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First ever Indoor Grow using 100w growlush CFL

Does anyone know if me crossing hermie mango pollen onto a straight female super skunk plant that those seeds will of course be a super mango skunk strain but will it's seeds lose the hermie traits and possibly produce more female seeds than male or may actually produce all female seeds or will the hermie traits stay with these seeds as well ?

As mango is a big yeilder and I wanted to give it a extra kick by crossing it with super skunk and grow it outside.
Ok the super skunk is going crazy with lots of white hairs and resin and starting to stink up my room.next to the SS is the bagseed which is so so slow flowering.

heres 31 days into flowering-->


here is the bagseed , as you can see only has few white hairs and if it dont hurry up I am chucking it in the bin -->


Will report back in 20days as thats when I will be harvesting, 5 days before xmas day.

btw CFL kicks ass hhehhe
Ok after all that effort I got 20grams of good bud from the one super skunk plant... been on holidays so bit late reporting back.

bit disapointed and that bag seed plant I chucked in the bin and the mango skunk plant outside got eaten by a possum :(

I regenerated the superskunk and also had a clone of it that I am now growing So I have two and look at the results after 30days veg and now I am at day 35 of flowering--->


I am now using an old car jack I had and piece of project wood thats zip tied down to make it stable and now I can jack plants up and down towards the light when in vege or flower-->



I pimped it out ... lol

Will report back when I can weigh all the dry bud , hope I get bit more than last time and from the looks of the buds they are alot bigger and fuller so with age the plants definately fill out more and being able to jack the plants up right under the lamp has helped greatly ... I recommend using a car jack like the one I am using if you have a fixed light like I have because you can raise or lower by millimeters just by a little turn.This carjack idea is patent pending :) hahhaah

I plan on reveggin the plants over and over and want to have six or so plants as to ensure every 3 months that I will have 90 grams of dry bud which will ensure that I no longer have to purchase it from dangerous drug dealers ever again.. lol :D
Heres some more bud porn at day 46 ..

frosting up and my room smells now ... lol




report back in 10 days as thats when should be ready ..


Seems like you got a lot of nuteburns there.. And leaves are still very dark greenish, so you should consider flushing those to get rid of the nutrients at this point.. Also you should check the trichomes before harvesting.. don't rely on given dates when you use CFL's because they finish much slower than with HPS..

Other than that I think you're doing fine there! :)
yeah the nute burn .. I have been flushing with plain water for last 2 weeks ....

the trics are looking good ... turning a milky cloudy color .... around 30% red hairs ...

I have just turned the lights from 12/12 to 14/10 to hurry them up so I can cut down .. I say will be ready in 7-10 days ... last time I picked early and was still strong ...
Ok I cut the plant back when trics where a clear/cloudy color with around 50% red hairs ..


good strong smoke ... only yielded around 25 grams dry .... I am going to try sea of green method as I think thats only way I can really increase my yields and will let it ripen further to increase weight , I will have to be more patient .. lol



I cut plants back and leaving popcorn buds and leaf ... and took outside and flushed whole system with garden hose until clear ... then drained and topped up with more medium.

reveging plants again and try to get as many clones as I can to fill that whole thing up and then flower again ...will report back in a month.
At 21 days of reveg and a few leaves fell off there is new growth -->


I flowerd these plants for longer this time and reducing the light even further to mature them has definately made them slower to reveg this time round and the nute burn near the end did not help either.I might have to reveg for 40-45 days this time round instead of the 30day i did last harvest and I am going to get some more clones happening in there.Live and learn so will be careful next time nearing harvest. I also have a another clone in soil I am trying to get going as well which is for outdoor use.
Ok sorry guys I been away doing other things but here is my Super skunk and also some new hash bomb strain which I crossed .. so I have super skunk x Hash bomb now ..I also upgrade the lights .. got a 125wat 6400k and a 125wat 2700k .. the 2700k flower light definately improved yields, I started from seed again as I had issues from winter temps in my place and also I have gone back to potting mix instead of perlite -->


hash bomb


size of buds comapred to my fist :D




hashbomb x super skunk seeds


all this 3 months from seed to harvest .. only few days left..

Can some one please tell me exactly how to store the seeds ?? I read that you must allow fresh seeds to dry out a little then place them in plastic zip lock baggy and put that bag in a old film canister or old vitamin bottle with silca gel in the bottle/cannister then put that in the fridge where butter goes .. is this correct ??
Ok Here is an update , I let seeds try for about 2 weeks then placed them in plastic ziplock bag and put in hard container in cool place.

I reveged the super skunk but I also grew one of the hashbombXsuperskunk seeds which was female and turned out great anyhow I reveged those 2 plants again and this time I am growing 3 more hashbombXsuperskunk seedlings in hope that one of thems a male so can cross that back to super skunk again ...

3 hashbombXsuperskunk seedlings 20 days old 22hrs of light a day -->

1 superskunk female 3rd time being reveged on far left of photo and a reveging superskunkXhashbomb female right of photo-->

So basically I want to get a male HBxSS and cross it back to the pure strain super skunk and put a few seeds away and just keep reveging the female plants.I can fit around 5 plants only in the one pot.I will report back in a month or so as I will be starting the flowering in 10 days.
Ok people it's been a while seen I reported back . anyhow .. its 2011 and I have crossed superskunk X hashbomb x superskunk.. No more revegging as no need I have plenty of seeds also I have found reveggin takes longer and also yields are low.I dont like clones either as they seem to yield less .. seeds are the way to go every grow !!! I also purchased that fem seed soak and can say out of 10 seeds 6 were female .. so the stuff may help some .. will have to do some more testing.

and the results are CRAZY !!!

I have been giving them mollases every watering from start of flowering and also nutrients every second watering .. organic nutirents .. fish emulsion nonsmelly one of course .. and normal potting mix .. and during flowering only gave them mollases and greenform flower nutrients.Water in 2 litre bottle has airstone and I added 10ml of hydrogen peroxide day before use. These plants are used to enviroment from seed produced in same enviroment. So I am sure most of you now know that a seed grown in hydro that you make seeds with then try grow in soil may not go so well first time but seeds you produce from that will become use to being gown in soil and vice versa.. well this is my opinion from my results. I have yielded alot this time and i placed all seedlings equal space apart on very outer rim of the container and so the vertical 125wat light sat right in the middle.. a vertical grow :) with 360 degree of light .. so no need for reflector and no wasted light... :)

Growing 5 plants in the same pot .. yes the same pot with no problems at all, only thing i noticed was they sucked up alot more water & more nutrients.. watering ever 2nd day with 2 litres water with 7ml's mollasess and every other watering 10m'ls greenform flowering nutrients. .. All I did was let the plants grow and no tipping and just trimmed all smaller branches so one big bud formed on all with some little buds off the side that I missed..and pruned any leaf that was touching the light.

I have cut down two as they were ready but left 3 in there to mature more..

anyhow to all the CFL haters out there ... eat this -->







One Love 731

Senior Member
Looks like your learning the plant, looks good for conditions man. Easy on the eat this CFL haters stuff. Some here grow buds that look like clumps of sugar and are rock hard. Keep up the good work. 1:ying:
^^^ I'm only stiring .. lol

I know cfl have less penetration but if you have it set right then all will be good.. yields wont be as good but only reason I use cfl is because the HPS lights etc chew the electricity and also are a fire hazard.. Electricity is VERY expensive these days well it is in Australia..

thanks for the reply ..


New member
Good afternoon Doc,
Diggin your CFL grow, Im using 26w "sunshine" 5000k CFL's (x2). Reading your thread has only gotten me more amped about this CFL grow of mine. I have a question or two for ya if you dont mind...
Using CFL's, when should I start the 12/12 flowering process? "Whetta" has been living for about a month and by the picture what timeframe am I looking at? Thanks in advance Doc.


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Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I cannot tell if you are doing it, but when the plants go into flower put the bulb between them vertically. Not over the top, but down so the light hits them from the sides of bulb.

If using over the top, a reflector will double the light. That is with the light horizontal.
you usually vege for 30 days from seed then switch globes to a 2700k spectrum and set timer to 12/12 , flowering time depends on strain .. but when all hairs are red and resin on buds looks frosty looking or cloudy white then cut down.

for your setup you could should make a reflector of mylar .. There is one thing you should know and that is the more watts CFL the more you will yield .. with your light you will probably only yeild 7grams dry if your lucky.

if you look at my setup I used car windshield reflector on all side walls and roof to reflect light better. Yesum was correct saying if you want light over top then using a reflector that holds the lamp sideways ensures it will work.

if you want you could sit light next to plant instead of on top and rotate plant 1/4 turn once a week to ensure you get good lighting to the lower parts of plant so u get one good bud.. CFL dont have much penetration to lower canopy so dropping light right along side a plant or plants is what you want.. or raise plant to the light .. like I do

please reply back in a month or so to show me how you went..

if you can afford it as they are cheap $100 aussie dollars you can get a powerplant cfl reflector and 125wat cfl lamp .. you could grow 4 or 5 plants then.

a setup I did for a mate well he got bigger space in walk in wardrobe so I set up a proper reflector and he has 250wat cfl .. LOL

also might be good to get a bigger pot .. bigger roots = bigger buds .. :) just make sure if you do transplant that you give 2 weeks atleast before putting into flower so plant can recover from transplant.

You can flower using light you have but wont be as good .. so make sure you look for warm white 2700k cfl for flowering.
Ok started again .. this is a mixture of pure super skunk ... and also a hashbomb x superskunk x superskunk mix cross. I wont be able to tell which is which until they grow a bit more. The cross strain has very thick bulky stems compared to the pure super skunk. This soil is a standard fresh potting mix with 1/4 of the container mixed with a perlite/vermiculite and mixed in well into the potting mix.

these seedlings are 11 days old .. I count the days as soon as I see the seed open in wool and then quickly placed in soil. These are getting 22hrs of light a day.




I will report back in 30 days when I will swap lamps for flowering ... and switch to 12/12
Ok update time ... 30 days of vege from seed... nice green bushy and healthy .. 6 plants in total and one is a hashbomb cross for sure as the stems bulky compared to the plain super skunk. I chose to mix all seeds together so I get variety.. I soaked them with a female seed soak for 30 hrs so hopefully all females. I do have some feminised seeds from spraying coillidal silver but I want to use up all the normal seeds first.

anyhow heres photos -->





swapping light to a 2700k at 12/12 ..

will report back in 30days ..
Ok heres an update..

out of 6 seedlings I got 4 males and 2 females ... the fem seed soak is crap so do not waste your $30 on it.

anyhow I ripped the males without hurting the females and I have placed alot of seeds spaced apart on very outer rim of container and they are going into straight 12/12. the seedlings are 10 days old.

heres photos of the 2 bigger females which are at day 27 of flower and smaller seedlings that are 10 days old-->






I am trying to keep light as close to seedlings as I can but the females are alot taller so I have had to bend them a little and also side lighting is pointed directly at seedlings to help them so they dont stretch and fall over. Once females are ready to be cut I will cut them back but will leave plenty of leaf and popcorn buds to keep females alive so dont have to worry about root rot and the raise the container up higher towards the main lamp.