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First grow soil in cfl's/G13xHaze from Lou


New member
Hi folks. Glad to be back.

With Lou's help,I'll get the pics up :jump:
Need a dig camera of my own soon.
The plants are at their preflower & we have taken
all males out, so I have 11 remaining girls out of 22 starting off. Thats a 50% boys to girls, as somewhat expected with seeds. Next some decisions need to be made for optimum light penetration.
They have stretched to double their size at 12/12. Now thats its heating up in the south,I've added a bigger fan and introduced a little outside air...
Lou's suggestion is to bend them over and tie them at a slant. This should allow the bulbs to perform better and give them their power for flowering.
The bulbs are 23w to 26w cfls. 12 bulbs strung on a ladder for a total wattage of about 312w. I may add some 42 watters for a little more bud power :headbange
Pics coming, thanks Lou!


Here ya go folks,pics of tubmasterJ's first grow!

Here ya go folks,pics of tubmasterJ's first grow!

He dont have a cam yet ,but ill help!

Yes he is a local friend,thats how i took pics..
Ofcorse have given him my advice early on too!

He seems to have done very good for a new grower.
HAs not over fed or watered and has no leaf curles!
The only thing that may have been better was the heat?
Seems they stretched a bit haha,but i have a tek to help!!

My tek is called,(bend and swerle) and by lightly twisting and bending
the main stalks at a low level keeping the bud sites low and even.
This should only be done at second week of flower to reduce stretch!

The bulbs will only pennitrate 1 to 5 inches into plants so you cant have
tall plant under small CFL lighting,but you can tie them down scrog style!
The first pic shows the 11 girls as they where grown straight up,no topping.
Then the rest of the pics show how we tied them down and lowered lights....

ANyways back to my tek,you basically tie one plant to the next pot/stake..
When a plant is young just at sexing you can bend and twist the stalks
to your desired height in your grow spaces!!!!!
As you bend one plant down to the others stake you make all your plants
go around in a curcle all heading the same ways,picture an oval shape....
Now all the bud sites will naturally straighten them selves and look to the light!!!!!.....he should have a perfect cannopy of buds in that tub set up!!
Tubmaster has done a good job of finding males with me helping the tie down.
THIS WILL BE COOL!!!....go tubmasterJ go........


alright tubmaster :jump: :jump: good luck with your first grow.judging from the company you got with you already ur on your way to happy days in the near future.ill be tuned in peace -Y-

Smoking Gun

Active member
Very nice all around. It seems you have the perfect mentor to guide you along your first grow. Those plants look really healthy and now with the new tying down technique, I am sure you will be harvesting a good crop of primo herb.



Just telling you to post and reply so you
can get your post count up to 50.........
Then we can private message and talk!!!!

Come on back,say a few words to the new friends!!!
Post anywhere or just reply here.........
Ask anything or say hi in any thread to get more posts!
Be back..


YO,sick boy where you at?????

Man i know you got sick but at least reply!
How are things going,are they looking to the lights?
Any problems?
Come on back tubmasterJ..........get into it!
Talk to me,we got plenty of time for pics you know...
They just started to flower so it will be 2 months easy till done!
im planning to come by soon to get more shots for ya..
So just keep them tied down and let the buds sites come up!
be back..


Hey folks.......

My friends girl has caused a major set back?
You all know how relationships can go........
Well a threat came into play,and plants got shocked.
He had to pull the fuckers and act like he was getting
rid of them while breaking up with the bitch!!!!

So what can i say shit happens,but tubmasterJ convinced the BITCH
That they where DEAD>................hahahahahaha right!~
Well GLAD HE RE_PLANTED them poor suckers,he is bringing them back
like Dr frankenstien= i FEEL LIKE iGOR.........Mean people suck!
Be back when they re-cover...........promise!


Wow i definatly know how the g/f thing is going luckily mine knows not to ever snitch on me. Good luck with everything i feel for yah.


I've never been able to understand how humans can harbor such ill intent to people they claimed to love. I mean I myself realize the stupidity of some of my arguments with my love, and only hope i can remember this stupidity before I get all heated. But i feel that you'd own someone you claimed to love an easy break up if they' could no longer work it out ..but some many people have such vengeful hearts.

In the end I hope you get a new girlfriend named maryjane till some you find another who is in for the threesome LOL

However best of luck and and LOU make sure they live and grow to fruit lol
my sympathy on the girlfriend thing. my wife would never call those fucking people, but that dosn't mean she's fucked up about pulling them straight out of the ground. i hope your plants comeback one hundred.

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