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First grow problems


New member
Hi Guys,

I searched all forum and I can't find an answer to my problem..
Now I'm in second week and 2 days under the 18/6 with my easy sativa/sudden flower and I have strange leaf problems.

Ph range is around 7, maybe little above (bought lemon kick from plagron and putting i'm it little down)
Lights are CFL 4x23w, 25cm above the plant
Pot is 2L (0.5Gallon) - I have vertical problem (60 cm) so it'll have to do.
Soil is generic (I know, my bad, but I don't know if it's a good idea to change it now-transplant?)

Leaves are getting curly, little yellowish with brown spots at the sides.
See pictures.

Pls. Help.
Thank you!


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Well-known member
Did you recently fertilize? If its their first dose, it could be burn.
I dont think thats the issues though.
Looks like a magnesium deficiency. Hit em with some epsom salt, maybe some calcium while your at it. Google magnesium def, and form your own opinion though. Its very fixable, its not in bad shape.
Never underestimate good soil. Make your own or if possible splurge on some good stuff. Soil is everything. Dont transplant a stressed plant (yours really isnt that stressed) Get it healthy then when it has a good rootball, then transplant.


New member
Thank you thejact55.
Today I bought magnesium sulfide (16MgO + 13 S) and gave 2g to 1 liter of PHd water.
I flushed the little baby and now we wait what will happen.


New member

There is no change on the leafs.
Leafs are getting bigger and stronger and also little branches in middle are growing normally I think.
As I said, there is no change - no change to better..they're getting yellow dots as before. Maybe I'm just over-reacting due to checking every two hours :)
I don't know, what do you think.. ?
Pictures below..

Also, this is is going to be third week of veg under 18/6 and I'm thinking to do a SCROG due to vertical problem.
I topped after third node and new branches are allready growing..
At the moment upper leafs are 14cm from soil and I'm reading that after 12/12 can double/triple in height. SCROG will help to having it horizontal.

I just don't know when should I start with 12/12?
And what is this shiny film on the leafs as shown on last picture?


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