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First Coco Grow 1200w 5x5


Hey Guys, I'm about 2 weeks into 12/12 and the girls are stretching very nicely! Hopefully there stretch ends soon and they start filling out.

I've switch from H3eads Coco formula to NF Coco Full Line.
So far the plants are loving it


I was starting to get some pale new growth from the J1 but I've seemed to fix the problem.




Afghani Bullrider

Pandora's Box



First Coco Grow 1200w 5x5

Looks like a great mix ... I've been using basement mix for a long time, someone at my shop recommended trying a 50-50 combo of the basement & tupur, I've yet to try it but will give it a shot.


Looks like a great mix ... I've been using basement mix for a long time, someone at my shop recommended trying a 50-50 combo of the basement & tupur, I've yet to try it but will give it a shot.

Give it a good Rinse. Seems to have a decent amount of salt still in it.

I got a question about runoff in Coco
my PPM's in last feeding were 825
Run off was 1200ppm
PH in 5.5
Run off 6.0-6.1

Does this mean I need to water with a low ppm ph'd mix the next few days?


First Coco Grow 1200w 5x5

I never rinse basemet mix I go straight out the bag and run pretty much like they say on the website


nice setup ptone. that blue scream might get big in there. did you flush with clearex or anything or just switch nutes?

Looks like a great mix ... I've been using basement mix for a long time, someone at my shop recommended trying a 50-50 combo of the basement & tupur, I've yet to try it but will give it a shot.

i've been mixin the mendo mix with tuper 50-50. does the basement have more food/charge than mendo?


First Coco Grow 1200w 5x5

Nute charge in the basement seems similar to the mendo mix (ran a lot of mendo mix in my gh this year)


breathe deep
Does this mean I need to water with a low ppm ph'd mix the next few days?

Sweet thread Ptone. Plants look lush and green.
I would definitely give them a day off from full strength food. I find a 1/4 -1/2 strength feed, every week or two, is nice for the plants.
your different ppm input and runoff don't guarantee you will have any trouble, but its nice to keep them fairly close. Runoff PH i have never bothered with.
Looking forward to see you finish these beauties off.


Sweet thread Ptone. Plants look lush and green.
I would definitely give them a day off from full strength food. I find a 1/4 -1/2 strength feed, every week or two, is nice for the plants.
your different ppm input and runoff don't guarantee you will have any trouble, but its nice to keep them fairly close. Runoff PH i have never bothered with.
Looking forward to see you finish these beauties off.

Thanks for the heads up. I've been feeding them at 200ppm tap + 500ppm Food.

nice setup ptone. that blue scream might get big in there. did you flush with clearex or anything or just switch nutes?

i've been mixin the mendo mix with tuper 50-50. does the basement have more food/charge than mendo?

I gave them 15 gallons of ph'd water before the nute switch

I recently discovered Root Aphids on my plants the Blue Dream and Pandora's box (6inch pots) roots are covered in them. I will end up throwing these 2 small ones out and treating the larger ones with
Met52, and Imid. I've been giving them SNS 203 and it really hasn't done shit. Any other suggestions?


Active member
Where'd you get the Met 52? Was it the granular or the soluble? How much was it? Thanks. -granger

sub dermal

natural remedies have worked for some, and failed for many. the only root aphid targeted Bayer product is 42% imid, so i went with that.

well, with 40ml/g .78% actually, but yeah. most say 5ml/g but i didn't want to fuck around, and had already treated the clones with 5ml/g weeks ago. so that evidently didn't stick the way i wanted it to.

good luck. nuke those fuckers



natural remedies have worked for some, and failed for many. the only root aphid targeted Bayer product is 42% imid, so i went with that.

well, with 40ml/g .78% actually, but yeah. most say 5ml/g but i didn't want to fuck around, and had already treated the clones with 5ml/g weeks ago. so that evidently didn't stick the way i wanted it to.

good luck. nuke those fuckers


going to give it a try thanks.

Bayer Tree and Shrub right?


Hey guys, an update is long overdue so here's a big one!

The Girls have been keeping me very busy the last 10 days.
I found out I hate a Root Aphid problem real bad from the plants my buddy gave me.

I started to see phantom def. and yellowing so I put some yellow strips down caught me a root aphid flyer.
I un potted one of the plants to find the roots completely covered in them.
Now this scared me because from what I've read there damn near impossible to get rid of.
Well I guess I got lucky.
I soil drenched one time
40ml/g .78% IMID (Bayer Tree & Shrub)
Then applied 7 Grams/3 Gallon Pot of
MET52 Bio-Fungicide.
5 Days later I pull out the same girl and healthy white colonized roots are busting out everywhere!
Not an Aphid in site, and the girls are recovering exceptionally
Looks like I might of won this round.

Well here are the girls are 24 days 12/12
Ignore the brown stains / spots on the leaves.
I Foliar Fed with NF Ocean Mist



Strawberry Cough

Afghani Bullrider
Anyone able to confirm or Deny as this being the real Afghani Bullrider?

Pandora's Box

sub dermal

very nice plants ptone. the difference that gets me is the importance of proper veg size.

you did well. me.....

not so much


sub dermal

beautiful young ladies

beautiful young ladies

very nice plants ptone. the difference that gets me is the importance of proper veg size.

you did well. me.....

not so much



very nice plants ptone. the difference that gets me is the importance of proper veg size.

I was worried I had vegged them too long. Well It looks like I gave them the perfect amount of time
3 Weeks under 600w HPS.

Blue Dream Day 28

J1 Day 28

Stay frosty my friends


Here's an update. Girls have been doing very well. After my initial Imid application I received my Met-52 in the mail and haven't seen any aphids what so ever! and the girls dont' even looked phased. I guess there are miracles.

I a small PM outbreak but with dry winds lately and some Sulfur I gave it a 1-2 KO.

Aside from those 2 unfortunate happenings everything is look good.

Have a look for yourself :)

J1 Day 41

Blue Dream Day 38

sub dermal

very nice! that blue dream looks to have fattened and gotten real pretty for 38 days. the last cut i ran of BD was complete trash. yours looks very nice. some ripe hairs too, cool.

my wappa is at 38 days or so also, about the same handful of ripe hairs too. but they're so damn big, you can't even see any calyx.

the J1 looks great of course also :)

what kind of RH had you been running? i had a massive PM outbreak (well, it came with the green crack clones actually) last run. i'll definitely vape some sulfur if i ever see that shit return.

i treat with Eagle20 in veg now though. haven't seen a bit. i'm not too worried tho. definitely learned my ozprevention/lbsulfur lesson tho

be well


breathe deep
looking good is right ptone! Glad to hear you are doing well against the aphids. Plants look real nice for 5 weeks. Frosty, a sign of the changing seasons. Keep on keeping on


Hey guys its been a little while since my last update, but the girls have been doing very well!

Currently in the early days of week 8 (Day52) and they are really starting to put on some weight and look about finished.

J1 Day 52



I took a sample of J1 at Day 49

Blue Dream Day 52



Pandora's Box


Afghani Bullrider


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