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First Legal Grow...PLEASE follow


I would like to start off by saying thank you to all the people who helped me to get here. Without the help of so many people, old and new friends alike, I would be nowhere. This thread is dedicated to all those people. This is my first thread so please bear with me...
So I can't really start this thread without a little background info. To make a very long story short, I was arrested in 07' for cultivating our sacred plant in the southwest. I was a nightmare and a real lesson in life. I'm going to post a separate thread detailing how I was busted and exactly what happened every step of the process so others will know the risks they are taking. Yes, I went to jail. Two years later...NO felonies, huge amounts of money spent and I'm finally free from everything the man threw at me.
I now live in the Northwest and I'm a 100% legal medical grower now!!!! I can hardly explain the feeling of joy and freedom I'm experiencing. To know that I can grow legally without the risk and consequences I faced just a few years ago makes me profoundly grateful.

So onto the Grow, I know it's what you really came here for!
I had tons of space for my first legal grow, since everything is legal I was determined to do everything as professionally as possible. I drew up some designs and started building. I decided on 2x6 construction, with 16'' on center for the walls and 24'' on center for the ceilings. The Bloom room was to be 22'x16'x9' and the Veg room was 17'x16'x9'.

Here they are with the Skins up...

I'm not a new grower but I've been out the game for a number of years. My partner and I grew for 3 years then I quit for two and got busted and was forced to take another 2 years off. So needless to say this is exciting! The largest grow I ever had was 2 1000w's in the bloom and 1 in the Veg. This one is a bit larger.

Details, the Bloom room is a completely sealed room with no exhaust, pretty cool. The Veg room is basically sealed, but to control temp I have a carbon scrubber connected to a thermostat that exhaust whenever the temp is hit. That is my only exhaust into the space I have. Here are some shots of the Veg room being constructed on the inside.
Since I was building from the ground up, I had to throw in insulation. I went with R-19 for the 16'' construction and R-21 for the 24''. It was my first time working with fiberglass, NOT fun...Nice learning curve.
Next I went with 6mil clear plastic to seal the room, and major amounts of gorilla tape. On one of the walls I had to use hard foam insulation R-12 I believe, very expensive.
Here are some more shots of the inside of the bloom room.
As you can see, the insulation is up the 6mil is done and the panda plastic has been sealed. Also from this shot you can see that my tables have been built. These are awesome!
Now here is where I have to admit something. I actually never planned on creating a grow journal or anything like that. So, I didn't really document this whole process as well as I should have, so there is a lack of pics here. I'm a bit disappointed to be honest. Okay, more details. For my sealed Bloom room I'm running:
10 1000w digital Nextgens
10 Super Sun Reflector hoods, no glass or exhaust. On yo-yo's
1 MLC 16 plug up to 16 1000's into
Fuzzy logic Co2 with aluminum Co2 tank (so light)
5 ton stand alone A/C unit
Industrial dehumidifier
Small carbon scrubber with 10'' elicent fan
Custom tables run 4' wide and for every 3' there is a hood.
In this next pic, this is the first day I brought plants here and turned on lights, so stoked! The plants are in my bloom room, but I have them in Veg, my veg room still wasn't complete so I started in here. I'm starting with two plants that are already 5 weeks old and 2 more that are only one week old. The 2 young plants are Lavender and the older plants are Green Queen and Pineapple Trainwreck. I'm not familiar with either of these strains so any input here would be greatly appreciated! I'm looking for large yielding strains that finish in 8-9 weeks, suggestions would be great. A few weeks later... These are my two girls at week 8. I'm totally new to the whole tie down method, but I'm learning...Now these are going into bloom yay!
I forgot to mention these two are in 15 gal pots...trellis in place.
Here is a shot of my A/C unit and the rest of the bloom room. This is my first attempt, it's not perfect but I'm very proud of how these rooms turned out. I built them myself from the ground up with the help of only two close friends.

Here's a canopy shot.

Another angel
My carbon scrubber is up, it only kicks on a couple times a day to scrub the air...it doesn't exhaust.
The view from above...should I try and spread the canopy more, this shot is their 3rd day of bloom, their on day 7 now...
Here are my Ballast and MLC 16

Fuzzy logic Co2

That pretty much is a wrap for the bloom room, I'll get more pics soon as they progress. Off to the Veg room!

It took me a while to get the veg room finished, just so busy with the bloom room. Here are some shots, I opted not to do panda plastic in this room, maybe I should have but this project took way longer than expected...
In the veg room I ran:
5 1000w Digital Nextgen Ballast
5 Super Sun Reflectors, no glass or exhaust.
A larger Carbon scrubber with 10'' elicent fan with variable speed control.

Here are some more...
My Turbo Clone Machine works great!
extra room for a sixth light...

In another room where I make my nutrient blends I keep all my nutes, records, ph stuff ect. I'm working with what I know since this first harvest is so important to me. All House and Garden with Sweet Carbon Love Bud added.
Back to my veg room, here it is with all my plants for my next cycle. I plan on vegging these girls for at least 60 days, some with be vegged for 90.
So here's the strains, White Russian, Purple Nepal, Pineapple Trainwreck, Green Queen, Blue Dream and Lavender.

Question, what would the knowledgeable members of ic recommed to keep out of these genetics. I'm vegging for 8 weeks and blooming for 8-9 with a tie down/ scrog method. I'm looking to keep the highest yielders, again any feedback would be cool.
So that's it, I hope that you've enjoyed what you've seen thus far and will continue to follow this thread. Thanks in advance for the feedback. Positive vibes out to all of you.



I see the pics they are a little small but at least I see them. When they are just attached I never look I don't even care what I miss but attached pics would equal bans on other sites I visit. host then post!


Active member
Very nice grow! Love the huge containers:) Your setup resembles the likes of a greenhouse without the sun with the benches and all,very groovy!


Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Great pro set up man

This should be a great show, good luck


Thanks, guys...I'll keep you posted. Right now I'm having some wack issues with the condensate pump for the A/C unit. If it stops pumping the a/c compressor kicks off and gets the room too like 103 degrees!!! Busy today figuring all this out....


them some pretty bushes i would keep all them strains good luck man


Thanks, guys...I'll keep you posted. Right now I'm having some wack issues with the condensate pump for the A/C unit. If it stops pumping the a/c compressor kicks off and gets the room too like 103 degrees!!! Busy today figuring all this out....

Had some similar issues in "auto" that is gonna be a no go if you are running it there. I ran mine 24/7 in the "FAN ON" otherwise it got finnicky and the humidity was outta control even for my santa fe de-humidifier.

Props to you on all your hard work, seeing all the pics gave me some serious flashbacks of the room I built with 2 close friends. Ton of work but will pay you back with "green gold"


Had some similar issues in "auto" that is gonna be a no go if you are running it there. I ran mine 24/7 in the "FAN ON" otherwise it got finnicky and the humidity was outta control even for my santa fe de-humidifier.

Props to you on all your hard work, seeing all the pics gave me some serious flashbacks of the room I built with 2 close friends. Ton of work but will pay you back with "green gold"

Thanks for the info, I was running the a/c in the auto feature. The pump seemed to work for a couple days, but when I came in last night the room was 100 degrees. There was water in the pump and the line, but the compressor obviously had shut off. I had moved the pump line from the ground and ran it up to a 50 gal drum. When the line was on the floor it seemed to work, so that might be the problem?
So should I try and connect the pump and just run it in the "Fan On" mode? I'm really stressing right now, this is my first run and I can't lose these two plants...I just want to know this a/c unit is gonna work. Thanks in advance.


I would just run it on the whole time and if you wan to get fancy you can hook up a timer to the unit so it kicks on 30 minutes prior to lights on then 30 minutes after lights out. The auto mode will ruin your op. I had a similar instance when my room was at 102 when it shut off. Mine can actually be set on a timer with the remote and you could go to home depot and get a new timer and hook it to your AC. The below unit can be set for 7 days "FAN ON" and you can set the time it shuts on and off. Just a thought.



or if you dont wanna get that fancy just run it 24/7 like I do just make sure your +/- is within 10 degrees or so that way you dont get a crazy stretch due to too much of a temperature swing


I would just run it on the whole time and if you wan to get fancy you can hook up a timer to the unit so it kicks on 30 minutes prior to lights on then 30 minutes after lights out. The auto mode will ruin your op. I had a similar instance when my room was at 102 when it shut off. Mine can actually be set on a timer with the remote and you could go to home depot and get a new timer and hook it to your AC. The below unit can be set for 7 days "FAN ON" and you can set the time it shuts on and off. Just a thought.

Thanks so much man, I'm headed to my spot right now. I'm definitely going to look into getting the unit on a timer. The fan just doesn't need to be running when my lights are off. I'll let you know how this works out. Major thanks!


Here's a little update of the veg room, I will up load some pics tonight of the bloom room day 12...

So here are some photos of my blue dream day 10 from seed. Why are two more yellow??? Haven't seen that before... Hopefully I get a least one nice pheno...
More to come...Chuurch
Hey legadroman.
Did u get your thread up about ur bust ? Im really intrested in what you have to say !!
Loving the new setup and good luck legal growing my friend


Thanks for reminding me, I've been so busy I forgot to post that. Gotta go work on the garden for a couple hours...when I get back I'll post the busted thread. Also, I'll be doing an update of the bloom room tonight, day 21...enjoy.