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FIRST GROW, 400w hps in custom made closet


hey everyone, im asking you to hop aboard and join me through this first grow.
im growing in my closet out of a custom made closet with a 400w hps light 18/6, hydro sprinkler system, i have one blueberry kush, two bubba kush, and two haily's comets all on week 2, im using Flora series nutes with sub culture, a ceramic micro pore diffuser with air pump, temp gage - highs at 84f and lows at 74f, exaust, intake and two area fans. i have also started to LST them before they get to the trellace.

My plants had alittle implant shock intially but are now taking off ( they were all clones) ive added full nutes a couple of days ago and they are taking well to them.

Here are some pics so far, if anyone has any ideas, or advice, please feel free to let me know, it would be very appretiated

this hailys comet #1

Here is the entire grow

Hailys Comet #2

Another hailys comet #2

Hailys comet #1

Bubba #2

Bubba #1


bubba #1

Temp gage


area fan

exhaust fan

At a Glance


Not sure if my eyes are playing tricks on me but is that a mushroom in your "blueberry" pic??


haha yeah, it was holding my temp gage on there, one of those shroomies you see at garden centers for trippy people to put in there gardens, this trip ass old lady was looking at all of them for ike 15 minutes so i had to grab one.


all the plants grew about an inch last night...
Wondering, some of the leaves look almost oily.. is this a good thing? or does it mean too much of somthing? over watering?




Update on the Grow.. Ive put in a custom made metal screen to put to use this 'SCROG' method i hear so much about for high yields in limited space. It has by far out done itself and this method has got to be used in ALL grows of this size. let me know what you think of my work. These first pics of green are at one month

These second pics are of One week ago, or a month and 3 weeks, flower stage induced and beginning to bud nicely.. really filled out with thise screen and all the LSTing down underneath the SEA of GREEN

Any questions, feel free to ask, always like to lend a helping hand.
Any reconmondations.. Feel free to to speak your mind.

Toke Bowls.



Hey does anyone have any good sugestions on any nutes for Bulking up my buds?? i want the biggest buds i can get, money wont be an issue. the best quality nutes is preffered.
ive heard cannazym from canna is really good?? i use MOAB (mother of all blooms) its fucking nice and not to expensive, it looks like u might wanna lower the light i cant even see it in the last pic. I woke up this morning to my top cola all up on my ballast and a little tiny leaf cut crispy thats all then i hung the light differently. pics over in my grow but yeah mine is 400W hps and mine was that close. u need to get them a little closer man for MAX absortion. just my opinion. looking very nice though man. keep it up.


thanks for the reply super grower, just checkd out your grow.. very nice. im not sure if im willing to risk the burning of my plants like you though, my light is only 13 inches away from the top cola..

Anyone else have any thoughts on wheather my light should be closer?

or how to big my nugs big and juicy


Active member
mount your temp gauge right up where the tip of the cola is . that will tell you whether you should move the light up, down, or not at all.


Seeds - thanks man, yeah they sounded pretty good out of the selction of clones my local club had in stock, and they have done me well so far. The hailys comet is absolutly amazing though, all the buds are equally as big the whole way through, and twice the size of the other plants. while the blueberry is taking up half of the grow space.. branches like crazy when i topped and lst'd. The bubba has already started to take on a real nice smell.

GreenGrow - Yeah ive been working on the temps.. ive mounted it at the top cola and its high temp during the day gets to ohh.. about.. 83 with a rare 84. im not sure if i really want to get ANY hotter then that, id like to stay in more of the high 70's region but what can ya do, mini air con is too expensive for this size of grow. What do you normally run your temps at? do you have a grow?


there will be new pics this weekend, in normal light for better color, and ill take some shots form a distance so you can get more of a feel of how big it all is and how much it has filled in.


cgns - thank you, took time and work to get where im at. Since flowering stage has been induced ive been feedin them every other day. i have a 10 gal res, and feed then at 3 gallons every other day along with Open sesame, Beastie bloomz, and cha ching, all in order of course, but im on the cha ching as of right now, trying to boost all my essential oil levels, i will probably switch back to beastie bloomz when i see alittle more improovement on the oils.

Anyone know of anything extra i can use to help Blow Up my buds??


Active member
I've read good things on the forums about kool bloom from G.H. and used it a couple times in my most recent grow. I can't say how much it fattened them up though because I did not do any type of control experiment to compare. Search for it on here under both "kool bloom" and "koolbloom" and limit the search to thread titles only.
Your grow looks really good, way to go for your first time! I bet your yields will be great.


hey gro, i didnt know ur plants were that close man i thought they had to be about 2 ft in the pic but 12 inch should be fine. my temp when i got home was 86!!! YIKES and probably was that temp the whole day, shit nuts, i cant stop it, i live in cali man. hahah but anyways do u know how much higher temp effects the plants?


Hey Super Grow, I feel ya man, Cali.. i get the nice ocean breeze, nice today too, all foggy and cold. But anyways man, These plants are suposed to addapt to higher temps quite well (there was thread where a guy was growing in the desert in 100+ temps and got GREAT yeilds of awsome quilty buds wish i could give him credit but dont remember his name), Best growing temps are 78 - 84 but can grow just as well in higher temps.. they are meant to stand temps of 100+, you'll be fine. keep your res temps lower thos, you can have air temps high as long as your res temps are low, iam constantly putting froven water bottles into my res, i have two, i have one freezing while the other is cooling the rez, when the one is frozen, i switch, do this about 3 times a day, have nice cold res temps.


my leaves are starting to droop or wilt alittle on my plant furthest away from the intake.. it couldnt be over or underwatering, only because i have a sprinkler system that also has an extra air pump in the res. could this be because of a lack of Co2?? i went and bought some dry ice and threw that in there, they seemed to perk up alitle but not to much.. what else could be causeing this??

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