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First Grow


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Thxs for the advice Frozenguy, I went ahead and unplugged the co2, when should I use it ??

Well that depends on the next few harvests. Whats going to happen is, you're going to continue learning from your current grow, especially how these genetics, how your room works, and how they work together. I would recommend you start supplementing with CO2 (properly) when you have dialed out your room. As in, once you feel you have maxed out your plants/room to its/their potential, then you add CO2. Once you add the CO2 and keep it constant at ~1500ppm, you RE-dial out your grow. You can make the light more intense, you bring the temperature to high 80's, low 90's. ( I suppose that can be up for discussion amongst some. There might be some that say mid 80's is better, but I disagree..) You also up the nutrient profile. CO2 makes it a much bigger playing field, and adding it systematically to a grow will get you/one to the desired end goal faster.

I just built a new personal cab using some new genetics and I didn't use CO2 this round even though I have extensively because I dont know what to expect with this girls and turbo boosting them without knowing any limits at all could just become overwhelming and end in undesirable results.

And no worries man, from what I can tell you wont be hurting this harvest :gplant grow: :smokeit:
More Pics Day # 12

More Pics Day # 12

THxs Frozenguy, Will just work on dailing in and not worry too much about co2. XeasyX here are some pics of new lumi and day #12.

Working with 3- 600's
Thxs for advice bobblehead.

Hortilux Super HPS\ Ushio Hilux Gro\ Hortilux Super HPS

Will go to local shop and pickup Socket this wkend,
using hood for now.



thanks for the pics looking mighty fine at this point only on my second grow myself ive got the grow bug ,looks like you have too very relaxing int it keep up good work and ill be watching
Looking pretty good! What are you going to use for a PK boost? The PBP line is ok but not very strong. I would juice them with a pk boost around days 20-40 or so depending how long your going to let them go. Also PBP has a huge problem with sludge and sediment in res and dripper systems. If you plan to contine the dripper system I would really suggest a better nute line. House and gardens in my fav, but Canna or even GH would work better in your setup and you would yeild more! Good luck will be watching!
Thxs for the info InNvBoarder, no PK Boost yet, was only planning on feeding them the Botanicare Cal-mad, liquid karma, Pure Blend Pro Grow, super thrive, europonic fossil fuel and starting this wk was going to feed them Aquashield and sweet. Is it safe to switch nutes during row? No Canna dealers, I went to Canna website and doesnt appear to be any dealer in my home state, but if GH is General Hydroponics my local shop has that line up. Didnt see any house or gradens line up either.


Ok, 6x6 make believe room is gone, moved to new location 8x 6 1/2 it's 95 % complete still need to cover chimney with mylar And also align the door before sheetrocking it. The plywood is only temp until I'm finish but ballast will hang from the same spot. What ya think??

Top and Middle Lumateks

Bottom Lumatek


middle of room

Alot more room

Left side pic # 1

Left side pic # 2

right side pic # 1

bottom right side

lights setup HPS\MHS\HPS

Before I didnt have any room to walk around or pull dead leafs, now I can walk in the room w/o any problems. Need to redo Dripper system otherwise I'm all set.


Active member
Stadiums are the shit! Yours is looking great! Isn't it nice to take a stroll in the garden, not having to bend over to do everything... I just pull up a bucket or milk crate and pop a squat. I put hooks up to hang the lamps on while I'm working. You can't burn yourself if the lamp is above you. ;)

Can't you take the socket out of that hood? Normally they're bolt on...

Did I mention your garden looks great? lol Very well planned. Run those drip lines and you're gonna be one happy camper.
Thxs Bobblehead, No kiddin about the space.. Sheetrock is up, Chimney patched and tomorrow drip lines will be put in.
Here are some more pics, still need to plaster then the rm will be completely sealed.

Entrance sheetrocked

Chimney patched.

All the hard work is paying off.

day no# 15, now I can enjoy watching them grow.


looking good matey just one thing on your door your lights coming through the gaps so if light gets out then it can get in and ive been told not to have light leaks can cause them to hermie but apart from that lookin real professional
Ok yes you can switch nutes during flower IF you do a good flush. At least twice as much water as the pots you in. 1 gal pot 2 gal plain water flushed through. If I were you i would hold off on the switch and just add some supplements to your already established grow. First no nore nitrogen after wk 3! (PBP grow) Look around your area and try to find some sort of pk boost. If they hydro shop has GH (yes general hydro is what i meant) then they prob have Kool Bloom. The powder is better than the liquid but, either would greatly improve your yeild and density. Be careful not to over feed with that stuff cause you can burn your plants. You have another week or so b4 you have to start hitting them with bloom boosters. Days 21-24 is when i always begin. Why are you not using the PBP Bloom? Its not stong but has alot of benefical stuff to help the flowering process. Im just trying to help you get through this run without super dissapointment of having small airy not that great buds. hope this helps a bit, peace
Thxs innvboarder, I am actually using PBP Bloom, I used PBP grow prior to going 12/12. I did some research on kool bloom a lot of people complain about hemie issues when using it. I really appreciate you taking the time to drop some knowledge bc when its all said and done I definitely dont want small airy not that great buds. :)
Hermies come from tones of things but ive NEVER had one pop from using KB. I used that shit for the last 3 years at least and have never had a hermie on anything. If your getting hermies its from unideal conditions. The only reason i switched to a new brand now is cause i found something better. Mother Of All Blooms or ( M.O.A.B.) is a bit higher on the NPK scale and has b vitamins which help the plant not go into shock. If you use to much of anything you can burn or hermie your plant easy! The key is to use only what it needs. Your plants def. need some sore of pk boost after week 3 or they wont fill in to there potential. If your sketchy on KB then maybe try a Guano (yes bat shit) I think its Indonesian that is high in P and K, but im not 100%. Just check the NPK ratio and if its high in P and K then your good to go. Dont use too much!!!! Less is more. A good NPK ratio for bud swelling is at least 0-20-10. The one i use is 1-52-32, and i think the KB is 2-45-28. P and K are the bud swelling agent that are very important! Sorry for the novel bro just trying to help. good luck


looking good canigetsum. You're going to have a ton of trimming to do when you're done, which is a very good thing.hehe
THXS labtec its been a breeze after we finished the rm. wouldve been a headache in old rm. can wait to tasete it, smells so dam yummy.
say bro!!!..4 your 2nd grow it's ball's to the wall this time.? looking good u had some very nice word's 4 me when u stoped by mt thread.so will be sticking around 2/c how things go 4/u 2 wishing u much luck

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