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First Love's ?????


The Hopeful Protagonist
OK....seeing as how my threads are destined for the bin, let's try again...:wallbash:

As the title says....First love's and NO I don't mean weed....that's a given :D

First love for me was my freshman year in H.S......first day of school, between 3rd and 4th period in the hallway.....there she was, tall, thin, perky-tittayed blonde with a long pixie doo.

Our eyes locked and I was hooked, it immediately went physical and we commenced on a 5 year (steady relationship) trip of exploring and using each others bodys like amusement parks.

Even after we broke up when school was finished, we had the occasional random romp whenever we ran into one another.

Our most recent rendezvous was about 2 years ago when we had "found" each other after we lost touch for a bit....needless to say, we picked up right where we had left off, only this time some of her "tastes" had changed....

She wanted to do a break-in/rape simulation, I was put-off at first, but when I saw how turned on she was by the prospect I had to oblige. I mean, the whole 9 yards...black/burglar attire, rope, handcuffs and an "unannounced" entry to her spot....wow...some of the hottest sex I ever had.

Feeling nostalgic today, maybe I should let my fingers do the walking :D

Let's hear'em peeps.....I went first :moon:


Garden Nymph
dang...kinda sounds like first LUST lol but then again, I'm not here to judge. Different definitions of love, I suppose.

Stay safe!
:) HL


The Hopeful Protagonist
dang...kinda sounds like first LUST lol but then again, I'm not here to judge. Different definitions of love, I suppose.

Stay safe!
:) HL

Well, do you really know what love is at that age ?

I sure as hell didn't....not sure I fully understand it now :D

Lust for sure, but love as well as love could be understood and displayed at that time for me. Once the "lustful" relationship had developed/established, it just carried that theme through the years.

It was fun :joint:


Garden Nymph
Oh I don't have anything against a person believing he/she is in love even if he/she is pretty young. We've all been through it, right?

I just couldn't beat your sex escapade(s) story lol


Cannabrex Formulator
I met my first love at the age of 12 in highschool.

We went out when I was 13 (she was 16) for about 10 months....then she broke up with me onna phone.

But iz ok....cuz we got back together 5 years later and got married.....it's been 16 years now, and we have 3 great kids and a wonderful marriage.


Active member
My first girl, it was crazy, she had skin problems like a m*therfucker, I was in such a debate if I should go forward with her and show her my love..

and I did, later on I learned from her sister that if I hadn't gone out with her, she would have killed herself, her parents really liked me
(maybe for that)
it was funny, her parent's we're divorced, and we could grow at the mom and the dads (lol)

I was like 16

there was another girl that I was truely in love with
I'll come write about her some other time


She wanted to do a break-in/rape simulation, I was put-off at first, but when I saw how turned on she was by the prospect I had to oblige. I mean, the whole 9 yards...black/burglar attire, rope, handcuffs and an "unannounced" entry to her spot....wow...some of the hottest sex I ever had.

pics or it didn't happen.

Lil 'o Me

Farm hand
My first love, was my best friend in high school. After being best friends for 2 years, we realized that there was something more there than just a friendship, and we started dating. We were together for almost a year and started fighting real bad. One day, we just stopped talking to each other. No official break up or anything.... we just stopped talking. We didn't talk for years. It sucked loosing such a good friend.

Medium Pimpin'

Ask Beavis, I Get Nothing Butt Head
She wanted to do a break-in/rape simulation, I was put-off at first, but when I saw how turned on she was by the prospect I had to oblige. I mean, the whole 9 yards...black/burglar attire, rope, handcuffs and an "unannounced" entry to her spot....wow...some of the hottest sex I ever had.

are you sure you weren't the only one playing "rape"?

i've heard a few convicts in the joint tell me this same exact story!


The Hopeful Protagonist
genkisan - That is an awesome story...what a way for a First Love to end up. :yes:

whiterabbit9 - post it up rabbit

cashmunny & Medium Pimpin' - I might not have been the only convict tellin' that story and I'm pissed I didn't snap a couple spread eagle & bound pics for posterity :D

Like I said, we lost touch several times, and on successive "meetings" she got freakier and freakier.

We'll see what the next one brings :joint:


I was basically forced into a relationship with a girl I wanted nothing to do with at the age of 14-15 or so.
I was her first love, and she was my first sex partner/experimenter.

Before that was finished I 'fell in love' with another girl when I was 15 or 16, and after about four years or so ended up in the same situation I put my original 'lover' in.

-girl was just trying to figure stuff out sexually and I was emotionally attached

It all really sucked at the time (except for the sex, when it was good) but I definitely learned a lesson from it...

Shit happens, and then you get over it

Joe Hawkins

Active member
LOL, talk about thread timing
Im in the middle of editing my first loves 5 year old's bday photos
But i get no action from her these days.
found her on facebook, then found out she lives less than 200 metres around the corner, and had been there for tha last 5 years. hadnt seen her in 22 years, we are still good friends.

Moldy Dreads

Active member
LOL, talk about thread timing
Im in the middle of editing my first loves 5 year old's bday photos
But i get no action from her these days.
found her on facebook, then found out she lives less than 200 metres around the corner, and had been there for tha last 5 years. hadnt seen her in 22 years, we are still good friends.

In other words she's aged rather poorly LMAO!

Like I said, we lost touch several times, and on successive "meetings" she got freakier and freakier.

We'll see what the next one brings :joint:
I have one of those high school 1rst bangs, I mean l1rst loves, although the last time we met was definitely the last. This chick used to be into guys like crazy, super freaky, turned full on lesbian, got really freaky, then came back to guys and now isn't sure what she wants (Don't think she ever did) The emotional confusion I've seen this chick go through is sad. She was great in bed, but man, messed up in the head :crazy:



Lame lame lame
this girl i met in mexico our eyes locked to the galliant sound of the mariachis playing their sweet music. In between riding the donkey that was being held down by 2 bartenders and banging guys for money we agreed that things may not work out. Nuevo Laredo... How you have scarred me..

Moldy Dreads

Active member
Hey Playa, same shit with a friend of mine, went to TJ, him and his brother when they were like 14 and 15 and saw the "show" needless to say they never looked at a Donkey the same after that..and women too...glad it wasn't me. LOL

Joe Hawkins

Active member
In other words she's aged rather poorly LMAO!

I have one of those high school 1rst bangs, I mean l1rst loves, although the last time we met was definitely the last. This chick used to be into guys like crazy, super freaky, turned full on lesbian, got really freaky, then came back to guys and now isn't sure what she wants (Don't think she ever did) The emotional confusion I've seen this chick go through is sad. She was great in bed, but man, messed up in the head :crazy:



Lame lame lame

LOL actually, the other way around, shes a hot milf, I mean the type you instantly bone up to, shes single too but Im not.
Plus I suspect a bit of neurosis goin on , shes the type that wants the house and three kids thing, but doesnt, if you know what I mean, kind of self sabotage


Active member
i stalked a few girls in 2nd and 3rd grade and had g/f's in 4th at the same time....it almost always went like that.