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First Fully Adjustable Titanium Nail


honey oil addict
The only valid point I've heard you make is with the machine oil. I personally have thoroughly heated up every piece of titanium before I used it, just for the reason you stated.

when i make my pads ready for use i heat them completely red hot before denting, any machine oil residue is definitely completely removed, but the metal never seems oiled at all, to tell the truth, if there is, its minute traces to begin with.


when i make my pads ready for use i heat them completely red hot before denting, any machine oil residue is definitely completely removed, but the metal never seems oiled at all, to tell the truth, if there is, its minute traces to begin with.

Very good to know Hashmasta! I wonder of AqualabTech could chime in and let us know if their process includes removal of machine oils?
machining oils... give me a break... talk about knit picking... seriously guys.. do you know anything about metalworking and the processes? i doubt it because if you did you would know and the goes along with what HMK says, sheet metal is never ever lubed in between the sheets. For one that would make it ridiculously dangerous, at one point or another this metal is in giant sized sheets or rolls. On top of that there are many times when metal workers need metals to be pure and "clean" to do certain things with. Some metals wont weld correctly with things on them such as lubricants, ect.

I think what the original person was talking about was with the waterjet drill and the chemicals involved in that, i could be wrong but that is a good question. Regardless if you heat it up to red hot any chemical residue will be incinerated/vaporised.

But anyway it said inhaling fumes more than on a working basis of welding metalworking could be dangerous, and inhaling air pulled over hot titanium would classify as fumes in my eyes, regardless if it has bho with it or not.

The main reason they use titanium for these nails is because with repeated heating and cooling they usually dont crack, and i think they heat faster than the steel of the same size

But furthermore with this specific nail, if your thinking you got one to switch out with all your glass ware now, well think about how easy that thing wont turn after a few thick dabs or i doubt that it will anyway so you will have to clean it everytime u change glass pieces.



The main advantage I see is being able to use this with any glass blowers Vapor dome. Working at a "Club/shop" that sells glass, Ti, and Wax, I see alot of different sized globes, Some globe are so short that nails go right through the air hole or, or the globe is super tall with the nail down a long way's down. there is no industry standard yet on size of nail or globe, this makes it so you can use any globe setup and just adjust the height of the center section. This nail has a unique advantage to the average patient/stoner who breaks alot of glass, no need to worry about the height of the nail.

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