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Firebomb thrown into medical marijuana business


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Firebomb thrown into medical marijuana business on day of important vote by City Council

Associated Press

HELENA, Mont. (AP) — Someone threw a Molotov cocktail through the window of a Billings medical marijuana business early Monday and spray-painted "NOT IN OUR TOWN" on its storefront, the second such act in as many days, authorities said.

The attempted arsons come as the Billings City Council is scheduled to vote Monday night on whether to place a moratorium on medical marijuana businesses operating in the city.

A rock was used to break the glass of Montana Therapeutics at 4:30 a.m. Monday, and a beer bottle filled with gasoline was lit and thrown inside, Billings police Sgt. Kevin Iffland said. A passer-by reported the fire.

Fire crews quickly put out the small blaze, Deputy Fire Marshal Trevor Schilling said.

A day earlier, at about 5 a.m., somebody poured flammable liquid over a rock, lit it on fire and threw it through a window of a different medical marijuana business, Iffland said. The same message, "NOT IN OUR TOWN," was spray-painted on the front of that business, he said.

Nobody was injured in either instance.

Trevor McFarren, co-owner of Montana Therapeutics, said his business provides medical marijuana for about 50 people and has operated since January. Until now, the business has never had a problem, a complaint or even a bad phone call, he said.

McFarren said he believes Monday's council vote has something to do with the timing of the act.

"I'm sure they're trying to fuel the fire about (the vote)," he said. "It's more of an attack on the community than anything."

Police don't have any suspects, Iffland said. Surveillance video may have captured what happened, but the building's owners do not want to release the video to police until they speak to their attorney, Iffland said.

Detectives were investigating whether the acts were done by opponents of medical marijuana businesses ahead of the council's vote or by rivals of the businesses, Iffland said.

The medical marijuana trade has boomed in Montana since the Obama administration last year said it would not prosecute medical marijuana cases. More than 4,800 new patients were added to the state's registry in the first three months of this year, according to the state Department of Public Health and Human Services.

As of March 31, there were some 12,081 patients in the state and about 2,800 registered "caregivers" providing them with medical marijuana. That compares with about 800 registered patients in 2008.

That growth has exposed holes in the state medical marijuana law that was passed by ballot initiative in 2004, and the state Legislature is now hearing recommendations from law enforcement, cities, schools and the medical marijuana community on how to change the law when it goes back into session in January.

Meanwhile, Montana's cities and towns are testing different ways to deal with commercial growers. Some have banned them from their city limits while others are seeking ways to regulate them just like other businesses. Several cities have imposed temporary moratoriums on new businesses, such as the one Billings' leaders are considering, while they figure out a permanent solution.

Billings has issued more than 80 businesses licenses for medical marijuana stores, Iffland said.

McFarren estimated his business had about $2,500 in damage. The fire damaged his carpet, but the business was able to operate Monday.

He said he hoped some good might come out of the attack in the form of more public awareness.

"I'm thinking that a lot more people will look at it now that this has happened," he said. "People need to be better educated on this."

I hope this is an OK forum to paste this story. If not would one of the moderators please edit and put it where it belongs?


Trying to have a good day
"A beer bottle filled with gasoline." Dumbasses drunk on DRUGS throwing this shit into stores and painting "not in our town" on the front of them.Guess alcohal is the only DRUG that people are allowed to abuse in that town.

When are people going to quit going along with the brainwashing bullshit?


kinda of ironic that they use the "not in our town" phrase against something that was approved by the town. Some very confused/stupid individuals.

There has been alot of stink in the news lately about a dispensary opening near a school lately (out of the school zone! ), but it wasn't one of the targeted dispensarys.

There is a vote on a moratorium for medical mj dispensaries tonight. I'm sure this is no coincidence that this event happened the same day.


UPDATE 11:45 a.m. : A second medical marijuana store in Billings was also firebombed and vandalized with the graffiti “not in our town” on Sunday morning, according to its owners.

David Couch of Big Sky Patient Care at 111 S. 24th St. West said he received a call about the fire while he was on a trip to Fort Smith to celebrate Mother’s Day with his family.

Video surveillance of the incident shows two people outside the storefront in the Rimrock Mini Mall at about 5 a.m.

While one uses spray paint to scrawl the statement across the store’s window, the other throws the firebomb through the front door of the business.

Big Sky Cannabis has only been open at the location for a few weeks, but it has had its business license to open a medical marijuana storefront since January.

UPDATE 7 a.m.: A firebomb was thrown through the front door of a medical-marijuana business today, and "NOT IN OUR TOWN" was spray painted on the storefront.

Billings police and fire crews responded to a call at 4:30 a.m. The small fire was extinguished at Montana Therapeutics at 2109 Grand Ave. Three businesses - Montana Therapeutics, The Green Room and Montana Billiard Supply - share the storefront space in the building.

Ed Regele, a battalion chief with the Billings Fire Department, said the firebomb was like a "Molotov cocktail."

According to police, the glass front door of the business was broken and an accelerant was then thrown inside to start the fire. The damage is estimated at about $2,000. An investigation is continuing.

The bombing came on the day that the Billings City Council will vote on a moratorium on medical-marijuana businesses, which are being opened up around the city in increasing numbers. The city has issued more than 80 business licenses for the stores.

The Billings City Council will vote on a moratorium on medical-marijuana businesses at its meeting Monday night. The meeting begins at 6:30 p.m. in council chambers at City Hall, 220 N. 27th St.

Last year, the council came close to passing an interim ordinance that would have temporarily banned new medical-marijuana businesses, but the council instead chose to create an ad hoc committee to study the issue and make recommendations on how to handle the shops that were just beginning to pop up around town.

Now, the city has issued more than 80 business licenses for medical-marijuana businesses, and new marijuana shops seem to be opening almost daily. There are at least three shops already open on Grand Avenue, several within sight distance of Senior High. A proposed fourth shop, on Grand Avenue near Rehberg Lane, has drawn criticism from parents whose children attend nearby Will James Middle School.

Those parents and others have flooded recent council meetings and council members’ e-mail inboxes, and the ad hoc committee is recommending that the council pass an interim ordinance banning new medical-marijuana shops. The council may adopt language that bans even existing shops if they’re located within 1,000 feet of a school, but it’s unclear if the council will go in that direction. The city’s legal staff has expressed reservations about forcing businesses to close because of a temporary ordinance.

An interim ordinance has an initial life of six months, which is meant to give the city time to come up with permanent rules that it can adopt after that time.

But the interim ordinance can be extended another year, which would give the city time to see what steps the state Legislature might take next year to regulate medical marijuana. The ad hoc committee will continue its work in that time, but city officials are hoping for guidance from the Legislature.

In other business, the council will vote on an update to the city’s fire code. If approved, the city would update from the 2006 to the 2009 version of the International Fire Code.

The council will also consider annexing a 1.9-acre parcel of land at the corner of Zimmerman Trail and Avenue E.

The owners of the property plan to develop a pediatric clinic on the property.
-from billings gazette dot com


The cat that loves cannabis
I'd camp out, next MF'er that comes running up with a firebomb is going to catch a mags worth of rounds right through the door
Well if we're going like that I think I might be able to make a little of this and that go boom...

... how come there isn't a smiley for "cracking knuckles"??
I'm entirely serious, I think the police better light a fire under that ass and catch those people. We wouldn't want the situation to escalate.


a couple good old boys probably drinkin then taking an empty liquor bottle make a violent weapon of death and destruction in order to eliminate that vile weed. "marijuana assassin of youth" Thank god there are movies like that one that help tell the real truth about the devil weed


I actually live near this town of billings. In the span of 2009-present the cardholders went from like 2,000 to 12,000+. There were no doctor clinics to get cards at forever, then places started popping up allover. I know that one of the places that got firebombed charged like $20 grams and $350 oz. "Not in our town" was a phrase some wannabe neo-nazis sprayed onto some Jewish synagogues back in the 90's. There is a lot of meth heads and drunks around here so it dont surprise me. Also some idiot decided to open up a cannabis shop right next to a middle school few weeks ago 'there are like no regulations/zoning for cannabis businesses' and that is where all the controversy started. Now they put like a monatarium on new medical businesses meaning they dont give out new licenses for up to 18 months.

p.s. one of the businesses has the perps faces on camera
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just more bullshit that the community has to deal with, but hey, i see that as legality being right around the corner.

other stores fronts should just put up cameras, and call it a day.
I actually live near this town of billings. In the span of 2009-present the cardholders went from like 2,000 to 12,000+. There were no doctor clinics to get cards at forever, then places started popping up allover. I know that one of the places that got firebombed charged like $20 grams and $350 oz. "Not in our town" was a phrase some wannabe neo-nazis sprayed onto some Jewish synagogues back in the 90's. There is a lot of meth heads and drunks around here so it dont surprise me. Also some idiot decided to open up a cannabis shop right next to a middle school few weeks ago 'there are like no regulations/zoning for cannabis businesses' and that is where all the controversy started. Now they put like a monatarium on new medical businesses meaning they dont give out new licenses for up to 18 months.

p.s. one of the businesses has the perps faces on camera

Oh so then I guess the police can just go ahead and stick their thumbs up their asses. You're right, I never saw the family fun that comes out of making a molotov cocktail.


Montana is a really weird ass backwards state. We got the hippy town Missolua 'where they decriminalized weed for everyone'. To Bozeman where everyone is drunk 24/7. Then theres Billings the most conservative town in Montana. No one here does anything to solve problems till places get fire bombed. But i still wouldn't want to live in any other site. If the cops wanted to find out who did it they would have the tape but they don't. The shop doesn't want to give it to them lol.


Active member
Yup, them there's terror tactics, and the people who did it should be treated as such. I guess that means they should IMMEDIATELY, before any investigation is begun, lose their citizenship and basic human rights and be flung into Guantamo. They want to treat domestic terrorists like foreign agents in a time of war, then this is what needs to be done to these people. Then we'll see how many ppl want to "terrorize" the cannabis community.

Perhaps we also need to classify this as a "hate crime" since it's a crime against a minority of people in a clearly identifiable community. So we should make an example in this case, even if it was just a competitor. Violence is unacceptable in civilized society, and esp. towards those who are helping the community.

"Not in our town" was a phrase some wannabe neo-nazis sprayed onto some Jewish synagogues back in the 90's.
Yes, and there's a good chance those same neo-nazis are now local law enforcement officers. They love the black leather boots, no? If they're still into the fascist shit, then sure, they could've done it to protect their own illegal drug business.
Yup, them there's terror tactics, and the people who did it should be treated as such. I guess that means they should IMMEDIATELY, before any investigation is begun, lose their citizenship and basic human rights and be flung into Guantamo. They want to treat domestic terrorists like foreign agents in a time of war, then this is what needs to be done to these people. Then we'll see how many ppl want to "terrorize" the cannabis community.

Perhaps we also need to classify this as a "hate crime" since it's a crime against a minority of people in a clearly identifiable community. So we should make an example in this case, even if it was just a competitor. Violence is unacceptable in civilized society, and esp. towards those who are helping the community.

Yes, and there's a good chance those same neo-nazis are now local law enforcement officers. They love the black leather boots, no? If they're still into the fascist shit, then sure, they could've done it to protect their own illegal drug business.

Oh they wouldn't apply any laws stripping these people of their citizenship even though it does neatly fall within that category. If I've learned anything it's that if you're dealing with this you will be required to provide for your own security a great margin of the time.

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