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First Grow - Indoor Soil


New member
Hello IC,
I started out with 41 girls, thank you Harborside! However, 9 (8 cherry pies and 1 purple alien) died due to over watering during initial transplant (Newb move). I'm left with 11 green ribbons, 10 grape apes, 9 purple aliens and 2 cherry pies. I currently have them under a dimmable 1000w MH. I had it dimmed to 400w and just bumped it up to 600w yesterday. They are 5 days into veg and I am planning to go 2 months before switching to flo. I'm going to take cuts in another month or so to start vegging more for a second run. I was planning to flo under 3000w HPS in a grow tent. Eventually, I would like to have three 3000w tents up and running by the end of the year. We will see. My transplant steps will be rooted cuts> plastic cup> 1 gal pot> 3 gal smart pot. Any suggestions would be appreciated.



New member
@werner. I just topped a couple green ribbons, will top all of them soon. I'll do some training when they get a little bigger. pH I use a hanna HI 99104 with GH up and down. I haven't tested the run off yet, will do so soon. I've noticed that after I pH water and come back to it a couple of days later, the pH goes up... Weird!

Anyways I've transplanted 9 grape apes, 5 green ribbons and 1 purple alien. Half are still in cups, I refer to them as "cuppies." They should be ready for transplant soon. I've also literally "come out the closet" and hung my light on a $10 walmart clothing rack. I also bumped up the wattage to 1000 as well. Looks OK but have issues with RH and temp...


New member
I have some issues.... I believe they are over nute, under nute (grape apes to be specific, should be the first pic on this post), low RH, high temps and perhaps a little over watering. The over nute I will address with future cuts by mixing some promix to the soil before dubbing them "cuppies." Anyways I would appreciate any suggests. Thank you ICers.
