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First hydro...250w HPS, Scrog, GH Nutes



Hey guys this is my first run in hydro, and my first run with clones so bear with me...

I'm running the GH line Gro, Bloom, Hardwater Micro, and Floralicious Plus

My tap ppm is 175

In a 8 gallon res, with 4.5 gallons of water, with water 1/2 inches or so below netpot. Using a rather large rockwool as a medium, I plugged the clone into it...

Here they are the first night in the buckets. I got the clones from a friend and they already had fried tips/sign of a burn/deficiency




Now, here they are 5 days later with Gro/Flower/Micro @ 2.5 ml/g and floralicious at .25ml/g.

Here are the 2 ISS clones, still under flos, 5 days in bucket (I think)

Top of "Plant 1"


Top of "Plant 2"



After adding the floralicious, my pH dropped by about a .5, and now its back to 5.8 +/- 1 (accuracy of meter). My ppm is a little over 400


Good luck with it! My next grow is setup very similary to yours. So I'm gonna pay attention to what you're doing here. Got off to a good start fixing those clones already.


Thanks Evil6. These little babies look ready to explode with growth...can't wait! (Bart Scott voice)
Made my switch to hydro two grows ago so i'll be subscribing to this one for sure. I actually buy distilled water and follow my feedin schedule never woried about my ppm/ec and all that watch your ph and make sure your nute mixes are correct. I'll be takin clones for my first time soon too so cant help you there. Cleaning your pots and res. is alittle over rated clean them every two weeks or so or after filling your res. twice. Wash your hoses out good when you do clean they get funky build ups in there. If you dont have one already buy a tarp water is great but messy especially indoors on carpets or hardwoods.


tennesseetoker..are you brown dirt warrior?? or just a fan? I'm pretty sure he lives/lived in Canada so I probably answered my own question

Anyways, good to have you along. Just turned on the HPS and put up mylar....pics soon
I could only wish to be half the grower that he's become over the years. Just a huge fan of his and been really inspired by his episodes if you havn't seen them they're a must see. Brown Dirt Warrior for life man. p.s. he's one cut nigga.


Dude his youtube video series was amazing. I remember back in the ***** days he posted there...the master of guerillas

edit I see ***** is censored...haha



Here they are @ 10 days since transplant...GH Series with Floralicious Plus, PPMs are 440 and 450. I've been dropping the pH to 5.5 and letting it float back up to 6...

It's hard to see with the HPS on, but some of the leaves are curling. I think it may be a low humidity issue? No real discoloration...1 or 2 leaves have green veins with slight outside yellowing, but that was an issue with them when I originally received the clones. New growth has sort of burned tips, but that also was an issue when I received the clones...






I bought an 18 gallon tote to put the 2 plants into. The smaller plant (which has better roots), has a 1 inch brown spot on its longest root. Could this be stain from the floralicious plus? The shit is potent, and I only put it 1 ml into 4.5 gallons. The other plant has all icy roots...

I'm wondering if this is 2 different cuts. One has long sativa leaves, the other is more indica...
Sounds amazing man i dont know why but i seem to not be able to veiw some pics people take. Ph may be a little low i set it at 6.5 and a week and a half later its still fine and by that time i'm changingin my water out anyway so the slight varriation that it may rise usually doesn't matter. Some people let their water go longer i like to keep fresh water on them.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
I'm running the GH line Gro, Bloom, Hardwater Micro, and Floralicious Plus

My tap ppm is 175

some of the leaves are curling. I think it may be a low humidity issue? No real discoloration...1 or 2 leaves have green veins with slight outside yellowing, but that was an issue with them when I originally received the clones. New growth has sort of burned tips, but that also was an issue when I received the clones...

All micro formulas are made to lack sufficient quantities of certain micro nutes (cal and mag esp) because you are expected to add them in with tap water. Hardwater formulas are double extra lacking in these elements. Using hardwater micro with such low level ppm tap water (it's for 350 ppm and up) could easily lead to deficiencies and your pics and description sound like a lack of mg. FWIW I use reg Micro with 250 PPM tap with no burning.

Consider adding some CalMag or epsom salts.

Here's my first 250 DWC ScrOG grown exclusively with the tips I learned here at IC...

You can do it!


Thanks Freezer Boy. That 250 grow is sick! I think I'm going to make the switch to distilled water and get the normal Micro formula...:tiphat: How much Cal mag do you use with your tap water?


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Oh the humanity!

Distilled water is dead water. It has nothing the plant needs besides moisture. Now you'll be triple extra lacking essential micro nutes. Hydro is hundreds of years old and one of the first lessons it's originators learned was purified water yielded the poorest results.

No calmag for me. GH (micro and Bloom, no Grow) tap water and the occasional drop of pH Down is all I use.


Haha sorry not distilled. I meant like the 5 gallon drinking water you can get from dispensers
i read on here that distilled was better to use than tap or am i nuts and if you use tap surely you let it set out and everything befor use right?
I dont know apparently acording to freezer boy tap water is good to use and distilled is not as good so if i was under the impression that distilled was king then i dont really know then if you'd need to let it set out either its made me question what i know. I'm sure i've read on here that people let their tap water sit out for like 24 to 72 hrs. to let the chlorine evaporate but then again i was also sure i had read on here that distilled was king so F*** me. If FB is right guess you learn somethin new everyday.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
i read on here that distilled was better to use than tap or am i nuts and if you use tap surely you let it set out and everything befor use right?

If you can drink the tap water, I'd use it over distilled any day. Distilled means everything of value to the plant has been stripped out. Now you have to pay extra twice. Once for the distilled water you don't need and again to add nutes you shouldn't have to add.

Hydro's originators quickly found purified or distilled water led to lower growth rates and quality. Water has all kinds of stuff plants need besides wet. Distilled water has nothing to provide except wet. Without additives, you run the risk of starving plants from essential micro elements. They may only be needed in micro quantities but, they are needed all the same.

Chlorine dissipates in 24 hours. If I topped off every day, I might let it sit out first. Because I top off once every two weeks, I don't bother.
Oh wow i feel foolish thanks man i really appriciate that no sh** Well well well i have been wasting good money on distilled water when my tap waters king. I cant shake it lol


Keep in mind what your tap ppm is though. Mine is 175, and tastes pretty damn good for tap.

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