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FIRST GROW, 400w hps in custom made closet


yeah theyve got atleaste another week and a half to 2 and a half. Thanks tho, im gunna go pick up a 30x from the eye glass store.
looking really excited i cant wait to see more pictures. I have purp sour deseil, sage and sour, grape ape, and black domina. I'm almost done with my first week of flowering and starting to see some preflowers. Its a DWC under a 400w MH

dav zap

Silica & UV-B

Silica & UV-B

Silica adds substance and UV-B will get you more THC; more stoned. UV-B is available from the pet shop as lizard lamps. Recomend output rating of 10.0 < a good one is ZooMed ReptiSun 10.0. Or suntanning lamps are made with UV also. I have a small Sperti Suntan Lamp 800 watts 30%UV-B. The lizard bulbs need annual changing.


PURPLE DEISEL 87, whats crackin homiee, those sound tasty, i think one of my good freinds is growing those also...hmmm, interesting.



im telling you PURP, that is going to get ALOT bigger if you let it.. ill have pics of mine soon... your gunna tripp.