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first grow ppp flood 1000 watt perpetual grow


well i have been reading for months and now figured my turn.

growing ppp in buckets with 6 buckets one finishing up every 3 weeks or so.
1000 hps in flower 400 mh in veg. different lengths of veg for different results i will see which work best. got one flowering at 5 weeks one 8 one 11!
kinda using this method but with some tweaking becasue i wanted to use flexible pipe instead of hard piping! i added a 18 gallon tote on outside so i can use the buckets as overflow that way it recircs a little better. well i hope


i will post pics of progress as i get them
I have to use camera phone so bear with me
i also use screws around the bucket to tie down branches to give a more bushier plant but just started this on next veg.

Any info or questions i' here a lot so i appreciate any help the more you know the better i think!

i grow for medical use only and am in full compliance with amendment 20
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first day i got from rooted clone!


pics of 21 days flower




7 week veg about to take one of these to flowering side!

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any help on posting pics? i got lucky and got one to appear without link but rest wont. ?
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Falling over!

Falling over!

Well day 24 flower and one of them is starting to fall over any suggestions? tie them up?
how big is your space?u useing a 1000 wtr,right?why so few plants,i understand 5 galn pots for fewer n same yield-my 2 cents add more plants.i have 20 sq. feet and installing 2 1000s.waiting on seeds but if u wanna check out my set up not finished it will be in diaries.amd 20?thats probaly y.anyways looks good- i but that co2 boost that might help with better yield.peace and overgrow


six plants? I'm about to buy a 1000w and put 16 under it. I'm not really an expert but I'm sure if you have enough room you'd yield more with a few more plants... Oooh I just noticed how you said "i grow for medical use and am in full compliance with my states requirements" maybe that's it. But I'm definitely interested in seeing how this turns out, and also seeing how much each plant yields with the extra room.


i plan on putting about 60 under a 1000w on a 4x4 flood/drain. you could get just as much from 6 buckets probably but would have to veg them nicely.


Yea you got it i can only have 3 flowering at one time so i rigged up system to harvest one plant every 3 weeks or so. you cant tell from pics now but shortly i will have more pics up to better explain but it cost more to setup but this way i dont have to wait very long between harvests and with the right veg 4-10 oz every time which is plenty for my needs! and if something goes wrong with one the next one isnt to far behind!

This time i flowered 2 instead of one because i had them and wanted to get cycle started. just moved another one in today and started another rooted clone!


I figured there was a reasonable explanation. You seemed too smart not to know that you can fit a lot under a 1000w. But that looks like the best you can get with only 3 plants flowering at a time. Kudos. It would be hard for me not to think about expansion. But legality is more important than weight any time. Maybe one day my state will grow some brains and put me in a position where I aint got to live like a criminal... one day...

4-10 oz's for a harvest is pretty fucking nice. I can't wait to see some of those bud shots!
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breathe deep
Well loco your plants are looking rather Pine treeish. Real nice. We have two things in common. Both growing for personal use and both growing PPP. I am growing Dutch Passion's, how bout you?
At least two phenos maybe three.
I am on day 22 bloom and my buds look a bit less developed than yours. I did top some of them the day before flower, and i am also not growing in DWC.
If you're interested check em out in the COCO forum. I am going to update the pictures tomorrow.
I'll keep my eyes over here for sure


"easy growing type"
Looking real good bro... Did you manage to take care of the one falling over.. I would suggest finding a high point in the space and placing a small ornamental hook. loop one end on the plant and trace it to the hook where you can finish the tie. Nice work!!


Thanks everyone for the interest and info.
first i dont know exactly what strain of ppp. got from a local dispensery but i will try and find out. also found out one of plants is sour diesel!
Yea since it is is legal where i am why try and risk doing more then i need and gettin busted ya know? believe me i wanted to use a lot more space but for know i am content.

and on the 4-10 ozs a lot of that just depends on how long i veg for if i veg the whole 45-60 days ( thats how long in flower) then i can grow monsters but i am trying out different lengths to see what works best. once strain and my systems a little more stable i imagine i will get 8-16 depending on strain. also my setup is a owrk in progress i still need alot but $ is always an issue so every couple weeks i spend a little to upgrade!

I dont think you would quite call my sytem dwc but maybe. i flood 6 times a day for 15 min 4 during lights on 2 when off. but they dont constantly stay in water.

yea those first to in flower all i did was a little pinching here and there with a little Lst training. the next ones i used string to kinda open up and spread out. i am curious which one will yield better. also on my next one doing lots of trimming seeing what the difference is. a friend said will focus energy on making fewer bigger buds so we will see which does better.

and the one falling over was taking care of. i need to by some better ones though i am going to need a few i imagine. i have seen these hooks in hydro stores that are adjustable so i am going to look into that.

like i said this is my first grow so only time will tell. but each time i make a mistake hopefully i learn something. thanks to all who keep following this thread.
i am on often so i will update alot!
should b able to take some more pics soon too!
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still in veg 8 weeks 3 more or so and into flower
close ups of 29 day flower

my new lady supposed to be ww or northern light. guy was stoned lol
just put into flower after 55 day veg
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