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First attempt at auto (Sweet Coffee Ryder)


New member
So this is the first time I'm growing auto. Started her on my balcony in full sunlight about 6 weeks ago, and moved her under a transparent tarp when the first fan leaves started to show because I'm paranoid and all that.

She's started to flower now, and I'm worried that my yield is going to be ridiculously low judging by the current growth. Can anyone confirm this?


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give that thing some more light bro! not sure exactly what that tarp is like , but ive come to find auto's need as much light as possible and a lot of nutes because they grow and mature so fast.
its gonna be alittle baseball bat bro thats all and give it more light if possible and it should be further along than that for 6weeks..gl bro...jmo


yeah sorry man but i think it might be too late for that plant. if you dont give autoflowers optimum conditions from day 1 your yield will be shit.


New member
More light is out of the question. I've got people coming and going and using the balcony who shouldn't be seeing my special plants. I've upped the nutes a bit (full strength miracle gro right in the blumat reservoir) and moved the tarp to a spot with more sunlight.

Probably still gonna be a shitty harvest, but it should last me until the baby Strawberry Blue growing next to it is ready.


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New member
I'd like to use this thread to document some things about this strain as well, since there is little info on it anywhere.

The World of Seeds page has some really juicy bud shots, and has this to say about Sweet Coffee Ryder:
Its breading is Low Rudelaris x Colombian Santa Marta and can be expected to flower in 8-9 weeks and grown to a height of 40 - 120cm

so apparently this is a deliciously breaded strain :laughing:

Apart from that, I can say that the smell is distinctly sour, skunky (surprise surprise!) and a bit like citrus, which are probably the Santa Marta genetics showing through. Does anyone know what "Low Ruderalis" is referring to? A popular strain database which seems to be a bad word on these forums tells me it's Lowryder, but I don't quite buy it. I've got sort of a hunch that this is Santa Marta crossbred directly with Ruderalis...

Lighting has been pretty bad for me so far. The tarp lets light through alright, but skies have been overcast for most of the past few weeks. I probably also could have done better feeding, since the Blumat is set to keep the soil just moist enough to not shrink away from the pot walls. Keep that in mind when considering that I have a horrendously shitty yield.

Note to self: grow this strain indoor or hidden between tomatoes next time.


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New member
Back with a question: the plant has been going for a little over 10 weeks now, and has yet to show any amber trichs. Is this normal?

auto guerilla

it's only one plant. grow it on your roof or something. give it some light! your not going to jail or getting raided over one plant. let it grow man!!!