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first flower.... Advice would be greatly appreciated!!!

So my single plant just started flowering, im using potting mix with 150 hps and this is my first flowering and i just don't want to mess it up, so any good basic advice would be amazing, being this is my first grow and i only have one plant that was thankfully a girl, i just don't wanna mess it up! So any points would be awesome, everyone has been awesome and very helpful Thank You.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
leave her be dont love her to death. All you need to do is water her im sure you have some nutrients to use. Dont overwater.
Hammer i have been pretty much just reading the plant when the leaves start to droop down i water and do the same over she usually goes about 4-5 days before her leaves begin to droop, i did notice that the bottom leaves would be droopy but the top ones wouldn't, should i wait until all of the leaves are?


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
You dont need to wait for them to droop. When are you seeing this droppyness? If the lights are just coming on the plant was sleeping and needs to wake up a bit. The leaves should be Straight out or up reaching for the light. Under Watering can cause this just like over watering can. Give the plants enough water until you have some runoff not a lot. Wait until the top few inches is dry and the pot can be lifted easy. Pick up the pot right after you water and feel the weight. When she is dry enough it will be easy to pick up.

yea the leaves start drooping around 5 days but i feel the soil and after a few inches i still feel damp then the next day i usually see the bottom part droop a bit, its not bad they are just not sitting up like they usually do. I have pics that will be coming soon. thanks
ok i was just trying to be on the safe side because everyone says don't overwater, but i also have a prob im using smart pots and the water runs out of the side of them so it is hard to tell when the soil is actually fully saturated. I've been told too to mix grow and bloom ferts for the first couple of waterings with nutes, does that sound right?


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I have used those smart pots as long as you see runoff from the bottom you have watered enough

No if your in veg use grow ferts if your in flower use Bloom ferts.

I use PBP with Liquid Karma,Sweet and canna PK13/14 for Flower
@1000-1200ppm pH 6.3-6.8. Increase this slowly from 500-1200. After the trasition from veg stage to flower that takes 2 weeks. I flip to 12/12 and wait for 2 weeks before I start the flowering ferts. Start at 600,800,1000,1200. Every week it gets a 200 bump

For veg I use PBP with LQ @500PPM pH 6.5


Active member
ok i was just trying to be on the safe side because everyone says don't overwater, but i also have a prob im using smart pots and the water runs out of the side of them so it is hard to tell when the soil is actually fully saturated. I've been told too to mix grow and bloom ferts for the first couple of waterings with nutes, does that sound right?

Are you trying to water all at once or in stages so the soil can increase in sponginess to accommodate more water? I have Air Pots rather than smart pots but they should act similarly, and water mostly stops running out of the side once the soil is actually saturated. Also, you do want run-off whenever you water.

Also, in my experience, beginning to wilt from insufficient water can look like the fan leaves reaching upward more before they start drooping, so you may not really be noticing the first signs of thirst.


about the watering
depending on the strain your growing
4 should be the max
just look at the top and pick it up u should be able to tell the differents
and depending how much ppm your using go 1/4 the first week or 2
then go 1/2 since your in dirt..but yes that sounds about right..
post the nutrients your using..


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Smart pots drain much slower then Airpots. Smart pots are cloth pots that dont have hundreds of holes for water to drip out of. Airpots waste much more water then Smartpots do.


weed fiend
Resist the temptation to over sample or worse, harvest early. Clear trichomes won't be worth the trouble, no matter how good the smell and taste.

Don't smoke wet weed. Even if it's ripe, wet weed won't get you stoned. The drying process makes all the difference.

If you get enough to store some, glass jars make a good cure. You can familiarize yourself with different cure times to find your preferences.

Best wishes.


Active member
Don't smoke wet weed. Even if it's ripe, wet weed won't get you stoned. The drying process makes all the difference.

:/ I got high many, many times early this year on completely wet buds slowly roasted in bongs. Are you saying you have smoked buds right off the plant and not gotten high from it?


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
no he is not it just wont be the same as when the plant is harvested at the right time. It would be weak not worth the effort


Active member
being this is my first grow and i only have one plant that was thankfully a girl, i just don't wanna mess it up!
I guess the best I can add is to strongly urge you to stay relaxed, to not stress out no matter what happens, even if you mess things up so bad you have to toss her into the compost bin it will have been a resounding success as long as you don't give up, ...every grow is practice for the next.

Personally, my first try I popped 30 beans and killed every damned one of them, lol.

...so I popped 30 more and only managed to keep 5 of those alive, lol, fortunately, 4 were females and the bud turned out WAY better than the middie sack the seeds came from, not the least of that because i'd grown the bud myself.

I'd also strongly suggest you check out FreezerBoy's cloning thread if you haven't learned that most essential skill, in that thread FB has compiled links to the best threads of pretty much every cloning method so it is a perfect place to begin your studys.

...btw, because I learned to clone early on, those 4 female survivors provided me with bud for nearly 2 years, until I got the courage to place my first online seed order, lol, no more middies for me thank you.

Anyway, have fun and don't give up!
Peace, SOG