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First grow, need reassurance before I cull the males, Pics

Flak Monkey

New member
I'm running out of space in my grow area, and it's time some decisions be made as to the fate of my "males."

I'll be giving a few away and culling the rest, but I need reassurance that I've properly sexed these plants before do anything drastic.

A little background, not really important to the thread:
  • Closet grow area about 3'5" x 2" or around 7 sq ft
  • I'll be putting in a screen for scrog pretty soon as I plan to veg for 3 or 4 more weeks (I plan to use my vertical space)
  • 600w Metal halide lamp in a cooltube with a cheap 270cfm inline fan and a ~100 cfm PC fan. The combo is actually pretty potent and not to loud. It has kept my temps ~75 F so far this summer.
  • Growing in Fox Farms Ocean Forest
  • Lots more details, if you want to know just ask.

Here's a pic of the room as of yesterday:

Now -- Down to business.

Of the twelve or so plants in the room, I'm positive that 5 are females and 2 of them are definitely males, so they won't be pictured in this thread.

However 5 of the plants are still giving me a hard time. I took photos of them with my roommates DSLR but it's pretty old and I had a hard time getting the focus just right.

Plant 1 -- This one strange. It appears to be a calyx in the photo but it is rather large, especially since I don't see any hairs. Look at it compared to the blurry new growth to the right of the "calyx":

Plant 2, 3, 4, and 5 all look similarly confusing to me. Two projections with no real "balls." They still look male to me, but I just don't know.

Plant 2:


Plant 3:


Plant 4:


Plant 5 Pic one:


Plant 5 Pic two:


So if you took the time to look at my pictures, what do you think?

Should I go ahead and get rid of them?


I would agree with freezerboy ...remember though females usually take a few extra days to sex than males do
How old are they? Do they even have alternating nodes yet? I generally do not even look for signs of sex until the nodes are alternating.


no DEFINITE nothing yet.....hang back a bit...jesus! 2007?? you been lurking for an age there bro and sexing is still fucking with you?

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