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FIRST GROW, 400w hps in custom made closet


Dondeago - Hey man, yeah its a pretty god system, ive got some fatty roots goin on under there, are you using a sprinkler system?, ill post some pics of em. No no odour control, just leavin the windows open. not sure how much ill pull off.. how much do you tghink im lookin at? there is a new top cola about ever centemeter.. and there getting pretty beefy, im using Beatie Bloomz and its working great, although i dont have anything to compare it to


Well i think that its fair to say that your going to fly past my biggest crop. i would have thought at least 6 Oz.
I had a dabble withthe sprinkler. Couldn't set it up right though so i stuck with my idiot proof DWC.
I dont think that you can go far wrong with the set up you have .
Just make sure that you keep your Ph correct and don't burn the babies with the big light of yours. Another good tip that my "friend" told me was to NEVER feed full strength nutes to your plants. Over feeding is a lot harder to sort out that a little under feeding. Im supposed to do 7ML per litre but i start with 1/4 strength grow and notch it up a bit every 7 days right up until the last feed before cropping. Then flush for a week (Well...... you know the rest!)
My set up is so easy i dont even use a ppm meter.
Never had a need to. If your still in the learning stages i do hightly recommend this method.
Like i say.... 8 grows so far and not one casualty!


Hey Don do you have any pics?? yeah i think i might be going with a DWC with next grow, or soil. Sprinklers are cool.. and they get your roots nice and fuzzy but maitnance is a bitch when its nesesary. Ph and PPM are good right now, i had it wayy too high last week and burned em, there showin signs now like yellowing leaves and tip burn and alittle bit of lock out, but also showin signs of new root growth and now some weight, so there coming back around, i just set myself back about a week. Yeah man im hopin to pull off more then 6oz.. i have a new cola every centemeter.. and that not including the ones that are all underneath those.. i completely opened up and expanded these plants to there max, im hopin to get some shock value out of this one ;). most weight for the space. and for the first grow. we will see though, if i dont fuck it up, haha.

update soon.

stay tuned.


gRrOeOeRn - awesome looking grow! mind if I ask a few questions?

How long did you LST them before switching to flower?
What was your total veg time before flower?
How much water are they going through per day/week?

I'm running a very similar setup (minus CO2), and have had my babe's tied down for a few weeks now. They're turning into horizontal bushes and I'm trying to figure out when to release them to 12/12 :rasta:

Can't wait to see more pics!


Shadow - Thanks man, yeah ill fill you in on the grow specs.

I LST'd my plants from 1 week old to make them grow horizontal as far as i could(untill they reached the side of the cabnet) i topped and topped and made as many new leads as possible untill the entire cab was full, keeping all leads the same height. as soon as they took up everything horizontally i installed the trellace, metal wich works great because the weight of it wont let the plants push it out of place, as soon as i did a few eaves through the gate to make sure each lead was an equal distance from eachother about 1cm i flipped it into flower, keep in mind all the plants were only about 6inches off the ground because of how they were all growing horizontal. my total veg time was about a month and half. they go through about 1.5 liters a day, i think the sprinkler system looses more water then all other system because of just that, its throwing all the water around and becoming like mist, which becomes alot easier to evaporate.
Release into flower when 80% of your trellace is full. i made the mistake of waiting till 100%, eve though i may get a higher yield, there VERY crowded.
Do you have any pics? A link to your page?
Oh and i throw in Co2 (dry ice) about three times a week.


Awesome, thanks a lot for your help! I wasn't sure about using a screen or not, but considering your results I'm probly going to give it a try.

I don't have any pics or a thread yet. I'm still a newb with a very ghetto setup, so I'm waiting till I have a few grows under my belt and better equipment before I show the world what it do :) (If I posted pics right now, people would probably be wondering WTF I'm doing growing haha)

I'll be keeping an eye on this thread. From the look of things, you are showing all us newbs how a good grow should go :headbange

Thanks again and good luck!!!


Hell yeah Shadow. Im just happy to hear your growin the kind weed. Just ask if you have any questions, glad to help out, being a newb i know what its like trying to get started and to keep it running, ive had my share of problems and about a month of setup and research.



Kind of a dumb question, How do i know when to add more nutes? ive been guesssing up untill i bought a ph meter and PPM meter and they were all wak and almost killed my plants. so now im worried of adding to much but also not sure if my PPM s are suposed to be dropping?? and how much can i expect for a normal drop per day?


Another, should leaves be almost dieing, or yellowing at this stage of flower? im at 4 weeks 3 days into flower. or could they just be yellowing and a few deing because of the high PH and high PPM i had? which was a week ago now, and fixed.


gets some
gRrOeOeRn said:
Kind of a dumb question, How do i know when to add more nutes? ive been guesssing up untill i bought a ph meter and PPM meter and they were all wak and almost killed my plants. so now im worried of adding to much but also not sure if my PPM s are suposed to be dropping?? and how much can i expect for a normal drop per day?

Wow truly thats entirely too complicated and personalized for anyone to explain to you so you "get it". Keep reading everything you can about hydro! First, get calibration fluids and calibrate your meters! Don't skimp on your meters either! You get what you pay for and when you buy a $20 meter you are actually pissing away $1000 worth of pot b/c the meter won't read accurately. Think about it. Dont be penny wise and pound foolish.

Your ppms should drop (or stay very close) over a day. The water level goes down and the ppm goes down too and ph is around 5.8 or .9. That is a dialed in system. The drop per day will vary on your setup entirely. You are pretty much asking for someone to explain the holy grail of hydro growing in one post. It won't happen. Trial and error, good nutes and good meters will help you dial things in over time.


gets some
gRrOeOeRn said:
No i feel you man, i was looking for more of like a genralization, another piece of information to add to the puzzle.

Simple. If the water is dropping (for example, I lose about a gallon a day in 13 gallons of res water with 17 plants at 1100-1200ppm) then the ppms should be about the same or lower than the day before. Once I top off the water it will dilute the water further and the ppms should go down even more. Then top off with nutes the following day and the ppms should be right back where it was and the plants will keep eating and drinking and being happy.
Superb first grow, looks like a seasoned vet did it. Im about to start my first one and i hope it goes as well as yours. You were the first person ive seen who used dry ice for a C02 source, brilliant. Is that cheap? Also i wanted to do a DWC SCROG and ive read seemingly every thread on it but the concept of topping and LST still confuses me, where did you learn and are you aware of any videos on it or something that might help?


Phantom - Thanks man, best wishes to you and your grow. send a link if youve got a thread. Co2 is really cheap, but you cant store it.. so you have to buy it each day.. what i do is go get some like 3-4 times a week, seeing its right down the street from where i live. you get a couple pounds for like $7. Im not sure on any links of a video or step by step instructions, bassically, what you want to do i from about 1 - 2 weeks old you want to start tying it down horizontal and topping, at about 3-4 weeks put in the screen, wait for them to pop through and weave the stems in and out of the screen untill about 80% is full, once you hit around 80% flipp to 12-12 and let them stretch and fatten up, with tying them to the sides to keep upright if falling over from weight, and keep colas at equal distances from eachother, you will find its really easy, have fun, take your time and be patient. Always try to apply your ideas and thoughts where you think are needed and try to come up with new solutions to problems with LST and SCROG, possibilities are endless, they never stop growing while in veg, so again take your time, keep your PPM's and PH balanced and its all good. good ventilation is key also.

Growtime - Thanks for the thread, lots of great info.


When do i know when to harvest?? im uploading some pics right now.. the hairs are turning orange.. wait till 3/4's are orange?? please help. pictures in 10 minutes.


gets some
The most effective way is to get a magnifier from Radio Shack (30X for $10) and check the color of the trichs. Clear means strong head high, cloudy means mix, and amber means couchlock. Cut based on the effect you want. Your plant doesnt look quite done from the pics though.