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First Micro (hydro pc)


I2kangrow - Thanks for checking out my new grow area.

RagnorokYoshi - I am sure that it will grow well, thanks for stopping by to check this out.

Aerohead - Hi, thanks for the compliment. I am glad that you stopped in here. I know that my pc is no where close to as well constructed and thought out as yours, my next will be. Your grow case was a major inspiration to me, I had though about building one for awhile now and seeing yours and reading through it pushed me to finally get to it. Thanks for stopping in, i hope my grow comes out as well as yours.
thanx scrubninja.

yea b420 since u have the exhaust nest to ur lights,,on the opposite side of the box,,in the front, by where the cd rom is supposed to be. put another fan blowing on the lights towards ur exhaust..that should suk some cool air frm outside the box in, and blow it on ur lights to keep ur temps down dude.. got any pics of wat u got lately?


Devil's Advocate
Man, I really want to do a micro grow for the fun of it even though I do larger ones all the time.
I think I will... one of these daze. You're doin' it up right. Keep goin!


Ok so it has been quite awhile but I finally have something starting in this pc case. I have started some bagseed in jiffy plugs, I will transfer them to the hydro tub after they are established. I have some problems with the pc case as it sits today, due to seeds being sprouted i need to get it figured out asap.

First I removed the plexiglass divider. I think this was alittle bit overkill as the fan setup should be able to cool the four lights in this space without a separate cool area. Correct me if I am wrong please?

Now I would like to come up with a better idea for the fan arrangement, while also trying to close off the front of the case. With the case open at the front it did not cool effectively and above all was not light proof or even able to be disguised.

I have removed the area that is circled in red, it was an intake manifold. That was where I was trying to intake from behind the case cover, it was a flawed plan.

The blue circled area is the larger of the exhaust fans.

The green area is the location of the smaller exhaust fan that was originally for the light area when that was divided.

This is what is left after removing the intake manifold. This is what I would like to enclose/utilize more effectively.



Ok, so I have covered in the front of the pc case with panda poly, sealed the light leaks from it, relocated the air pump to be in the grow chamber, and removed the rear light trap/exhaust manifold. I need to put something in place over the rear of the case to block light from the intake/exhaust, not sure on what I will do yet but I am interested in the louver style setup posted by Scrubninja, I am pretty happy with these changes thus far. I also switched the smaller fan that was for the light exhaust into an intake fan blowing on the lights with the larger fan extracting the chamber. I am currently testing to watch the temps. Also the seedlings are doing fine.


So its been about a week, not alot of change. Seedlings are slow going, it gets old fast. The have developed the second true set of leaves, but nothing more since. They were put into the hydro on sunday. The PH is 5.7~5.8 it is shifting alot. The PPMs are at 380. Roots are developing nicely, ignore the crap on them it is fresh dirt from a couple of days ago that hadn't all came off yet.



So I am hoping some of you might have some ideas, I am having huge PH shifts, like a couple points up within a few hours. I am having trouble keeping up with it, is there a way to stable this out other than a larger res as its not really an option?


So everything is looking good now. The seedlings are stating to reach for the lights and the roots are finally taking off. The Ph has stabilized to a nice 5.9 and PPM is holding steady. So all is good with this so far. Here are some pics:



Ok So the plants are growing larger and developing larger root systems, more nodes, etc. But they are showing me some signs and I am not quite sure what is going on here. Mostly there is a slight amount a yellowing in the leaves. But also one is showing brown spots (I gave a close up of that one). I have the PH at 5.8 and the PPM is 320. Not sure but I am thinking a nute issue? Any ideas?



Grow like nobody is watching
It looks a bit like calcium deficiency.



I was making that assumption before asking it was good to get another opinion on it so Thank you ScrubNinja. Not really sure how to cure the problem, I would guess it was PH related to when I was having large PH shifts while at work. I have got the PH stabilized, kinda, it floats between 5.8 - 6.1. Hopefully that will keep the problems from occurring on the new growth. Otherwise the plants seem to be doing just fine. Not really all that impressive thus far but thanks all who are taking the time to take a look.

Also I have never done a scrog with unsexed plants, is there a way to tailor the grow to the fact that they are unsexed? What I mean to ask is should I eventually train to the screen as normal then wait and see what turns out female? Or, should I train mildly before 12/12 then try to fill screen with the female(s) intensively during the stretch?

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