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First Contact Imminent?

If you were an Alien and had the ability to come here, would you? I don't really think we are that special that anyone would travel light years to see us. Pretty huge disappointment when you see we can even be nice to one another over things like skin color, and destroying one another because I live on this piece of dirt with invisible lines and you don't. Or maybe i will kill you to show you how great my god is over yours. But maybe watching someone get trampled at a Walmart on black Friday is cool, because you know how rare that LCD TV is, and they will never be that cheap again.


Hmm... let's see... this universe is 13,000,000,000 yo and has 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars (give or take a few billion)...

naw. It's only us. That's all there is for sure.

It's ALL about US willis...

check the first quote in sig!


Traveling Between the Stars

Traveling Between the Stars

u don't need to travel faster than light to travel between the stars. u need to be able to manipulate space-time... think folding space to travel thru time across what appears to be a vast distance of space. ie: wormholes

if ur technology hasn't advanced far enuf to make ur own wormholes try finding a natural one nearby.

If the cultures of our world hadn't wasted so much time, money, and precious life inventing and defending insane belief systems we'd be there by now.
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three for playing, three for straying, and three f
Hmm... let's see... this universe is 13,000,000,000 yo and has 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars (give or take a few billion)...

naw. It's only us. That's all there is for sure.

It's ALL about US willis...

check the first quote in sig!

SO what ? It's just numbers..For all we know the universe is infinite or one of many universes. Maybe there is life once in every universe..maybe life should have never happened in the first place..some kind of a freak accident. (well it kinda is any way you look at it)

Numbers and the vastness of space means shit..now if we could find even some bacteria on another planet. That would totally change the whole picture..

I find the argument ''Look how big the universe is..there has to be life!'' nonsense. Show me one micro organism on mars for example and i will believe life is abundant. Still does nothing for intelligence tho..


SO what ? It's just numbers..For all we know the universe is infinite or one of many universes. Maybe there is life once in every universe..maybe life should have never happened in the first place..some kind of a freak accident. (well it kinda is any way you look at it)

Numbers and the vastness of space means shit..now if we could find even some bacteria on another planet. That would totally change the whole picture..

I find the argument ''Look how big the universe is..there has to be life!'' nonsense. Show me one micro organism on mars for example and i will believe life is abundant. Still does nothing for intelligence tho..

Look up the word "megalomaniac". It pretty much describes how humans - in general - look upon their world (and the universe).

So... 1 in a quintillion? I don't think so.


"Well this sounds familiar
Oh yeah, The Day the Earth Stood Still (2008)
almost verbatim from what Kathy Bates over zealous character says" ------ Dr Dog

mmm....... I never saw the movie. Now I gotta see it! I bet the Kathy Bates character is more rational than zealous.

Any way, this has got to one of the most hilarious threads on ICmag. Ha ha ha.

And what if we discovered some bacteria, ie, some microbial life somewhere else in our solar system? All my Christians friends would be totally fucked. They and other religions would have to invent another myth. And believe me, they would! I think this discovery might even spark a nasty war. BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR!
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The Pope is Working on it

The Pope is Working on it

"Well this sounds familiar
Oh yeah, The Day the Earth Stood Still (2008)
almost verbatim from what Kathy Bates over zealous character says" ------ Dr Dog

mmm....... I never saw the movie. Now I gotta see it! I bet the Kathy Bates character is more rational than zealous.

Any way, this has got to one of the most hilarious threads on ICmag. Ha ha ha.

And what if we discovered some bacteria, ie, some microbial life somewhere else in our solar system? All my Christians friends would be totally fucked. They and other religions would have to invent another myth. And believe me, they would! I think this discovery might even spark a nasty war. BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR!

The Vatican is in the process of framing the churches' policy on extra-terrestrials right now. This was found on the web:

Monsignor Corrado Balducci, a theologian member of the Vatican Curia (governing body), and an insider close to the Pope, has gone on Italian national television five times, including recent months, to proclaim that extraterrestrial contact is a real phenomenon. Balducci provided an analysis of extraterrestrials that he feels is consistent with the Catholic Church's understanding of theology. Monsignor Balducci emphasizes that extraterrestrial encounters "are NOT demonic, they are NOT due to psychological impairment, they are NOT a case of entity attachment, but these encounters deserve to be studied carefully." Since Monsignor Balducci is a demonology expert and consultant to the Vatican , and since the Catholic Church has historically demonized many new phenomena that were poorly understood, his stating that the Church does not censure these encounters is all the more remarkable.

Strange that they're trying to get ahead of the curve on this particular issue, don't you think?


Interesting how the Vatican would rely on a demonology expert to craft their policy on the possibility that extraterrestrial first contact could happen. But this Balducci guy apparently believe it has already happened. Ha ha ha ha! Perhaps it's is a wise thing that the Vatican is crafting a policy on the possibility of first contact. I wonder what will be the consequence in challenging the Christian fundamental belief that God created man in his own image? Most folks are irrational; for eg.: believing a thing to be true, without proof or evidence. Such a change will not proceed smoothly. But I would feel so much more satisfaction if religious dogma was humbled and "embarrassed" when and if this happens. Copernicus, Gallileo, Darwin, etc. couldn't slow these guys down. Now it is beginning to look like extraterrestrial life won't either.


Strange indeed... there must be some compelling reason for them to do so. Why else would they risk seeming hysterical? Hmmm.