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First IC diary: Smile & Killer Kush


New member
Eyup lads!

Just a quick update, not really much happening its just plain sailing at the moment. We all know how to knock a tank up so I won't bore you.



1.5 ec pH 5.5 - 6.5 (pH is high cos of hard water, I set it low and let it float up)

no issues here really, they didn't stretch as much as id have liked so will know for next time to grow them a bit bigger before flipping the lights.

Killer Kush:


1.6 ec pH 5.5 - 6.5 (set ec pretty high, they're finnicky as fuck these plants. If I give them a low to moderate e.c they show up defs and don't hold the nice green colour, if i give them what i consider a high ec they tip burn. So I've decided to give them it high and considering the rate they growing, I imagine they'll just grow into it, so to speak)

Bit of tip burn but I mention above about that, not much to say about these. They fucking stink, actually, and i've trimmed the bottoms out now.

Get ready lads, its gonna be bud city in here soon.


New member

These are coming a long now, I have noticed that they're starting to pale a bit towards the top, so I'm going to up the cal-mag to 1ml/l on these girls. Another thing I've noticed is how thirsty these plants are, with the pots getting quite dry towards the time for another feed. They were getting 1 x 13 minute feed per day, so I have now upped the timer to 2 x 7.5 minute feeds per day, once at lights on, and once half way through the light cycle.

I upped the feed to add an extra 2 minutes to allow for stuff like evaporation, I wasn't going to bother doing multi feeds but it's looking like they really want it! I'll let you all know how it goes next week :)

Flowering is pretty much in full force now, they're enjoying the platinum as well!

Smiles are knocking up towards the end of week 3 now, about 19 days.



Killer Kush:

Not really much to say about these, they're starting flowering nicely. I think they're starting day 1 of week 3 today! They're kicking up quite the stink, not as thirsty as the smiles but quite a bit bigger. I love variation




New member


Hey Kipper, Greetings from Northern Michigan. First time posting, serious newb. I was gifted a Smile clone and need some advice.

What is your recommended height for flowering?
Flower cycle time?
How many times did you top your Smile and when?

Cheers and thanks!

Karmic Farmer

Active member
Looking killer man!!! The Killer Kush is an OG hybrid so it needs much more calmag than other strains. Surprised no one pointed that out to you earlier. OG's usually require at least double the calmag as other strains. If they perform like an OG you will want to start staking them up pretty quick or you may have a floppy mess.
