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First ever grow! 156watts CFL + Bagseed


New member
Hi everyone. I've been lurking here about a year learning all that I can about various growing methods and finally decided to try my hand at it. Here's what I'm growing:

Bagseed (from very good but seeded pot)
156 watts of 2700k CFLs (for the whole grow) + window light when available (I live in the great plains so sunlight is abundant this time of year :)
Generic home depot soil
Generic home depot veg and flower nutes
Small closet with an oscillating fan, no odor control but that's no problem.

I germinated about 10 seeds and kept the best two females. They are both planted in one 5 gallon pot. I know this isn't ideal, but what happened was that I had two plants per pot at first, so that I could determine which plant was more vigorous to weed out weak plants. Well, two of them which were in the same pot together grew equally well and pretty much bigger than all the others. These had about 10 days of veg time before I switched to 12\12 cause I wanted to keep them small, and those 2 big plants in the same pot turned out female, so I disgarded the rest (3 were male and the rest were runty in comparison).

The sisters are now 42 days from sprouting and are on day 5 of flower (I'm going by when I started to see more than just two sets of pistils, which was on 4\20 actually haha). In addition to the 156 watts of CFL light they get, they also get 4-5 hours of direct sunlight through the windows. I can get away with this cause I've trained them to hell haha. They are only about 8-9 inches tall even at day 5 of flower.

Here's a picture I took today of the ladies basking in the sunlight. I put a penny on the edge of the pot for size comparison.


Here's another shot from the side to show the (totally successful!) LSTing I did. Again this is my first try so don't make fun, but I think I'm doing pretty well for a first timer (THANK you ICmag!) Haven't seen any signs of nute burn or insects or anything thus far:


Probably won't update this much until they are around day ~30 of flowering.


New member
lookin nice :) I'll be following this one! Would be nice to see a couple pics of your setup -- and of course pics and dry yield at the end!

Some people don't follow through to the end.. I hate that :D Good Luck!


New member
Thanks! Yeah I'll be sure to get some shots of them in the closet next time. the 156 watts of CFL consist of 3x 42w and a single 30 watt. Today just happened to be a beautiful day in the midwest =p so they were out in the window sun when I grabbed the camera.


New member
Well, I have transplanted once so far, but the roots were already completely intertwined at the first transplant. That was a couple weeks ago though, only shortly after I switched to 12\12, and I know they don't grow roots much longer than the first week or so of flower right? I was trying to keep them pretty small since I'm using CFLs, although I think I'm way over the optimum watt\space ratio right now. I imagine that ratio is different for CFL's though, I dunno. They span about 1.75 x 1 foot and are 9 inches tall right now, so thats not very big. Hmmmm.


New member
Well I'm on day 15 of flowering (~day 20 from 12\12 switch) and there are some very visible trichs starting to form. I noticed though that the very very tips of the leaves on both plants, even on the new growth, are turning brown which I've heard is the earliest sign of over-feeding.

However some of the oldest and biggest fan leaves are now completely yellow, which I've heard is normal later in flowering but not this early? The new growth all looks great color-wise, if maybe a LITTLE on the light green side. So I'm just confused since I seem to be seeing signs of both over-feeding and under-feeding. I wish I had a picture but my camera was dropped and completely broke, gonna have to get another one.

Everything else seems to be going along fine, every morning its quite easy to spot all the new flowers that formed in the previous day\night.


high tracy . ur ladies do look well . nice . u obviously have green fingers , reading up's great and getting involved is 10X better . wishing u all the best in producing the bud . dont panik if it only lower leaf turning yellow , no drama there . i love watching a plant follow the sun it's magic


New member
Small update with pictures to show slight leaf yellowing. Does it look like a shortage of something? Day 19 of flower. For some reason the top picture makes the problem look worse than it is. The bottom picture is more the actual color. You can't see in these shots but there are a lot of trichomes forming on the small single lives sticking out from the buds.




Its COOL to DROOL!!!!!!
keep up the good work!! dont forget to feed them 1/2 grow and 1/2 bloom for the first 4 or 5 wks of bloom!


New member
Due to unforseen circumstances I'm gonna have to pull the plug on this attempt.... which SUCKS cause it was going so well... At least they got to a point where there is a lot of crystal clear white trichomes on the small buds, so i'll get SOMETHING out of it.... I need a place of my own :(