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First grow 270w LED + GHE Waterfarm modded


New member
Hi! I'm almost ready to starting my first grow.

I already bought three 90w Cultilite LED (real power) so i have 270w

I would like to go with a GHE Waterfarm pot modded with additional holes and pump with airstone..

Not sure about the grow tent. I know led technology keeps short the plant but i dont have any idea about the growt i could achieve with 270w leds

The option are


I basically want to grow 1 plant at time. Sativa and indica strains


New member
Hi hillbilly

I have three 90w unit real power

So i have 270w real absorbtion

(450w declared by manufacturer)
Leds brand is Cultilite...

sorry for my bad english


you can get away with 60x60x140 for one plant. Just make sure you have a good fan for circulation and temperature management but honestly the 270w won't be giving off too much heat. It'll be quite stuffed in there near the end of flowering so you might want to go with something wider.



New member
Ooh.. OK, I see now. ;)
Yes, lime the post above says, if your going to go with one plant you would make the most out of your time and effort to scrog and put in the evtra veg time. The wait would be worth the extra time.

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