silver hawaiian

Active member
Updates, .. None too 'citin'..

Updates, .. None too 'citin'..


So, I'm [im]patiently waiting for this last Headband gal to finish up, .. The other one went to 68 days, and I'm not entirely satisfied with the finish, .. This one may go 70-75, we'll see. I'm in no rush for this one, except, well, I'm kind of in a rush.

Once I chop this last flowering gal, I'm going to hit the room with a couple pyrethrin bombs, a few days apart.

I built a sulfur burner last night - none too sexy for the eyes, but it's burning down there, doin' its thing. Well, I think it is, anyway. Definitely has a stinky-sulfur smell to it, but I don't see any visible "smoke" or vapor even. Anyone?

Also, I just finished up making some QWISO with my PM'd AK-47 buds, .. Who knows how it'll turn out. This the update of FIRSTS! First sulfur burner experience, first QWISO, ..


silver hawaiian

Active member
Thanks Budman!

Not sure how the QWISO will turn out, .. First time, blahblahblah, .. I will say, there are a couple of, .. Mmmm, .. "Chunks" in it. :) Apparently I poured too violently and some of the reefermatter made its way up and over the filter, .. Ahh, well. Literally less than you could squeeze in a dugout bat (you know, gross metal thing?).

Not sure either of how effective the sulfur burn was, .. :dunno: We shall see.

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