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First Grow Indoor, 2 clones and a seed.


Cozy Amnesia

Knives said:
hoooolyyyyy shit. Those things get freakin huuuge. how much did you pull off of that? Nice scrog by the way. you think I'll be good with some hardcore LST work? oh, and how about the smoke report? :joint:

Yup, they're monsters. To keep them short, most would recomened vegging not longer than a week or two. But you already popped yours along side your other strains, so what you do is up to you. You could supercrop a couple of times, then put them under a screen. Or you could LST but a screen would be better IMO. Also, they take 120 so days to flower.

I tried growing a thunk in with my other plants, but it didn't work out. I let two masterkush's veg for about 3 weeks until I popped the THUNKs. The problem was that it took too long for them to germinate and by the time they were ready for the 150HPS the other plants had completely filled up the grow space.

So I guess your THUNKS are doing better than mine lol. I gave them to a friend. When I tried to warn him how huge they get, he just blew it off as nothing to worry about. Haha, this is going to be really amusing...


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Cozy Amnesia said:
You could supercrop a couple of times,
Mine laughed in my face when I tried this. You may still need to tie down. My supercropped stems just straigthened out and went back to where they started.



No pics, waiting on a camera. BUT!
I will like to say that they are 4 days in
and already have yellow forming where its supposed too.
Already starting to stretch..especially the bubblicious???
Oh and the bag seed has about 8 nodes now. foot tall probably.
and some pretty equal growth. a few days now till sex shows i bet.
Anyways, got a new bong that im going to enjoy for the next 9 weeks..
try and keep my mind off of it lol. :joint:


Well-known member
Nice lst work. The last two look pretty much just like my past three plants. I have one plant under a 150 hps and i'm getting way better results with one than i got with two.


thanks, i rather like LSTing. Anyways, gonna have pics either later today or tomorrow. Lookin really really nice to me lol. getting huuuuuge! My bag seed is getting just 1 bend, maybe 2 other ties to let the new sprouts catch better light. got roughly around 16-20 days of 24/0 before 12/12. Node count is actually 6...But i just hope its a female.



still waiting on my camera...and cell phone pics make me paranoid.
BUT, the females are doing great. Any little bit of deficiency they had,
its now fixed. lighter doses of nutes goes a long way lol.
anyways, they have a really nice smell when i rub the stem between my fingers.
Bagseed is really fruity and smells kinda like pineapple.
Bubblicious is just dank lol.
Thunk is really oily? smells weird too but i like it. :joint:

pics to be up ASAP.
oh and they are growing like 2-3inches a day...everywhere lol.




aaaaalrighty, got some pictures for you herb loving people.
starting to put on a stretch at week 2 of flowering.

Thunk..getting massive!

Bubblicious..getting massive too!

Bag Seed...smelling like pineapple

and a group shot. filling out my space :joint:

probably not gonna LST anymore unless it wants me too.
Figure I let it do its thing from here on out. thanks for the vibes, peace :joint:


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Stick your hand, palm away, under the light. Move your hand as close to lamp as is comfortable. There's the distance.



judging by that chart...4inches is not too close?
well, they seem fine. Bubblibious is almost as tall as my thunk!
i think its stretching to fight for the light bc as soon as
it caught up, nodes starting forming closer together again.
mary-jane is a weird plant, but i love it lol. :joint:
7 and a half more weeks till harvest! heh


My bubblicious is starting to form flowers!!
entering week 3 tomorrow. will have an update with pics. :joint:




alrighty, i need a fuckin camera asap.
my cell phone isnt cuttin it anymore lol
anyways, heres a pic of the bubblicious
entering week 3 of flower. starting to form alot of pistils!

you look closely and you can almost see my frodo feet heh.
The Bag Seed is a FEMALE!!! showing pistils just a bit but visible.
Dont know what to name her....hmmm...she smells like pineapples..
anyways, the Thunk is a fuckin BEAST! grows like 2inches a day.
Had to tie down one shoot, and super-cropped the other 2.
Um....yup, pretty much it. everythings healthy, must have a greenthumb.
first grow, didnt know what to expect, but so far you guys have had good advice. props and thanks for the vibes :joint:




Day 21 12/12...
So far, everything is healthy as can be
Growing nicely, stretch phase is coming to a close.
No issues with PH, over-nute, or anything!
It pays to research for 4months before doing it heh.
Heres some pics, hope you like....still need a good camera though.

Thunk- day 21..Looking good, nice canopy now

BagSeed..still need a name for it lol.
smells like pineapples!

And a group shot

Smells really nice when i walk in every morning.
Hope it doesnt seep through the walls into my neighbors closet lol.
The bubblicious is doing great, tried to upload the pic but messed up.
So ill try and get a new one in a little bit. Anyways, from here on out
its gonna be growing fat instead of tall i hope heh. keep the vibes my way :joint:


Looking good man.

That smell is only going to get worse.

You should consider taking care of it sooner rather than later especially if you're already concerned.

Plant looks great though! I hear you on the "research before you start" thing. Makes a difference.

-Q :rasta:


Quazi- Thanks man, im lovin the 150wHPS lol.

Danksta- Ooooo snap! heh, nice one. And yes,
I do have alot of work to do with that beast.

Ill keep you guys posted. Seems like when you
indulge in the fine arts of growing, life passes
you by at a faster rate...or maybe living MJ just
takes away all the stress and nonsense lol.
Keep it green guys, vibes all around


heh, im tryin Quazi. First comes rent, then weed
then food, then everything else. But ive been sneakin
a little here and a little there into a saving jar for a camera lol.
But i agree that i need one, these pics do my beauties no justice!