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First journal, second grow - bag seeds


Hello to all the micro growers:wave:!
Since my first grow has gone from bad to worst (continious mistakes) i decided to try and make a journal mainly to get opinions and advices so i do not get disapointed again.
Info of my grow!
5 bag seeds wich i named : 2x "6+" and 3x "The Fan". Tonight they will go in my CFL PC to germinate.
CFL PC - l 23cm , w 18cm , h 40cm ; 1x20W 6500K and 1x26W 2700K ; 1x80mm PC fan for exhaust and a passive intake.
Picture: 1 - pots with seeds(peat pots with 2seeds in each and plastic pot with the biggest seed in it) ; 2 - CFL PC ; 3 - 70HPS PC


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The fertilizers !

The fertilizers !

Few days ago i finaly got my hands on organic ferts (picture).
I whant to state their composition given by the manufacturer just to make sure i got something that suites me good.
From left to right:
Biohumus - NPK (600,360,320 mg/L) +CaO-1300(mg/L) +MgO-250(mg/L) + rich bacterial microflora

BioPlantella - Based on extract from Ascophyllum Nodosum N(0.002-0.03%), P2O5(0.0004-0.001%), K2O(0.02-0.06%), Ca(0.01-0.02%), S(0.06-0.18%), Mg(0.01-0.018%) Alginic acid(0.2-0.4%), Mannitol(0.08-0.14%), Betaines 0.0008%

And the last is worm extract manufacturer analysis with solution 1:10 says : pH 7.5 , Ca24.5 mg/L, Mg33 mg/L, P2O5 114.2mg/L, K2O 13.3mg/L

Pics of the case with the lights on will be up later !:respect:!
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thx for stoping by and good wishes.
here they are up and running since last night. cfl pc is on 12/12 for , and i was thinking to keep it like that and when i seem them pushing up to swithc to 14/10 or 16/8 for a week, just becouse im flushing the girl in hps pc.
Can the switching stress(hermie or something) them if they pop up with 12/12 light?

pic1 - fertilizers ; pic2 - cfl pc ; pic3 - hps pc


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we have life :D

we have life :D

here they are , 2 have poped up.
Im so happy :dance013:. Still wondering should i trow them in the hps pc and go to 12/12 or let them grow for a week.
In the plastic cup "The Fan" , it was the biggest of them 3 seeds, realy big one. "6+" still no signs of life :( , will w8 for it a few days more and gonna trow some more seeds in that.


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Ganja Smoker Extraordinaire
Nice looking setup.

I would wait before moving to 12/12. Either way they plant will still be vegging for a few weeks so i would just give it constant light for a little while before i flip.


:thank you: , but the setup is not realy my original idea. I was inspired by mrMicro Nanomachine ( i just had to say that), but my pc was realy damaged and is a second or even third hand , and even with all the silicone and ducting it has light leaks.
That white furniture foil i upgradet to is realy damn reflecting, i just see it when i open the case.
Babys are on 15/9 and i'll follow the advise and keep them like that for a week or so.
COnstant light? You mean 24 hours of light?
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Ganja Smoker Extraordinaire
We've all been inspired by someone, somewhere down the line ;)

By constant light, im assuming you were running 24/0 or 20/4, but as long it is a "veg" amount of light its fine. Just let her do her thing for a couple nodes before flipping.


Heya people, i've been away for a wile working. I messed up thing again. 5-6 days ago i decieded to give my plants a bit of nutes 1/2 strenght and they took it bad :(. 1 showed signs first and the other after that couse i transplanted it right after feeding. Pics are taken with my phone, first 2 from last night and third is fron today, i have fliushed them last night with aproximetly twice the volume of soil with tap water mixed with destiled to get to ph 6.8-7. I hope they recover :(


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whoa dude. don't feed til like 2 weeks in. and your pH should be 6.0-6.5 iirc..i used about 6.3. don't feed after you transplant, they're stressed enough. unless they're old plants you might really hurt them. i don't know about tap water and distilled, but if you're using tap water it needs to sit out overnight so the chlorine can evaporate or else you're hurting your plants some more. be careful, man.

that's what i love about the journal...no matter how paranoid you are, it's invaluable to have people on here that can at least give you an idea of what you should be doing instead. take all the info with a grain of salt, every grower is different. there are a lot of truths but there are also a lot of semi-truths. keep movin bro you got this just be determined. if you even end up with a gram of nasty bud, at least you can say it's your own.

and you won't end up with that little if you get that far into flowering :p


:wave: hey. i kinda knew diferent for proper soil ph (pic) and using destiled is just about my tap water pH (~7.5) and i noticed on my flowers te soil on top gets a bit white in colour. I always leave the water to sit for more than a day in opened container.
I'll cross finders and continue with 2x water every time thay need and we'll see. I will even start a few more seeds (atleast i have ALOT of bag seeds) on the window and put up the other pc soon as finished upgrading it!

P.S. Have to get the camera from my girl couse my phone camera sux !
the glass in your window blocks a majority of light so make sure you work diligently or they will be severely stunted or stretchy.

or maybe not, i've never grown in a window...that's just waht i would assume would happen. are you letting your plants dry out in between waterings? that was one mistake i made that hurt my plants so much.


:thank you:, i didnt knew that for letting them dry out before watering! i measure when they need water by the weight of the pot and i think i have done that. didnt though it would hurt, maybe if they sit like that for a lot but was just trying to avoid overwatering.


the pic of pH range i was following!

the pic of pH range i was following!

couldnt edit and atach it to the post it belonged to so here it is!


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pot likes to dry out. you will know when your plants need watering; right after water, they will be perky. when they need water, they will droop. when they are bone dry they will be very very droopy. you can water them and come back in an hour or two and they will be perfectly perky again.


Ok i've been flushing my damaged plants and now i think the burning have stoped spreading. Its almost 2 weeks since it started! I have put 8 more seeds in 4 peat pots and trow them in my HPS pc with 11/13 light cycle couse its the damn hoooot summer here temps in the day go to 38C.
Do i have a chance to sprout them in the 11/13 cycle or it doesnt matter since they are underground ?
The last picture is take 3 days ago when i planted the new ones and they havent poped up yet, i'll wwait for them a few days more and put other seeds ( good i have lots).


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For the past onth i have tryed to save my plants and germ new seeds. From a few days i have put my plants on the terrace since they didnt showd any signs of getting better:dunno:. They are left with just the new growth(same as a month ago with no devolapment) wich are verry small leavs.
The germination of seeds didnt had any succes to. It apears that my seeds(6years old from a plant i had back then) have either thick shell or are dead. I have wasted like 40 seeds mostly i have done the paper towel method . Some have sit in water for a few hours, some i squeeze with my fingers untill a liht noise from craking, and last night i tryed to scarify with sandpaper some and they are in towel now. From all those i wasted till now i have got only 1 to germ:dunno: and its in soil for a second day now(i think i have put him a bit deep) thats about 2.5% rate:cry:

From the batch with seeds i named "The Fan" i had 3 seed left, 1 of them is now a seedling:jump::jump: and 1 in soil.


I can tell you that the ones you "press until you here a light cracking" well.. you just killed those.
:wallbash::wallbash::wallbash: Damn , and i though i was helping, can swear i read that somewhere. Well in most of the seeds i "craked" i had realy hard time squeezing them, from there i made the conclusion they have realy thick shell, and im sure i stored them right (air tight containers and all in metal box).
Here is the baby 1 day old (those peat pots dry out realy fast:confused:)


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Another one

Another one

:dance013::jump: :dance013:And another one poped up the day after.
Here they are just after a watering




Im starting to wonder when should i consider transplanting them. I was thinking they are too small for that kind of stress even if done right, but then again the containers are small?