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First Grow, AK-48, 5-gallon DWC, 400W


Looking good.

Not any more :( I checked on her today and she drank a LOT of water over the last two days, so I refilled the res to the bottom of the net. I'm pretty sure the pH was drifting too high, close to 6.2 or so, so I added some pH Down and also raised the light a little to cool it off near the top. The leaves felt kind of dry too, so I'm hoping the added water and pH Down will perk her up. I should also add that the yellowing only occurs at the top part of the plant, and the rest of the plant is still green.

Day 9 of flowering


I don't know what the problem is but, nobody has helped you. I was thinking it was a deficiency but, I don't know. Then I was looking at The Complete guide to Sick Plants on this site and your light may be too close. Check it out. You have to go down a good ways on the page and you'll see it. I don't think 6.2 is too bad for flowering. It's just that the problem is at the top and not the bottom. Sorry I couldn't be more help to you.


I don't know what the problem is but, nobody has helped you. I was thinking it was a deficiency but, I don't know. Then I was looking at The Complete guide to Sick Plants on this site and your light may be too close. Check it out. You have to go down a good ways on the page and you'll see it. I don't think 6.2 is too bad for flowering. It's just that the problem is at the top and not the bottom. Sorry I couldn't be more help to you.

I definitely think it was a pH issue combined with the light being too close. There are still leaves that have some yellow on them, as you can see, but it's only at the top and I don't think they will get any better bc it's permanent. Here's a shot of the top bud and the yellow part. You can see that some leaves are even burnt due to sitting on the light. But this was all fixed 3 days ago and she's only been looking better since then.

Day 17 of flower


Day 21 of flower.




My digital pH meter broke. It was a Hanna meter so I didn't expect it to last long, but it only made it like 2 months :( After reading online, I might have to replace the electrode, but mine didn't come with any extras. I've tried to recalibrate it but it only goes as low as 7.6 no matter how far I turn the 4.0 dial. Oh well. Other than that, things are going well and she's starting to bud all over the place. I think that top cola might be pretty big :)


Yeah dude, 3" is way too close, even for a 400w in a cooltube. Glad to see she's recovering, she's still going to produce a nice mound of buds for you.


Day 32 of 12/12. Pay no attention to the color of the photos. The light really messes up the white balance.


Main cola

Canopy bud. Check out those trichs :)

She's lookin pretty good in my opinion. This week I've been doing some foliar feeding of Snowstorm Ultra and she seems to enjoy it quite a bit. The trichomes are really starting to show up and she's starting to add some girth to her buds. I'm thinking that another 2-3 weeks will be good for her and then she'll be ready for chopping. Although slowly, she is still growing upwards and I'll definitely have to do some custom rigging for my light to accommodate her. Next time, I'll be LSTing MUCH earlier to control for this problem. But hopefully she's strong and resilient enough to make it to harvest, regardless of how the light is positioned. We'll see :)

On a side note, the leaves and trim look like they might have a significant amount of sticky trichs on them. What is the best way to turn this stuff into smokable material? Grind it up and put it in some everclear? Blow some butane through it? Bake w/ it? Opinions please.


well done and that stalk looks quite thick too ..decent smoke for you :tiphat:


Looks like a bush grown in the wild. Your DWC is going well. I'd let it go for more than the 7 weeks you plan, though. At least 8, then judge from ther. Keep it up, she's going to yield well.


looking great schleep , as per the resin on the leaves there's plents of ways to make smokables out of it...Iso , bubble hash , dry keif , ediables..Etc and the list goes on


this is one of the best ways to make hash in less than 20 minutes.....

Thanks so much for this. That definitely seems like the easiest method. I'm not looking to get a ton of hash out of the trim, I just didn't want to waste all those frosty leaves :)

well done and that stalk looks quite thick too ..decent smoke for you :tiphat:

The stalk is ridiculously thick. More like a tree than a bush or a weed. I had a fan blowing on the plant the moment she was strong enough and it seems to have paid off :)

Looks like a bush grown in the wild. Your DWC is going well. I'd let it go for more than the 7 weeks you plan, though. At least 8, then judge from ther. Keep it up, she's going to yield well.

Yeah I was just taking a guess based on other grows of similar characteristics. I'll watch her and let her go as long as she can :) No rush here.


Day 41 of 12/12.




She's still lookin pretty good. Some of the fan leaves were pretty spotty w/ some brown and yellow so I chopped those off and left only the healthy-looking leaves. The pH was a bit low so I'm hoping the spottiness had to do with that and wont' get worse now that I've adjusted it correctly. Should she still be getting taller and bigger at this point, and should her leaves still be getting greener? Basically, I'm asking when does she start to wither and begin dying?

I'm just letting her continue to do her thing for about 3 more weeks. When should I start flushing?


Well it looks like things aren't going so well. I know she's on the last few weeks of her life, but the leaves are looking prettty bad. They're very badly spotted with yellow and brown, and the spots are popping up all over the place.

Day 47, 12/12.

Sorry the picture is so bad, but you can still see the problem. Should I be worried about this? How bad will it effect the bud if I start chopping down these dead/dying fan leaves?


Welcome to day 49 since the switch to 12/12.


Main cola:

Trich coverage is doin pretty well :)

These are the leaves I was trying to describe in the previous post. I've left these on there, but removed the larger fan leaves with the same problem. The plant looks healthy on the whole, but individual leaves seem to be getting spottier as she continues to age. Is this normal?

She's looking pretty good in my opinion. Like I said, I removed some dead/yellow/brown/spotted fan leaves to make some space, but it looks like she's just beefing up before the harvest at this point. I know I should flush for a full week before cutting her down, but at what point should I start flushing? I have a 30x loupe but it's pretty impossible to tell the difference between cloudy and clear trichomes. If they were amber I'm sure I could tell, but I think I need a more powerful magnifying glass to see if they're clear as opposed to cloudy.

Any suggestions?


seeker of greater knowledge
looks like she might be a tad overfed or possible ph swings??

the burnt leaf tips are a dead give away

when was the last time you changed your rez??
and secondly when was the last time you CLEANED the bucket??