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First grow question.. Also, nutes?


Hey so here is the situation.

I Have 15-20 plants that are 2-3 feet tall from top of bucket. I have 3 available lights and so far plan on having 2 HPS lights and 1 MH in the middle for flower.

I have a decent amount of space- 10 feet by 5 feet.

I have a 10 inch blower fan- that should be good enough for 3 lights right? It will be blowing cold winter air into the 10x5 room. Or is that too much air?

So I know that the plants are already big for indoor- especially since I have so many.. But I will begin LST tomorrow and bend them down to flower in 2 days. This way they will all be same height and all the tops will start growing up in a line of tops.

Anyways what I am mostly asking is what nutes I should use/get. I am going to a store to buy 2 ballasts, PH pen, new bulbs, and some other random stuff for the setup. I do not want to play with AN.. unless there are a few ‘must haves’. So which nutes should I buy for this first indoor grow? I can foliar feed or water- I planted in soil.

Am thinking about Lucas. Or just maxibloom the entire time-up till 2 week flush.

That should be everything.. If you see any advice or points you see that might be problematic then let me know!



New member
Hey guyguy, i don't think you'll have to much air, you can always point it away from the plants if its too cold from winter. Sounds like you could do some LST , but about your nutes, at the risk of sounding cliche' i use fox farm grow big , big bloom , tiger bloom , superthrive, and plantation blackstrap molasses. And this is all i use. And ill tell you why. Because i dont check PH OR PPMs or anything in my soil or water. I have been growing since 1996(used whatever nutes you could find then) in containers indoors and have never had a "bad" crop.(a few sick plants, but i nursed them back to health)and the way i feed my plants is fool proof and theirs almost no way of over fertilizing or getting PH, nute, lockout. For vegetative(less than 1/2 the dose) 1 tsp.
grow big/1tbls. big bloom per gallon water(feed every plant every time you water your plants)this way you dont have to remember or keep a log what plant gets what. Only use the superthrive when you transplant or see signs of stress at 1 to 3 drops per gallon. For blooming, mix as it says on the bottle, 4 tbls big bloom/3tsp tiger bloom/1tbls molasses, and when you go to feed your plants pour 1/2 water and 1/2 fertilizer solution on every plant every time. again no remembering, no log, this can be helpful for people like us with multiple plants. keep up the blooming nutes until 2 or 3 weeks from harvest then just straight water for flush.Theirs nothing wrong with checking PH and ppms i just never liked to do it or got in the habit. So this is how one grower does it anyway hope this helps. PS I use a 600 watt light and get buds as big around as coors cans. i grow all indicas


Aha, I wish I had this info a few days ago.. I have already begun this with a different style.. But will try yours next set up- if this one does not go well.

But the size of the buds is not the best way to measure success.. You only have 1 600 light? How many plants under the light and how much dry weight do you average per plant?

Thanks :)


New member
I only usually have 7 plants at a time in flower any more than that gets kinda crowded, and i average between 1 1/2 to 2 oz.(closer to 2,depends on variety) a plant, not really great but i am not really pushing the nutes as you can tell, and i put my plants into flower at about 1 1/2 to 2 feet tall. I just bought a 1000 watt ballast and i have 12 ladies in my veg room for next time. I am hoping this increases my yield a little. I live in colorado and some of us medical patients that have permission to grow extra plants might get a rude awakening when the legalization legislation goes into effect in about 10 months and find ourselves only allowed to grow 6 plants 3 veg and 3 flowering at any given time. anyway enough complaining, i hope the rest of your grow goes TITS!!!peace to you and your animals ...........murray134


I only usually have 7 plants at a time in flower any more than that gets kinda crowded, and i average between 1 1/2 to 2 oz.(closer to 2,depends on variety) a plant, not really great but i am not really pushing the nutes as you can tell, and i put my plants into flower at about 1 1/2 to 2 feet tall. I just bought a 1000 watt ballast and i have 12 ladies in my veg room for next time. I am hoping this increases my yield a little. I live in colorado and some of us medical patients that have permission to grow extra plants might get a rude awakening when the legalization legislation goes into effect in about 10 months and find ourselves only allowed to grow 6 plants 3 veg and 3 flowering at any given time. anyway enough complaining, i hope the rest of your grow goes TITS!!!peace to you and your animals ...........murray134

Hmm ya.. Well I made a journal- you can see what my set up/plants look like right now... can you check them out and tell me how they compare (size/nodes) compared to yours? Perhaps that way I can get a better idea of the potential yield...
I live in colorado and some of us medical patients that have permission to grow extra plants might get a rude awakening when the legalization legislation goes into effect in about 10 months and find ourselves only allowed to grow 6 plants 3 veg and 3 flowering at any given time.

If you have a medical rec. from a doctor for more plants then why would you be restricted under this new law? The new law has to do with recreational herb not medical. The law allows everyone to have 6 plants but if a doctor has already said your condition requires more medicine, I don't see how that wouldn't hold up (medical necessity defense).


I'd just keep it simple and don't over do your nutes, whatever you might be using. I am a organic soil guy so my advice is to use good amended/composted soil and compost/botanical/Earthworm casting "teas" to feed the beasties in the medium. Its pretty easy after the soil mixing is done, but I am trying to find ways to get around that too.


I'd just keep it simple and don't over do your nutes, whatever you might be using. I am a organic soil guy so my advice is to use good amended/composted soil and compost/botanical/Earthworm casting "teas" to feed the beasties in the medium. Its pretty easy after the soil mixing is done, but I am trying to find ways to get around that too.

Wait, you are trying to get a way around what also? Making teas?

And what is your yeild per plant?-under how many lights?

Pretty sure organic is way easier and almost as good as using nutes...


I meant getting around the soil mixing via tumbler/composter and or reusing my soil in my pots after resting and being amended to one extent or another. There's not too much to get easier with on the teas other than buying it from someone else =)

As for yeild/plant and lighting I just changed a lot of things and expect a much better yeild than in the past. In the recent past I only had 2 400w HPS lamps in my flower room averaged about 1-2oz per plant depending on strain and how big they were, now I have 1000w Full Spectrum Hortilux and 2 300w LEDs in there. I also moved up to 10g pots for flower and elongated my veg time by a few weeks. Im looking to at least double that in my new setup but I don't obsess over yeild as long as I can pay the bills and have a steady stash.

I'll tell you one thing for sure though, if taste/flavor and aroma are important to you, number 1 for me, you really can't beat organic soil. If you want big yeilds rock out the synthetic hydro. I don't recommend using synthetics in soil personally (kills micro life to varying extents) but I have done it with pretty good results and I'm sure many others are still. IMO potency depends on other factors, light, strain, environment etc...


I meant getting around the soil mixing via tumbler/composter and or reusing my soil in my pots after resting and being amended to one extent or another. There's not too much to get easier with on the teas other than buying it from someone else =)

As for yeild/plant and lighting I just changed a lot of things and expect a much better yeild than in the past. In the recent past I only had 2 400w HPS lamps in my flower room averaged about 1-2oz per plant depending on strain and how big they were, now I have 1000w Full Spectrum Hortilux and 2 300w LEDs in there. I also moved up to 10g pots for flower and elongated my veg time by a few weeks. Im looking to at least double that in my new setup but I don't obsess over yeild as long as I can pay the bills and have a steady stash.

I'll tell you one thing for sure though, if taste/flavor and aroma are important to you, number 1 for me, you really can't beat organic soil. If you want big yeilds rock out the synthetic hydro. I don't recommend using synthetics in soil personally (kills micro life to varying extents) but I have done it with pretty good results and I'm sure many others are still. IMO potency depends on other factors, light, strain, environment etc...

Aha, how do you think using only maxibloom (1 tsp per gallon) until flower -and then koolbloom for 2 weeks before a 2 week flush makes a big difference in taste?

I consider that minimal nutes.. What do you think?


Are you familiar with the K.I.S.S. method. It is pretty much what you are saying above but I'm pretty sure you use maxi from veg-last few weeks but just add koolbloom in the later part of flower. I also believe adding Potassiumn Silicate is recommended, Pro-Tekt from Dyna-grow is a good product for this. I now use it in every foliar and soil application. It's usually best to follow the directions they give on the bottle but cut the recipe in half and see how it goes, of course depending on medium/strain etc...the results will vary.

Forget about compost teas or anything with beneficial microbes though as using this system will not work with living soil. But it is a proven method that many growers swear by.
Also worth noting from GH website;
"Using Liquid Kool Bloom at the beginning maximizes the effect of Dry KoolBloom at the end. Start with liquid, finish with dry."


Also random thing here but I keep mispelling yield (i before e except after c) like an idiot and I just noticed, lol, I promise I can spell, darn spellchecker has made me soft...


New member
If you have a medical rec. from a doctor for more plants then why would you be restricted under this new law? The new law has to do with recreational herb not medical. The law allows everyone to have 6 plants but if a doctor has already said your condition requires more medicine, I don't see how that wouldn't hold up (medical necessity defense).

The way the new legislation "might" read is NO more medical defense, just recreational. Its all up in the air right now, no one, of course knows yet what will happen.
Yeah, nobody know whats going to happen. I just have a hard time believing this new law that gives everyone the right to cannabis would limit the rights that are already established in that state for medical use. Honestly, it is of no difference to me. I live in ala-fucking-bama which will be THE last state to ever go recreational. Well maybe Utah will hold out longer but at least nobody around here worries about fetching less then 4k for an elbow.


New member
Yeah, nobody know whats going to happen. I just have a hard time believing this new law that gives everyone the right to cannabis would limit the rights that are already established in that state for medical use. Honestly, it is of no difference to me. I live in ala-fucking-bama which will be THE last state to ever go recreational. Well maybe Utah will hold out longer but at least nobody around here worries about fetching less then 4k for an elbow.

believe it, our governor is running scared and will do everything he can to make this fucked up for everybody, the "sort of" right some of us have to extra plants is kind of a grey area in legislation as is a lot of our medical law, and now were throwing recreational into the mix, its going to be a circus around here for years to come. I hear ya Casio, but i don't know, there are a lot of tokers (and voters) in Alabama AND a lot of sick and dying people(like in every state) to start a grass roots campaigns for medical marijuana it might take a few years to get off the ground, but i can see it happening. Hell, Colorado was a red state when we voted in 2000 for medical marijuana.It just became a blue state this election for Obama.As a matter of fact 5000 more people voted for legalization of recreational marijuana in Colorado than voted for Obama, that shows the people of the US how tired we are getting of the lies and hypocrisy, and harmful ways to our people (mostly people of color)and our nation, of this SO CALLED drug war. And when a state has medical marijuana and treats it professionally and you have as few "assholes" abusing the system as possible and the state SEES that it is really no big deal, its just a matter of time before they will vote for recreational use.IMO ...........OVERGROW THE GOVERNMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!! PEACE..murray
I feel ya, and I do find it odd your governor's and state attorney general both seem to be dragging their feet when it comes to rec mj. As to Alabama, this year we voted down for a second time to remove segregation of schools from our states constitution. Let me say that again, in our states constitution, we still have segregation of our public schools. Granted it is not enforced but our constituency is anything but progressive. Marijuana isn't a red vs blue issue look around the forum and you'll see a lot of the big guys around here (the forum) are republicans. My parents watch fox news and do not smoke but they are pro-legalization. Alabama just like to drag their feet in the name of "tradition." There is a small grassroots mmj lobby down here in dixie but I feel change is a long time coming. Until then I will be overgrowing the government, you best believe that.


Active member
high man, here is a link to the KISS thread where you will find a longstanding discussion on the use of MaxiBloom with the addition of nearly nothing else.

[URL="https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=191645"]*The K.I.S.S. Method*[/URL]

...if you read that thread you will meet some VERY accomplished growers getting some pretty impressive results with much less hassle than other feeding regimens, ...even organics is more of a pain in the ass than just using KISS.

...btw, there are also many who WERE MaxiBloom users who've now switched to Jack's Pro which is slightly more complicated in that, if you grow hydro (i grow coco hempys), it's a two part system with a base nute and a calcium nitrate that is added.

...i switched from organic soil to coco hempy-buckets with MaxiBloom about a year and a half ago because i'm a lazy phuck and making teas and cleaning brewers was just too much trouble for me, ...my growbro has been organic for several years now and he gets some very nice, high quality ganja but it isn't noticably MORE nor is it noticably more FLAVORFUL.

...anyway, here is a link to the homepage for Jack's Pro where you can buy it and have it delivered to your door and you'll find that it is even less expensive than the MaxiBloom while also being more versatile, ...MY results are better with the Jack's than they were with the Maxi.

Jack’s Professional Nutes



New member
I feel ya, and I do find it odd your governor's and state attorney general both seem to be dragging their feet when it comes to rec mj. As to Alabama, this year we voted down for a second time to remove segregation of schools from our states constitution. Let me say that again, in our states constitution, we still have segregation of our public schools. Granted it is not enforced but our constituency is anything but progressive. Marijuana isn't a red vs blue issue look around the forum and you'll see a lot of the big guys around here (the forum) are republicans. My parents watch fox news and do not smoke but they are pro-legalization. Alabama just like to drag their feet in the name of "tradition." There is a small grassroots mmj lobby down here in dixie but I feel change is a long time coming. Until then I will be overgrowing the government, you best believe that.

I think I'm understanding more and more about this not being a red or blue issue, and i did not realize the non-enforced segregation of your schools. The south is a different place from where i live and i tend to forget that sometimes. I'm hoping with education and compassion and this being partly a generational issue as well, we will see legalization in the US in the next 10 to 20 years. The trouble is I'm getting older i might not be here to see it if the government really drags there feet! You know what they say about all TRUTH.........1st it is ridiculed, 2nd it is violently opposed, and 3rd it is accepted as self evident. It just takes our government a little longer than most to do the right thing.Anyway Casio its been nice chatting with you keep doing what you have to, to be careful.I've been doing this since the 90s so i know what its like to be looking over your back...........peace ,murray


Active member
not for nothing boys but this Colorado stuff is only serving to jack the original posters thread and is completely off topic. ...it's not in the least bit helpful to him in answering his question.
