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first grow, unsure if finished


Active member
this is my first grow, it was sharksbreath from dna
its in jungle growth soil and i vegged it for 5weeks and were just on week 9 today. The first pic is the bud that I dont think looks as ready as the others do.


me blunt is like, wicked yo!! owight
im sure someone else will ask you either again at some point so i'll ask you now, do you have a microscope/ what are your trich's looking like?


Active member
no i don't have a microscope or I would of posted some better pics. The trichs I say look 20-30% amber the rest are either mostly cloudy or clear.


Active member
I think that bud can go a bit longer due to all the white hairs. Hard to say without a microscope though.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
In the days before microscopes, the general clue was when 50% of the hairs turned color. If not all buds fall into this category, you can always harvest in waves.


Looks almost finished to me but kinda hard to tell with those pictures. I would have smoked it anyway tho, looks like a very nice first try :)


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
i'd rather it be a little late than too early... so if you're not sure, just let it go another week or so



take a small bud and flash dry it to sample if its what you want. Just remember it will be harsh and the high will be somewhat off due to it being dried quickly and not having a proper cure.

dub 6

i say too many white hairs present.. and if you cant look at the trichs under a microscope, i say cut a small branch and hang dry for a week, smoke it, and if it's to your liking, then you know your plant is a week later than that.. chop.


Well there's not to many strains that flower in 4 weeks. I would go at leastr 2 more just to see. Lets see what the look like next week.


Active member
I'm partial to using a decent DSLR camera + macro lense to get in close, then magnify it up to 200x digitally to determine where your trichs are at. I typically harvest when it looks like about 20% are amber for most indie cuts...

The cheapest route (unless you already have the above equipment) is to get a decent jeweler's loupe, if you can't find it locally they had can be had for cheap online in dozens of places...

best of luck, peace


Active member
Digtial Zoom is bullshit... it does nothing.

I think you're confused. When I take a macro shot with my DSLR I get a digital image that is over 3x my screen resolution. That means that when it's at "real size" I can only see about a third of the photo it's so big, so even zoomed in just to 100% in Photoshop I can see the color of trichs so long as it's a good shot and not shaky or poorly lighted.


Active member
When you think it is absolutely done, let it go another week. Hasn't failed me in 15 years!!