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Fire Safety



Maybe this is a dumb question I don't know, bare with me :biggrin:

But would you say that LED pose less of a fire risk compared to HID lighting?

Thank you


Active member
The only light I've ever had where I was worried about my house burning down, was a T5 high output strip from Sunlight Supply. One of the connectors that holds the two prongs on the T5 tube in place, shorted itself out causing sparking and smoke. It also dropped the bulb on my plants, but this was a few years ago...

I ran HID's for several years, but was never concerned about fire. I know it is a concern for HID's, and there could be several reasons for it. 1) those 1kw bulbs operate at 450-650 degrees F, meaning they could ignite something if close enough or dropped on top of something. 2) They draw a lot of power, so perhaps if you overloaded a circuit it could also cause an electrical fire? 3) (fill in the blank lol) ___________________________

Anyhow I'm not the expert on this sort of thing, but I would assume LED's would have less risk for fire vs other lighting sources. They use low wattage light diodes, produce very little heat, and don't draw a lot of amperage. If anyone else has a better answer though, PLEASE chime in :)


Thank you for the reply, LEDGirl :huggg:

I am a city dweller, and living in apartments I just run humble cabinets for personal meds. But honestly running HID in these cabinets has always made me a little nervous. Probably for nothing! But better to be safe than sorry I guess. Anyway, I have been looking at your lights as maybe a bit safer option for these types of enclosed grows.

I would love to hear what others think!

Thank you so much for your time.


i would imagine that the leds are definately less of a fire hazard pending the quality of the brand used. i have never seed the hydro grow lights but they look solid. less heat, less wattage, and more power distribution as a whole instead of one bulb are all positives for being a safer choice, imo.